August 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Aug 1 00:13:21 CEST 2011
Ending: Wed Aug 31 19:20:47 CEST 2011
Messages: 245
- [R-sig-Geo] Shapefile in spatstat package
- [R-sig-Geo] [SpatialFiltering] constant std error for eigenvectors in the linear model
- [R-sig-Geo] Antw: ASCII grid file - extracting data after import with readGDAL()
Alexander Arpaci
- [R-sig-Geo] Choropleth in R
Daniel Arribas-Bel
- [R-sig-Geo] cleaning up SpatialLines
Dylan Beaudette
- [R-sig-Geo] Convert LatLong to UTM
Colin Bergeron
- [R-sig-Geo] Coloring continents
Hans-Jörg Bibiko
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with aggregating UScensus2000 FL data
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with aggregating UScensus2000 FL data
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with aggregating UScensus2000 FL data
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Sampling via polygons question
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Highway Distance matrix
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Bug in writeGDAL / create2GDAL?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Bug in writeGDAL / create2GDAL?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Fwd: Problem with writing Raster into grass using gdal
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Constructing Polygons using bboxes from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] problem in writing shapefiles with writePointsShape() - SKUMT!
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Error when projecting polygons into Azimuthal Equidistant Projection
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Mapping exponentials from GWR
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Error when projecting polygons into Azimuthal Equidistant Projection
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] merging polygons by indices
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] merging polygons by indices
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Time vs. Longitude (Hovmueller Diagram)
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Error slot
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] for large data sets
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem calling readGDAL (R package rgdal) from Matlab
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] rgdal cannot load shared object
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] CAR proper
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Setting FID values when saving GML files with writeOGR
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Setting FID values when saving GML files with writeOGR
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] spgrass6 does not load any long
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] spdep installing failure
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] convert Raster object to bigmatrix object
Simon Chamaillé
- [R-sig-Geo] Re : convert Raster object to bigmatrix object
Simon Chamaillé
- [R-sig-Geo] Mapping exponentials from GWR
Michelle Convey
- [R-sig-Geo] gstat: Variogram with non-Euclidean Distances
Julia Dechamps
- [R-sig-Geo] gstat: Variogram with non-Euclidean Distances
Julia Dechamps
- [R-sig-Geo] extracting and manipulating a RasterStack
Lyndon Estes
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatialPolygons to SpatialLines?
Lyndon Estes
- [R-sig-Geo] Coloring continents
- [R-sig-Geo] gdistance, shortest path => "cannot derive coordinates from non-numeric matrix"
Jacob van Etten
- [R-sig-Geo] gdistance, shortest path => "cannot derive coordinates from non-numeric matrix"
Jacob van Etten
- [R-sig-Geo] how to initialize corStruct with a distance matrix
Jean-Baptiste Ferdy
- [R-sig-Geo] Walruses and adehabitatHR: class estUDm exclusion of non-habitat pixels and summary over all animals
Anthony Fischbach
- [R-sig-Geo] Sampling via polygons question
Jonathan Greenberg
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatialPolygons to SpatialLines?
Jonathan Greenberg
- [R-sig-Geo] Merging a list of SpatialPointsDataFrame objects
Jonathan Greenberg
- [R-sig-Geo] A one to many merge involving a spatial data frame object
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] krige error
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculating areas on Earth’s surface
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] convert Raster object to bigmatrix object
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Changing the NA value
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Time vs. Longitude (Hovmueller Diagram)
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Time vs. Longitude (Hovmueller Diagram)
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] issue importing GRIB1 data with readGDAL
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] A question about the "extract" function in package "raster"
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] gbuffer in meters
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Working on tiled raster
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] How to apply a local polynomial regression function to a RasterStack object by "calc" function?
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] more Geostat classes
Hodgess, Erin
- [R-sig-Geo] Setting FID values when saving GML files with writeOGR
Karl Ove Hufthammer
- [R-sig-Geo] Choropleth in R
Alice Hughes
- [R-sig-Geo] using 'for loop' for assigning saved function values of function envelope in spatstsat
Quets Jan
- [R-sig-Geo] using 'for loop' for assigning saved function values of function envelope in spatstsat
Quets Jan
- [R-sig-Geo] using 'for loop' for assigning saved function values of function envelope in spatstsat
Quets Jan
- [R-sig-Geo] can a (modified) pairdist() output be used as a basis for calculating a pcf
Quets Jan
- [R-sig-Geo] [R-sig-geo] can a (modified) pairdist() output be used as a basis for calculating a pcf
Quets Jan
- [R-sig-Geo] spacetime: remove NAs from STSDF object
Christian Kamenik
- [R-sig-Geo] spacetime: remove NAs from STSDF object
Christian Kamenik
- [R-sig-Geo] for large data sets
Juta Kawalerowicz
- [R-sig-Geo] gstat: Specify user defined variogram or specify covariance matrices
Jonathan Kennel
- [R-sig-Geo] problem with likfit and na.action
Sara Kleyer
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem to run a loop
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem to run a loop
- [R-sig-Geo] To extract coordinates and NDVI value for each pixel
- [R-sig-Geo] To extract coordinates and NDVI value for each pixel
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with writing Raster into grass using gdal
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Bug in writeGDAL / create2GDAL?
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Bug in writeGDAL / create2GDAL?
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Bug in writeGDAL / create2GDAL?
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Bug in writeGDAL / create2GDAL?
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Fwd: Problem with writing Raster into grass using gdal
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Bug in writeGDAL / create2GDAL?
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] ASCII grid file - extracting data after import with readGDAL()
Michał Kwieciński
- [R-sig-Geo] ASCII grid file - extracting data after import with readGDAL()
Michał Kwieciński
- [R-sig-Geo] Transparency of Raster* objects
Oscar Perpiñan Lamigueiro
- [R-sig-Geo] Time vs. Longitude (Hovmueller Diagram)
Oscar Perpiñan Lamigueiro
- [R-sig-Geo] Time vs. Longitude (Hovmueller Diagram)
Oscar Perpiñan Lamigueiro
- [R-sig-Geo] Choropleth in R
Oscar Perpiñan Lamigueiro
- [R-sig-Geo] ASCII grid file - extracting data after import with readGDAL()
Matthew Landis
- [R-sig-Geo] ASCII grid file - extracting data after import with readGDAL()
Matthew Landis
- [R-sig-Geo] rgdal cannot load shared object
Sebastian P. Luque
- [R-sig-Geo] rgdal cannot load shared object
Sebastian P. Luque
- [R-sig-Geo] importing and exporting multiple rasters and keeping original filename
Roman Luštrik
- [R-sig-Geo] using 'for loop' for assigning saved function values of function envelope in spatstsat
Roman Luštrik
- [R-sig-Geo] Neighborhood filtering
Roland Löwe
- [R-sig-Geo] Neighborhood filtering
Roland Löwe
- [R-sig-Geo] A question about the "extract" function in package "raster"
Richard Ma
- [R-sig-Geo] A question about the "extract" function in package "raster"
Richard Ma
- [R-sig-Geo] How to apply a local polynomial regression function to a RasterStack object by "calc" function?
Richard Ma
- [R-sig-Geo] How to apply a local polynomial regression function to a RasterStack object by "calc" function?
Richard Ma
- [R-sig-Geo] How to apply a local polynomial regression function to a RasterStack object by "calc" function?
Richard Ma
- [R-sig-Geo] A question about the "extract" function in package "raster"
Xuanlong Ma
- [R-sig-Geo] Grouping "linked" points
Ben Madin
- [R-sig-Geo] gstat: Variogram with non-Euclidean Distances
Ben Madin
- [R-sig-Geo] Choropleth in R
Ben Madin
- [R-sig-Geo] Accuracy 2012 - First Call for Papers - July 10-13, 2012, Florianópolis, SC - Brazil
Rodrigo Lilla Manzione
- [R-sig-Geo] importing and exporting multiple rasters and keeping original filename
- [R-sig-Geo] importing and exporting multiple rasters and keeping original filename
- [R-sig-Geo] histogram of SpatialGridDataFrame values
Nick Matzke
- [R-sig-Geo] histogram of SpatialGridDataFrame values
Nick Matzke
- [R-sig-Geo] extracting and manipulating a RasterStack
Sara Maxwell
- [R-sig-Geo] gstat: Variogram with non-Euclidean Distances
Luca Morandini
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatStat: creating window from quadrats
Kévin Morelle
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatStat: creating window from quadrats
Kévin Morelle
- [R-sig-Geo] PPP with latitude/longitude coordinates
Angelo Moreno
- [R-sig-Geo] convert (lat -lon) coordinates to cartesian coordinates
Angelo Moreno
- [R-sig-Geo] CAR proper
Timothy Mutsvari
- [R-sig-Geo] CAR model
Timothy Mutsvari
- [R-sig-Geo] cleaning up SpatialLines
- [R-sig-Geo] cleaning up SpatialLines
- [R-sig-Geo] Changing the NA value
Brian Oney
- [R-sig-Geo] Changing the NA value
Brian Oney
- [R-sig-Geo] Strategy to crop margins in map by spplot()?
Brian Oney
- [R-sig-Geo] Strategy to crop margins in map by spplot()?
Brian Oney
- [R-sig-Geo] issue importing GRIB1 data with readGDAL
Ariel Ortiz-Bobea
- [R-sig-Geo] issue importing GRIB1 data with readGDAL
Ariel Ortiz-Bobea
- [R-sig-Geo] rgdal cannot load shared object
Sebastian P.Luque
- [R-sig-Geo] model comparisons
Sarah Papworth
- [R-sig-Geo] problems with universal kriging
Matevz Pavlic
- [R-sig-Geo] problems with universal kriging
Matevž Pavlič
- [R-sig-Geo] problems with universal kriging
Matevž Pavlič
- [R-sig-Geo] krige error
Matevž Pavlič
- [R-sig-Geo] krige error
Matevž Pavlič
- [R-sig-Geo] krige error
Matevž Pavlič
- [R-sig-Geo] krige error
Matevž Pavlič
- [R-sig-Geo] spacetime: remove NAs from STSDF object
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] spacetime::stplot: problem overlaying a SpatialLines object over a STIDF points map
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] spacetime::stplot: problem overlaying a SpatialLines object over a STIDF points map
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] time slot in space-time sparse data frame (spacetime package)
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] stplot: choosing constant time interval between plots
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] stplot: choosing constant time interval between plots
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] spdep installing failure
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Grouping "linked" points
Thomas Pengo
- [R-sig-Geo] Constructing Polygons using bboxes from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Cam Plouffe
- [R-sig-Geo] Constructing Polygons using bboxes from SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Cam Plouffe
- [R-sig-Geo] Segmentation of SpatialLines at Intersection
Cam Plouffe
- [R-sig-Geo] Segmentation of SpatialLines at Intersection
Cam Plouffe
- [R-sig-Geo] A one to many merge involving a spatial data frame object
Dan Putler
- [R-sig-Geo] Error slot
Gaspar Reyes Póndigo
- [R-sig-Geo] Error slot
Gaspar Reyes Póndigo
- [R-sig-Geo] Videos of the GEOSTAT summer school freely available and downloadable
Gaspar Reyes Póndigo
- [R-sig-Geo] Working on tiled raster
Etienne B. Racine
- [R-sig-Geo] Working on tiled raster
Etienne B. Racine
- [R-sig-Geo] gdistance, shortest path => "cannot derive coordinates from non-numeric matrix"
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] gdistance, shortest path => "cannot derive coordinates from non-numeric matrix"
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] gdistance, shortest path => "cannot derive coordinates from non-numeric matrix"
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] gdistance, shortest path => "cannot derive coordinates from non-numeric matrix"
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Filling null values of a raster
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Segmentation of SpatialLines at Intersection
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Segmentation of SpatialLines at Intersection
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Videos of the GEOSTAT summer school freely available and downloadable
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Neighborhood filtering
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Questions about stplot (spacetime package)
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] spacetime::stplot: problem overlaying a SpatialLines object over a STIDF points map
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] spacetime::stplot: problem overlaying a SpatialLines object over a STIDF points map
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] spacetime::stplot: problem overlaying a SpatialLines object over a STIDF points map
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] stplot: choosing constant time interval between plots
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] stplot: choosing constant time interval between plots
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] To extract coordinates and NDVI value for each pixel
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] stplot: choosing constant time interval between plots
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] spatstat - how to choose an optimal bandwidth for smooth.ppp?
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] problem in writing shapefiles with writePointsShape()
Jeff Ranara
- [R-sig-Geo] problem in writing shapefiles with writePointsShape() - SKUMT!
Jeff Ranara
- [R-sig-Geo] problem in writing shapefiles with writePointsShape() - SKUMT!
Jeff Ranara
- [R-sig-Geo] spgrass6 does not load any long
Martin Renner
- [R-sig-Geo] spgrass6 does not load any long
Martin Renner
- [R-sig-Geo] Convert LatLong to UTM
Pierre Roudier
- [R-sig-Geo] Filling null values of a raster
Pierre Roudier
- [R-sig-Geo] geo meetup at UseR! 2011
Pierre Roudier
- [R-sig-Geo] geo meetup at UseR! 2011
Pierre Roudier
- [R-sig-Geo] geo meetup at UseR! 2011
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] geo meetup at UseR! 2011
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] Ideas appreciated for spatial structure analysis
Laura S
- [R-sig-Geo] Highway Distance matrix
Raphael Saldanha
- [R-sig-Geo] Highway Distance matrix
Raphael Saldanha
- [R-sig-Geo] Highway Distance matrix
Raphael Saldanha
- [R-sig-Geo] Choropleth in R
Reza Salimi-Khorshidi
- [R-sig-Geo] reading gpx using readOGR
Manuel Schneider
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading a WMS layer as a sp object
Manuel Schneider
- [R-sig-Geo] Videos of the GEOSTAT summer school freely available and downloadable
Ralf Schäfer
- [R-sig-Geo] Crabs data analysis help
Changying Shao
- [R-sig-Geo] Crabs data analysis help
Changying Shao
- [R-sig-Geo] anisotropy modeling [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Jon Olav Skoien
- [R-sig-Geo] krige error
Jon Olav Skoien
- [R-sig-Geo] importing and exporting multiple rasters and keeping original filename
Vandita Srivastava
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem calling readGDAL (R package rgdal) from Matlab
Vandita Srivastava
- [R-sig-Geo] ASCII grid file - extracting data after import with readGDAL()
Forrest Stevens
- [R-sig-Geo] Strategy to crop margins in map by spplot()?
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-sig-Geo] Strategy to crop margins in map by spplot()?
Matthieu Stigler
- [R-sig-Geo] convert (lat -lon) coordinates to cartesian coordinates
Michael Sumner
- [R-sig-Geo] histogram of SpatialGridDataFrame values
Michael Sumner
- [R-sig-Geo] Merging a list of SpatialPointsDataFrame objects
Michael Sumner
- [R-sig-Geo] Time vs. Longitude (Hovmueller Diagram)
Michael Sumner
- [R-sig-Geo] Time vs. Longitude (Hovmueller Diagram)
Michael Sumner
- [R-sig-Geo] gbuffer in meters
Pascal Title
- [R-sig-Geo] PPP with latitude/longitude coordinates
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-Geo] convert (lat -lon) coordinates to cartesian coordinates
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-Geo] layout.north.arrow not pointing to actual north
Matthew Vavrek
- [R-sig-Geo] problems with universal kriging
Tobias Vetter
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem to run a loop
Tobias Vetter
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem to run a loop
Tobias Vetter
- [R-sig-Geo] Kriging wiht anisotropy modeling using great circle distance in gstat [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Johan Van de Wauw
- [R-sig-Geo] Time vs. Longitude (Hovmueller Diagram)
Jianyun Wu
- [R-sig-Geo] Time vs. Longitude (Hovmueller Diagram)
Jianyun Wu
- [R-sig-Geo] Time vs. Longitude (Hovmueller Diagram)
Jianyun Wu
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with aggregating UScensus2000 FL data
Ista Zahn
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with aggregating UScensus2000 FL data
Ista Zahn
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with aggregating UScensus2000 FL data
Ista Zahn
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with aggregating UScensus2000 FL data
Ista Zahn
- [R-sig-Geo] Bug in writeGDAL / create2GDAL?
Julian Zeidler
- [R-sig-Geo] conversion of ascii grid (or SpatialPixelsDataFrame) to adehabitatHR::estUD-class
- [R-sig-Geo] Error when projecting polygons into Azimuthal Equidistant Projection
- [R-sig-Geo] Error when projecting polygons into Azimuthal Equidistant Projection
- [R-sig-Geo] more Geostat classes
giuseppe calamita
- [R-sig-Geo] Highway Distance matrix
Adrian.Baddeley at
- [R-sig-Geo] Shapefile in spatstat package
Adrian.Baddeley at
- [R-sig-Geo] using 'for loop' for assigning saved function values of function envelope in spatstsat
Adrian.Baddeley at
- [R-sig-Geo] [R-sig-geo] can a (modified) pairdist() output be used as a basis for calculating a pcf
Adrian.Baddeley at
- [R-sig-Geo] Fwd: Problem with writing Raster into grass using gdal
ahmadou dicko
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem to run a loop
ahmadou dicko
- [R-sig-Geo] Highway Distance matrix
jeremy.raw at
- [R-sig-Geo] anisotropy modeling [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Jin.Li at
- [R-sig-Geo] anisotropy modeling [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Jin.Li at
- [R-sig-Geo] Kriging wiht anisotropy modeling using great circle distance in gstat [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Jin.Li at
- [R-sig-Geo] Kriging wiht anisotropy modeling using great circle distance in gstat [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Jin.Li at
- [R-sig-Geo] Highway Distance matrix
lubinbin220 at
- [R-sig-Geo] Highway Distance matrix
binbin lu
- [R-sig-Geo] merging polygons by indices
- [R-sig-Geo] merging polygons by indices
- [R-sig-Geo] merging polygons by indices
- [R-sig-Geo] Grouping "linked" points
- [R-sig-Geo] spdep installing failure
pierluigi de rosa
- [R-sig-Geo] [Fwd: Re: estimation in gstat]
jpark at
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatStat: creating window from quadrats
marcelino.delacruz at
Last message date:
Wed Aug 31 19:20:47 CEST 2011
Archived on: Wed Aug 31 19:20:26 CEST 2011
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).