[R-sig-Geo] krige error

Matevž Pavlič matevz.pavlic at gi-zrmk.si
Sat Aug 20 17:13:40 CEST 2011

What i found out so far is that it has to be something with data...i raplaced just the column in other krige code and i got the same error. I also got :

> Mag.K<-krige(MGCN_IGRF~1, DF[-zerodist(DF)[,1],], grd, vmf, nmax=nmx)
Error in gstat.formula(d$formula, d$data) : 
  no response variable present in formula

Krigging data is as follows :
>> quantile(DF$MGCN_IGRF, seq(0,1,by=0.1))
      0%      10%      20%      30%      40%      50%      60%      70%      80%      90%     100% 
-351.960 -113.550 -103.130  -97.210  -90.970  -84.215  -75.032  -60.790  -42.740  -21.326  500.400

Can the negaiteve values have this effect?

regards, m

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