[BioC] Plotting data from a bedGraph file
Michael Hoffman
9qobl2n02 at sneakemail.com
Sat Jun 6 00:18:58 CEST 2009
I have a couple of bedGraph files (similar to wiggle tracks in BED
style) with scores associated with almost every region of the human
genome. I have been comparing these with the UCSC genome browser but I
would prefer to look at all chromosomes simultaneously.
I considered compare them visually with something like cPlot() in
geneplotter. But at first glance, by reading through some examples this
appears to be more appropriate for microarray data rather than
arbitrarily defined genomic regions. Eventually I just read in the data
like this:
gm12878 <- read.table(gzfile("gm12878.bedGraph.gz"), col.names =
c("chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "dataValue"), skip=1)
Then I can use xyplot(dataValue ~ chromStart | chrom, gm12878) for a
crude approximation of what I want. But I was wondering if there was
something out there a little more polished, whether in Bioconductor (I
was hoping) or elsewhere.
Michael Hoffman
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