[R-sig-Geo] importing and exporting multiple rasters and keeping original filename

Martin martin_brandt at gmx.net
Wed Aug 24 11:07:47 CEST 2011


I have a little problem. I want to import a bunch of rasters to R, do some
modifications, and export them again. 

I import them, create a stack or brick, and write everything to a multiband
file which can be opened by GRASS with writeRaster. However, doing this, all
original filenames are lost (I tried all possible formats).

Is there a way to save a stack to a multiband file and keep the original
names, or do I have to work with loops and seperate raster files?

like that:

for (f in list.files(pattern='1999_*')){ 
assign(f, raster(f)) 

that works, but isn't very neat, and I struggle using loops with

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