May 2015 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri May 1 23:30:21 CEST 2015
Ending: Sat May 30 21:06:13 CEST 2015
Messages: 242
- [Rd] \alias{} --> rather \concept{} for conceptual "links" to help pages
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] \alias{} --> rather \concept{} for conceptual "links" to help pages
Hervé Pagès
- [Rd] A "bug" in plot.dendrogram - can't plot lty with character color
Tal Galili
- [Rd] Add first() and last() to utils?
Michael Lawrence
- [Rd] Alternative for wildcard gnu extension in Makevars
Jan van der Laan
- [Rd] Alternative for wildcard gnu extension in Makevars
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] Alternative for wildcard gnu extension in Makevars
Jan van der Laan
- [Rd] Alternative for wildcard gnu extension in Makevars
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] Alternative for wildcard gnu extension in Makevars
Kevin Ushey
- [Rd] Alternative for wildcard gnu extension in Makevars
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] Alternative for wildcard gnu extension in Makevars
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Alternative for wildcard gnu extension in Makevars
Jan van der Laan
- [Rd] Alternative for wildcard gnu extension in Makevars
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] Alternative for wildcard gnu extension in Makevars
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Alternative for wildcard gnu extension in Makevars
Jan van der Laan
- [Rd] building with tcltk on Ubuntu 14.04
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] building with tcltk on Ubuntu 14.04
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] building with tcltk on Ubuntu 14.04
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] building with tcltk on Ubuntu 14.04
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] building with tcltk on Ubuntu 14.04
Jari Oksanen
- [Rd] building with tcltk on Ubuntu 14.04
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] C-API: check whether R has been initialized ?
Laurent Gautier
- [Rd] C-API: check whether R has been initialized ?
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] C-API: check whether R has been initialized ?
Laurent Gautier
- [Rd] C-API: check whether R has been initialized ?
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] C-API: check whether R has been initialized ?
Laurent Gautier
- [Rd] C-API: check whether R has been initialized ?
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] C-API: check whether R has been initialized ?
Laurent Gautier
- [Rd] capabilities("X11"): Force refresh from within R? (... and minor documentation issue)
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Compatibility issue between lme4 and kml (operateur "[")
- [Rd] Compiling 64bit static library for Windows (Rtools33, MSYS2, cross-compile on linux)
Sue McDonald
- [Rd] Compiling 64bit static library for Windows (Rtools33, MSYS2, cross-compile on linux)
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Compiling 64bit static library for Windows (Rtools33, MSYS2, cross-compile on linux)
Jeroen Ooms
- [Rd] Compiling 64bit static library for Windows (Rtools33, MSYS2, cross-compile on linux)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] CRAN check for package on Sparc Solaris
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT)
- [Rd] CRAN check for package on Sparc Solaris
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] CRAN check for package on Sparc Solaris
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT)
- [Rd] CRAN check for package on Sparc Solaris
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] CRAN check for package on Sparc Solaris
Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT)
- [Rd] Creating a vignette which depends on a non-distributable file
January Weiner
- [Rd] Creating a vignette which depends on a non-distributable file
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Creating a vignette which depends on a non-distributable file
Martin Morgan
- [Rd] Creating a vignette which depends on a non-distributable file
January Weiner
- [Rd] Define replacement functions
soeren.vogel at
- [Rd] Define replacement functions
Hadley Wickham
- [Rd] Define replacement functions
soeren.vogel at
- [Rd] Define replacement functions
Hadley Wickham
- [Rd] Defining Constant variable in a package
Christophe Genolini
- [Rd] Defining Constant variable in a package
Michael Lawrence
- [Rd] Defining Constant variable in a package
Christophe Genolini
- [Rd] Error when comparing two variables within a dataframe and print relevant observations
- [Rd] Error when comparing two variables within a dataframe and print relevant observations
Keith Jewell
- [Rd] example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Charles Determan
- [Rd] example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Dan Tenenbaum
- [Rd] example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Charles Determan
- [Rd] example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Charles Determan
- [Rd] example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Hadley Wickham
- [Rd] example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Martin Morgan
- [Rd] example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
Martyn Plummer
- [Rd] Fix for bug in arima function
Patrick Perry
- [Rd] Fix for bug in arima function
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Fix for bug in arima function
peter dalgaard
- [Rd] Fix for bug in arima function
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Fix for bug in arima function
peter dalgaard
- [Rd] Fix for bug in arima function
Patrick Perry
- [Rd] Fix for bug in arima function
Patrick Perry
- [Rd] Fix for bug in arima function
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Fix for bug in arima function
peter dalgaard
- [Rd] foreach hangs when using doMPI on Windows with Microsoft MPI
Teller, David
- [Rd] How best to get around shadowing of executables by system()'s prepending of directories to Windows' PATH?
Josh O'Brien
- [Rd] How best to get around shadowing of executables by system()'s prepending of directories to Windows' PATH?
Yihui Xie
- [Rd] How best to get around shadowing of executables by system()'s prepending of directories to Windows' PATH?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] How best to get around shadowing of executables by system()'s prepending of directories to Windows' PATH?
Josh O'Brien
- [Rd] How best to get around shadowing of executables by system()'s prepending of directories to Windows' PATH?
Roebuck,Paul L
- [Rd] IdntoAscii issue with KERNEL32.dll on 64-bit R on Windows Server 2003 x64 SP2
Vinh Nguyen
- [Rd] IdntoAscii issue with KERNEL32.dll on 64-bit R on Windows Server 2003 x64 SP2
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] IdntoAscii issue with KERNEL32.dll on 64-bit R on Windows Server 2003 x64 SP2
Vinh Nguyen
- [Rd] IdntoAscii issue with KERNEL32.dll on 64-bit R on Windows Server 2003 x64 SP2
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] install.packages() / update.packages() sometimes outputs to stdout and sometimes to stderr [and menu() & readline()]
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Installation error with R-devel
Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D.
- [Rd] Installation error with R-devel
Kevin Ushey
- [Rd] Installation error with R-devel --solved
Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D.
- [Rd] Installation using iconv from glibc
Smith, Virgil
- [Rd] Installation using iconv from glibc
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Installation using iconv from glibc
Smith, Virgil
- [Rd] Integrate R in perl6
Florian Losch
- [Rd] Integrate R in perl6
- [Rd] Is the parallel package the right place for locking functionality?
Ivan Popivanov
- [Rd] LDFLAGS defined in R_MAKEVARS_USER file is ignored for R CMD SHLIB on Windows
Jim Hester
- [Rd] LDFLAGS defined in R_MAKEVARS_USER file is ignored for R CMD SHLIB on Windows
Jim Hester
- [Rd] Matlab Program to R
- [Rd] MAX_NUM_DLLS too low ?
Karl Forner
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Rainer M Krug
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Yihui Xie
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Gabriel Becker
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Hadley Wickham
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Gabriel Becker
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Dan Tenenbaum
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Gabriel Becker
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Imanuel Costigan
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Imanuel Costigan
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Yihui Xie
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Yihui Xie
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Baptiste Auguie
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Imanuel Costigan
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Imanuel Costigan
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Imanuel Costigan
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Baptiste Auguie
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Yihui Xie
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Kevin Ushey
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Jeroen Ooms
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] support on CRAN
Imanuel Costigan
- [Rd] support on CRAN
peter dalgaard
- [Rd] Package check error: cannot extract package
Sören Vogel
- [Rd] Package check error: cannot extract package
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] PATCH: library(..., quietly=TRUE) still outputs "Loading required package: ..." (forgot to pass down 'quietly')
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] PATCH: library(..., quietly=TRUE) still outputs "Loading required package: ..." (forgot to pass down 'quietly')
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Print output during long tests?
Toby Hocking
- [Rd] Print output during long tests?
Thierry Onkelinx
- [Rd] Print output during long tests?
peter dalgaard
- [Rd] Print output during long tests?
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] Probably a "bug" in the dendextend package
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Probably a "bug" in the dendextend package
Tal Galili
- [Rd] Probably a "bug" in the dendextend package
Tal Galili
- [Rd] Problem with adding slots to S4 object
Thierry Onkelinx
- [Rd] Problem with adding slots to S4 object
Thierry Onkelinx
- [Rd] Problem with adding slots to S4 object
Michael Lawrence
- [Rd] Problem with adding slots to S4 object
Thierry Onkelinx
- [Rd] R CMD check and missing imports from base packages
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] Reading exit code of pipe()
Jeroen Ooms
- [Rd] Reading exit code of pipe()
Kevin Ushey
- [Rd] Reading exit code of pipe()
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] Reading exit code of pipe()
William Dunlap
- [Rd] Reading exit code of pipe()
Tim Keitt
- [Rd] Reading exit code of pipe()
Jeroen Ooms
- [Rd] returnValue()
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] returnValue()
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] R Language Definition: Subsetting matrices with negative indices is *not* an error
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] R Language Definition: Subsetting matrices with negative indices is *not* an error
peter dalgaard
- [Rd] R Language Definition: Subsetting matrices with negative indices is *not* an error
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] R Language Definition: Subsetting matrices with negative indices is *not* an error
Bert Gunter
- [Rd] R Language Definition: Subsetting matrices with negative indices is *not* an error
peter dalgaard
- [Rd] R SVN server is down
Gábor Csárdi
- [Rd] S4 inheritance and old class
Julien Idé
- [Rd] S4 inheritance and old class
- [Rd] S4 inheritance and old class
Martin Morgan
- [Rd] S4 inheritance and old class
Gabriel Becker
- [Rd] S4 inheritance and old class
Michael Lawrence
- [Rd] S4 method dispatch sometimes leads to incorrect when object loaded from file?
Martin Morgan
- [Rd] S4 method dispatch sometimes leads to incorrect when object loaded from file?
Martin Morgan
- [Rd] S4 method dispatch sometimes leads to incorrect when object loaded from file?
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] S4 method dispatch sometimes leads to incorrect when object loaded from file?
Martin Morgan
- [Rd] Shouldn't vector indexing with negative out-of-range index give an error?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Shouldn't vector indexing with negative out-of-range index give an error?
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Shouldn't vector indexing with negative out-of-range index give an error?
John Chambers
- [Rd] Shouldn't vector indexing with negative out-of-range index give an error?
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Shouldn't vector indexing with negative out-of-range index give an error?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Shouldn't vector indexing with negative out-of-range index give an error?
Hervé Pagès
- [Rd] That 'make check-all' problem with the survival package
Hin-Tak Leung
- [Rd] That 'make check-all' problem with the survival package
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] That 'make check-all' problem with the survival package
Hin-Tak Leung
- [Rd] That 'make check-all' problem with the survival package
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] That 'make check-all' problem with the survival package
Marc Schwartz
- [Rd] That 'make check-all' problem with the survival package
Hin-Tak Leung
- [Rd] The function cummax() seems to have a bug.
Dongcan Jiang
- [Rd] The function cummax() seems to have a bug.
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] The R Foundation announces new mailing list 'R-package-devel'
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Unexpected failure when calling new() with unnamed arg and
Hervé Pagès
- [Rd] Unexpected failure when calling new() with unnamed arg and
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Unexpected failure when calling new() with unnamed arg and
Hervé Pagès
- [Rd] Unicode display problem with data frames under Windows
Richard Cotton
- [Rd] Unicode display problem with data frames under Windows
Ista Zahn
- [Rd] Unicode display problem with data frames under Windows
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Unicode display problem with data frames under Windows
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Unicode display problem with data frames under Windows
Peter Meissner
- [Rd] Unicode display problem with data frames under Windows
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Unicode display problem with data frames under Windows
Richard Cotton
- [Rd] Unicode display problem with data frames under Windows
Peter Meissner
- [Rd] Why is the diag function so slow (for extraction)?
- [Rd] Why is the diag function so slow (for extraction)?
peter dalgaard
- [Rd] Why is the diag function so slow (for extraction)?
luke-tierney at
- [Rd] Why is the diag function so slow (for extraction)?
Steve Bronder
- [Rd] Why is the diag function so slow (for extraction)?
Steve Bronder
- [Rd] Why is the diag function so slow (for extraction)?
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Why is the diag function so slow (for extraction)?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Why is the diag function so slow (for extraction)?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Why is the diag function so slow (for extraction)?
Radford Neal
- [Rd] Why is the diag function so slow (for extraction)?
peter dalgaard
- [Rd] Why is the diag function so slow (for extraction)?
luke-tierney at
- [Rd] Why my messages are filtered from the list?
Ivan Popivanov
- [Rd] Why my messages are filtered from the list?
David Winsemius
- [Rd] Why my messages are filtered from the list?
Ivan Popivanov
- [Rd] Why my messages are filtered from the list?
David Winsemius
- [Rd] Why my messages are filtered from the list?
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] Windows environmental variables
Simon Byrne
- [Rd] WISH: A more informative abor message than "aborting ..."
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Wrongly checked MD5 checksums in R 3.2.0's windows binary
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Wrongly checked MD5 checksums in R 3.2.0's windows binary
peter dalgaard
- [Rd] Wrongly checked MD5 checksums in R 3.2.0's windows binary
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Wrongly checked MD5 checksums in R 3.2.0's windows binary
Tal Galili
- [Rd] Wrongly checked MD5 checksums in R 3.2.0's windows binary
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Wrongly checked MD5 checksums in R 3.2.0's windows binary
Tal Galili
- [Rd] Wrongly checked MD5 checksums in R 3.2.0's windows binary
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Wrongly checked MD5 checksums in R 3.2.0's windows binary
peter dalgaard
- [Rd] Wrongly checked MD5 checksums in R 3.2.0's windows binary
Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Wrong MD5 checksums in R 3.2.0
Tal Galili
Last message date:
Sat May 30 21:06:13 CEST 2015
Archived on: Sat May 30 21:06:27 CEST 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).