[Rd] MetaCran website v1.0.0-alpha

Tim Triche, Jr. tim.triche at gmail.com
Tue May 26 21:04:49 CEST 2015

What you are doing is great, and that's a pretty clear warning (I would go
ahead and add "DO NOT FORK ME" to the verbiage since I am one of the
dumbasses who submitted a pull request in such a fashion, whereupon the
original author got to set up a Git repo, I re-PR'ed against that, and all
was well).  But the fact that Dan wrote a bot for the BioC git mirror
specifically to bounce PR's... well, it's unlikely that this is an isolated

A simple switch indicating that a repo is a mirror and should not accept
pull requests would be something that GitHub could implement once, and an
entire class of users would benefit from it.  It might even be a selling
point for business users, people who pay for private repos, etc.

I am going to get in touch with a former coworker who now works at GitHub
and ask him how much trouble this would really be on their end.  It's so
easy to underestimate the scope of features from outside, but if it really
is as easy as adding a hook to bounce PRs, I hope they will consider it as
a use case.

Statistics is the grammar of science.
Karl Pearson <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grammar_of_Science>

On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Gábor Csárdi <csardi.gabor at gmail.com>

> On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 2:10 PM, Gabriel Becker <gmbecker at ucdavis.edu>
> wrote:
> [...]
> >
> > Well, sort of. I mean if the package is being actively developed not on
> > github, forking your archive repo and developing a patch/etc against it
> > won't necessarily be particularly effective, as there is no way to have
> the
> > right starting point (state of trunk), right?
> >
> Well, then you can do 1) git rebase or 2) get the patch if the original
> repo is not in git.
> Yes, this is not ideal. I could remove that "Browse the source" completely,
> that is an option, and remove the link from the version number as well.
> There there will be no links to github.com/cran. Experienced users will
> just type in the URL. That's fine with me, too.
> Btw. how does this look for a warning: https://github.com/cran/crayon
> This is the most red I could find.
> G.
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