March 2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Mar 1 01:26:28 CET 2008
Ending: Mon Mar 31 21:45:11 CEST 2008
Messages: 371
- [BioC] 2x3 factorial matrix design
Jason Pear
- [BioC] [Fwd: [ensembl-dev] Ensembl downtime March 7-9]
Cei Abreu-Goodger
- [BioC] a bug in hypergraph?
Tony Chiang
- [BioC] a bug in hypergraph?
Li Long
- [BioC] a bug in hypergraph?
Tony Chiang
- [BioC] A query about FDR cut-off values
Mayte Garcia Conesa
- [BioC] A query about FDR cut-off values
Sean Davis
- [BioC] A question about within-array replicates with limma
Wei Xu
- [BioC] affy ids from gene symbols
- [BioC] affy ids from gene symbols
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] affy ids from gene symbols
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] affy ids from gene symbols
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Affymetrix control genes
Patrícia Luiza Nunes da Costa
- [BioC] Affymetrix control genes plus links
Patrícia Luiza Nunes da Costa
- [BioC] Affymetrix control genes plus links
Patrícia Luiza Nunes da Costa
- [BioC] Affymetrix Human Exon Array MPS and PS files contain different probeset groups
Susan Wilson
- [BioC] Affymetrix Human Exon Array MPS and PS files contain different probeset groups
Michal Okoniewski
- [BioC] Affymetrix Human Exon Array MPS and PS files contain different probeset groups
Williams, Alan
- [BioC] Agilent 4x44k annotation file
Daniel Brewer
- [BioC] Agilent 4x44k annotation file
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Agilent 4x44k annotation file
Francois Pepin
- [BioC] Agilent dual channel treated as single channel
Srinivas Iyyer
- [BioC] Agilent dual channel treated as single channel
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Agilent spike-in probes
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Agilent spike-in probes
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] Analysis Question
Lucia García
- [BioC] Annotation package for Agilent Human G4110A chip
Tim Smith
- [BioC] Annotation package for Agilent Human G4110A chip
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Annotation package for Agilent Human G4110A chip
Tim Smith
- [BioC] Announcement: Deadline for new package submissions is 3/24/08
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Application of multiple testing correction in the context of using Stouffer's method for combing p-values
Ochsner, Scott A
- [BioC] Application of multiple testing correction in the context of using Stouffer's method for combing p-values
Claus-Dieter Mayer
- [BioC] array CGH - raw data analysis
João Fadista
- [BioC] array CGH - raw data analysis
Sean Davis
- [BioC] averaging duplicate spots after vsn transformation
Maurice Melancon
- [BioC] averaging duplicate spots after vsn transformation
Maurice Melancon
- [BioC] averaging duplicate spots after vsn transformation
Ben Teags
- [BioC] averaging duplicate spots after vsn transformation
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Basic code
- [BioC] basic limma questions
Endre Sebestyen
- [BioC] basic limma questions
Endre Sebestyen
- [BioC] basic limma questions
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] basic limma questions
Endre Sebestyen
- [BioC] Basic questions
- [BioC] Basic questions
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] beadarray_1.7.6. problem/error with readBeadSummaryData()
Christian Kohler
- [BioC] beadarray_1.7.6. problem/error with readBeadSummaryData()
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] beadarray_1.7.6. problem/error with readBeadSummaryData()
Mark Dunning
- [BioC] beadarray_1.7.6. problem/error with readBeadSummaryData()
Christian Kohler
- [BioC] beadarray_1.7.6. problem/error with readBeadSummaryData()
Lynn Amon
- [BioC] Beginner's question on Limma
- [BioC] down tomorrow March 11 between noon and 4pm (Seattle time)
Herve Pages
- [BioC] is back
Herve Pages
- [BioC] BioMart error
- [BioC] BioMart error
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] BiomaRt error: ncol(result) == length(attributes) is not TRUE
Quin Wills
- [BioC] BiomaRt error: ncol(result) == length(attributes) is not TRUE
Quin Wills
- [BioC] BiomaRt error: ncol(result) == length(attributes) is not TRUE
Quin Wills
- [BioC] BiomaRt error: ncol(result) == length(attributes) is not TRUE
Quin Wills
- [BioC] BiomaRt error: ncol(result) == length(attributes) is not TRUE
- [BioC] BiomaRt error: ncol(result) == length(attributes) is not TRUE
Quin Wills
- [BioC] BiomaRt error: ncol(result) == length(attributes) is not TRUE
- [BioC] BiomaRt error: ncol(result) == length(attributes) is not TRUE
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] BiomaRt error: ncol(result) == length(attributes) is not TRUE
Quin Wills
- [BioC] BiomaRt error: ncol(result) == length(attributes) is not TRUE
Steffen Durinck
- [BioC] BiomaRt error: ncol(result) == length(attributes) is not TRUE
Quin Wills
- [BioC] biomaRt, mysql ensembl db not available
Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] biomaRt, mysql ensembl db not available, again
Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] biomaRt, mysql ensembl db not available, again
Sean Davis
- [BioC] biomaRt, mysql ensembl db not available, again
Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] biomaRt, mysql ensembl db not available, again
Steffen Durinck
- [BioC] biomaRt, mysql ensembl db not available, again
Steffen Durinck
- [BioC] biomaRt, mysql ensembl db not available, again
Johannes Rainer
- [BioC] Biostatistics Post-Doc
William Shannon
- [BioC] BioStrings - BStringViews Object
Mayra Eduardoff
- [BioC] BioStrings - BStringViews Object
Herve Pages
- [BioC] boxplot(dataRaw) and MAplot(dataRaw) after read.exon() using the exonmap library
De Bondt, An-7114 [PRDBE]
- [BioC] BSgenome package - add the bos taurus genome
João Fadista
- [BioC] BSgenome package - add the bos taurus genome
hpages at
- [BioC] BSgenome package - add the bos taurus genome
Matt Settles
- [BioC] BSgenome package - add the bos taurus genome
Herve Pages
- [BioC] BSgenome package - add the bos taurus genome
Herve Pages
- [BioC] BSgenome package - add the bos taurus genome
Herve Pages
- [BioC] BSgenome package - add the bos taurus genome
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] calculating median expression between to identical gene names in data frame
Srinivas Iyyer
- [BioC] calculating median expression between to identical gene names in data frame
Adaikalavan Ramasamy
- [BioC] Classification Society Annual Meeting
William Shannon
- [BioC] CodeLink Probe ID in new Annoation Package different from the NCBI GEO?
Sean Davis
- [BioC] CodeLink Probe ID in new Annoation Package different from the NCBI GEO?
Diego Diez
- [BioC] CodeLink Probe ID in new Annoation Package different from the NCBI GEO?
Lingsheng Dong
- [BioC] CodeLink Probe ID in new Annoation Package different from the NCBI GEO?
Lingsheng Dong
- [BioC] compute the raw t-values using limma, not those from lmFit etc
Ng Stanley
- [BioC] compute the raw t-values using limma, not those from lmFit etc
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Course: R/Splus Fundamentals and Programming Techniques.***April 2008*** in San Francisco and New York City
Sue Turner
- [BioC] custom CDF with GC-RMA
iromashk at
- [BioC] custom CDF with GC-RMA
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] detection calls without MM probes
Julien Roux
- [BioC] detection calls without MM probes
Samuel Wuest
- [BioC] do no numerical
- [BioC] Docs on Upgrading R in Panther
Balasubramanian Ganesan
- [BioC] Docs on Upgrading R in Panther
Herve Pages
- [BioC] Ensembl 49 in biomaRt?
Cei Abreu-Goodger
- [BioC] Ensembl 49 in biomaRt?
- [BioC] Error in .nextMethod(e1, e2) with updated R and bioC package on MAC OS
Anat Caspi
- [BioC] Error in .nextMethod(e1, e2) with updated R and bioC package on MAC OS
Anat Caspi
- [BioC] Error in .nextMethod(e1, e2) with updated R and bioC package on MAC OS
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable): unable to find an inherited method for function "indexProbes", for signature "exprSet", "character"
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable): unable to find an inherited method for function "indexProbes", for signature "exprSet", "character"
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable): unable to find an inherited method for function "indexProbes", for signature "exprSet", "character"
Suprabhath Reddy
- [BioC] Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable): unable to find an inherited method for function "indexProbes", for signature "exprSet", "character"
Suprabhath Reddy Gajjala
- [BioC] Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable): unable to find an inherited method for function "indexProbes", for signature "exprSet", "character"
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Error message: "...not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?"
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Error message: "...not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?"
Kathy Duncan
- [BioC] Error message: "...not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?"
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Error message: "...not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?"
Kathy Duncan
- [BioC] Error message: "...not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?"
Kathy Duncan
- [BioC] exprs2excel problem
Dr Balazs Gyorffy
- [BioC] exprs2excel problem
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Extracting expressions after a multtest procedure
- [BioC] Extracting expressions after a multtest procedure (part 2)
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Extracting expressions after a multtest procedure (part 2)
- [BioC] Extracting expressions after a multtest procedure (part 2)
- [BioC] Extracting expressions after a multtest procedure (part 2)
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Extracting expressions after a multtest procedure (part2)
J. Miguel Marin
- [BioC] extremely low adjusted p-values in regression using limma
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] fulton
halsey napoleon
- [BioC] GC-content of biostring
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] GC-content of biostring
Sean Davis
- [BioC] gene.strip exonmap
Paul Hammer
- [BioC] gene.strip exonmap
Crispin Miller
- [BioC] gene.strip exonmap
Paul Hammer
- [BioC] Genefilter parameters for mouse 430 2
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] Genefilter parameters for mouse 430 2
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Genefilter parameters for mouse 430 2 #2
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] Genefilter parameters for mouse 430 2 #2
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Genefilter parameters for mouse 430 2 #3
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] Genefilter parameters for mouse 430 2 #3
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] get probe level intensity from Affymetrix Exon
raffaele.calogero at
- [BioC] get probe level intensity from Affymetrix Exon
shirley zhang
- [BioC] get probe level intensity from Affymetrix Exon Array platform
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] get probe level intensity from Affymetrix Exon Array platform
shirley zhang
- [BioC] get probe level intensity from Affymetrix Exon Array platform
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] get probe level intensity from Affymetrix Exon Array platform
shirley zhang
- [BioC] getGEO - getting the .CEL files from GEO
Tim Smith
- [BioC] getGEO - getting the .CEL files from GEO
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] getGEO - getting the .CEL files from GEO
Sean Davis
- [BioC] GO-Analysis using TopGO for Yeast2 data
Tobias Koschubs
- [BioC] GO-Analysis using TopGO for Yeast2 data
Adrian Alexa
- [BioC] GO-Analysis using TopGO for Yeast2 data
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] GOstat question
nicolas servant
- [BioC] GOstat question
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] GOstat question
nicolas servant
- [BioC] GOstat question
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] GOstat question
nicolas servant
- [BioC] GOstat question
Sean Davis
- [BioC] GOstat question
Sean Davis
- [BioC] GOstats - hyperGTest
Paul Evans
- [BioC] GOstats - hyperGTest
Sean Davis
- [BioC] GOstats - hyperGTest
Paul Evans
- [BioC] GOstats - hyperGTest using "KEGGHyperGParams"
Paul Evans
- [BioC] GOstats - hyperGTest using "KEGGHyperGParams"
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] GOstats - KEGGHyperGParams errors
Paul Evans
- [BioC] GSEABase - mapIdentifiers
Hans-Ulrich Klein
- [BioC] GSEABase - mapIdentifiers
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Heatmap color Key
s.khalid at
- [BioC] Heatmap color Key
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] heatmap.2 coloring question
Srinivas Iyyer
- [BioC] heatmap.2 coloring question
Artur Veloso
- [BioC] heatmap.2 coloring question
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] heatmap.2 coloring question
Srinivas Iyyer
- [BioC] heatmap.2 coloring question
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Help for readIllumina beadlevel error
Johnstone, Alice
- [BioC] Help: regarding reading in agilent custom array using ExpressSet
Rangesh Kunnavakkam
- [BioC] homology package question
Weiwei Shi
- [BioC] homology package question
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] homology package question
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] how and where to obtain all the starting and ending loci of all the p and q on the 23 pairs of chromosomes ?
Sean Davis
- [BioC] how and where to obtain all the starting and ending loci of all the p and q on the 23 pairs of chromosomes ?
Ng Stanley
- [BioC] How to get affyId from GOstats output
alex lam (RI)
- [BioC] How to get affyId from GOstats output
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] How to get ENTREZID from Gene symbol in bioconductor
Srinivas Iyyer
- [BioC] How to get ENTREZID from Gene symbol in bioconductor
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] How to get ENTREZID from Gene symbol in bioconductor
Srinivas Iyyer
- [BioC] How to get ENTREZID from Gene symbol in bioconductor
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] How to make the probe package for gcrma?
Jun Yin
- [BioC] How to make the probe package for gcrma?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] How to make the probe package for gcrma?
Jun Yin
- [BioC] How to properly cite marray package.
Giulio Di Giovanni
- [BioC] How to remove probes from Illumina data?
Johnstone, Alice
- [BioC] How to remove probes from Illumina data?
Matt Ritchie
- [BioC] How to remove some probes from one probeset in the begining?
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] How to remove some probes from one probeset in the begining?
- [BioC] How to remove some probes from one probeset in the begining?
- [BioC] How to remove some probes from one probeset in the begining?
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] illumina: how to retrieve annotation information out of tif-files?
Christian Kohler
- [BioC] illumina: how to retrieve annotation information out of tif-files?
Matt Ritchie
- [BioC] Inconsistency in GOstats results after GO enrichment
Tony Chiang
- [BioC] Inconsistency in GOstats results after GO enrichment
Chanchal Kumar
- [BioC] Inconsistency in GOstats results after GO enrichment
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Inconsistency in GOstats results after GO enrichment
Chanchal Kumar
- [BioC] Installing bioconductor packages on leopard inside custom R
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Installing bioconductor packages on leopard inside custom R
Max Kuhn
- [BioC] Installing bioconductor packages on leopard inside custom R
Shripad Sinari
- [BioC] Installing bioconductor packages on leopard inside custom R
Shripad Sinari
- [BioC] Interpreting topTable results for limma factorial design
- [BioC] Interpreting topTable results for limma factorial design
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] InterPro Package
Anguraj Sadanandam
- [BioC] InterPro Package
Yong Yin
- [BioC] InterPro Package
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Is it possible to use RMA on Agilent Data
Ulrike Goebel
- [BioC] Is it possible to use RMA on Agilent Data
Francois Pepin
- [BioC] Is there an NCBI GEO GPL platform to bioclite package equivalence table available?
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Is there an NCBI GEO GPL platform to bioclite package equivalence table available?
Lynn Miller
- [BioC] justGCRMA() error message
Niels Høgslund
- [BioC] justGCRMA() error message
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] labeling a hclust tree with custom labels
- [BioC] labeling a hclust tree with custom labels
Sean Davis
- [BioC] labeling a hclust tree with custom labels
Mikhail, Amy
- [BioC] labeling a hclust tree with custom labels
Mikhail, Amy
- [BioC] Limma and EMPTY gene id for specific blocks of rows
Ng Stanley
- [BioC] Limma and EMPTY gene id for specific blocks of rows
Yannick Wurm
- [BioC] limma Factorial 2x2x2x4 : Did I a correct parametrization ?
Marcelo Laia
- [BioC] limma makeContrasts names
Yannick Wurm
- [BioC] limma with missing values
Hans-Ulrich Klein
- [BioC] limma with missing values
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma with missing values
Hans-Ulrich Klein
- [BioC] limma with missing values
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma with missing values
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma, variance within groups
Khan, Sohail
- [BioC] LIMMA: array spot summary options beyond duplicateCorrelation()?
Quin Wills
- [BioC] Listing of oncologists etc..
Kaitlin Logan
- [BioC] major alterations to GGdata/GGtools planned
Vincent Carey 525-2265
- [BioC] Marray package help
H Parikh
- [BioC] Marray package help
Jean Yee Hwa Yang
- [BioC] MD Listing
- [BioC] meaning of logFC in regression and how to run a multiple regression in limma
Artur Veloso
- [BioC] meaning of logFC in regression and how to run a multiple regression in limma
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] microarrays image analysis
Abhilash Venu
- [BioC] microarrays image analysis
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Missing columns in and poorer precision than topTable()
Ng Stanley
- [BioC] Missing columns in and poorer precision than topTable()
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] mouse gene arrays
Komal Jain
- [BioC] Multiple gal files
Christina Tigress
- [BioC] Multiple gal files
Christina Tigress
- [BioC] multtest MTP raw P values = 0
Houston Gilbert
- [BioC] multtest MTP raw P values = 0
Shtatland, Timur
- [BioC] multtest MTP: Error: cannot allocate vector
Shtatland, Timur
- [BioC] Newbie question on GOstats (hyperGTest) for dual channel (from SMD) arrays
Paul Evans
- [BioC] Newbie question on GOstats (hyperGTest) for dual channel (from SMD) arrays
Paul Evans
- [BioC] Newbie question on GOstats (hyperGTest) for dual channel (from SMD) arrays
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Newbie question on GOstats (hyperGTest) for dual channel (from SMD) arrays
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] nimblegen ChIP to chip array
Simon Knott
- [BioC] nimblegen ChIP to chip array
Sean Davis
- [BioC] normalization strategy
Catherine Juste
- [BioC] normalized probes
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] normalized probes
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?
Kathy Duncan
- [BioC] not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Open position for genomic data analysis at the CNIC-Madrid, Spain
Ana Dopazo
- [BioC] p-value
seems shedole
- [BioC] p-value
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Paired arrays and limma
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Paired arrays and limma
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Paired arrays and limma
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] Paired arrays and limma
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Paired arrays and limma
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] passing in parameters to annotation packages (e.g hgu95av2)
Sean Davis
- [BioC] passing in parameters to annotation packages (e.g hgu95av2)
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] passing in parameters to annotation packages (e.g hgu95av2)
Tim Smith
- [BioC] passing in parameters to annotation packages (e.g hgu95av2)
Tim Smith
- [BioC] passing in parameters to annotation packages (e.g hgu95av2)
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] permutation test
- [BioC] permutation test
john seers (IFR)
- [BioC] permutation test
- [BioC] permutation test
M Perez
- [BioC] permutation test
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] plot multiple genes over time
Mark Kimpel
- [BioC] plot multiple genes over time
Sean Davis
- [BioC] plot multiple genes over time
Thomas Girke
- [BioC] plot.gene() with smaller key color steps?
Paul Hammer
- [BioC] Possible bug with impute.knn
Peter White
- [BioC] Possible Data Bug in GO
Ben Woodcroft
- [BioC] Possible Data Bug in GO
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Postdoctoral Research @ Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Matthew Vaughn
- [BioC] Posterior probability for svm
Weiyin Zhou
- [BioC] probe and probeset removal script
Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] probe file for custom array
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] probe file for custom array
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] probe file for custom array
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] Problem installing affyio on Solaris 9 with R-2.6.2
Jun Zhang
- [BioC] Problem installing affyio on Solaris 9 with R-2.6.2
Ben Bolstad
- [BioC] problem upgrading limma on Windows Vista
Susan J. Miller
- [BioC] problem upgrading limma on Windows Vista
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] problem with analyzing human 244k agilent array with snapCGH
Sean Davis
- [BioC] problem with analyzing human 244k agilent array with snapCGH
Sean Davis
- [BioC] problem with analyzing human 244k agilent array with snapCGH
Sergii Ivakhno
- [BioC] problem with arrayQuality in OSX 10.5
"M. Gonzalo Claros Díaz"
- [BioC] problem with arrayQuality in OSX 10.5
Tony Chiang
- [BioC] problem with arrayQuality in OSX 10.5
Christian Kohler
- [BioC] problem with GOHyperGParams in package Category
Mark W Kimpel
- [BioC] problem with GOHyperGParams in package Category
Tony Chiang
- [BioC] problem with GOHyperGParams in package Category
Mark W Kimpel
- [BioC] problem with GOHyperGParams in package Category
Tony Chiang
- [BioC] problem with GOHyperGParams in package Category
Seth Falcon
- [BioC] problem with GOHyperGParams in package Category
Mark W Kimpel
- [BioC] problem with GOHyperGParams in package Category
Tony Chiang
- [BioC] problems with pdInfoBuilder
maerker at
- [BioC] problems with pdInfoBuilder
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] question about irregular replicates within array with limma
Wei Xu
- [BioC] Questions of package "deal"
Tu Kang
- [BioC] ReadAffy fails 64bit linux Error in .nextMethod(e1, e2) :
Langdon W B
- [BioC] ReadAffy fails 64bit linux Error in .nextMethod(e1, e2) :
Sean Davis
- [BioC] ReadAffy fails 64bit linux Error in .nextMethod(e1, e2) :
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Remove from package-list
Kathy Duncan
- [BioC] Remove from package-list
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Reply Me ASAP!!!
Patrick Chan
- [BioC] research
seems shedole
- [BioC] row.names in the latest vsn
Roumyana Yordanova
- [BioC] Running Pumacomb on both cores of dual-core machine
Paul Geeleher
- [BioC] Symposium on Computational and Systems Biology, 24.4.2008, Vienna, Austria
Gerhard Thallinger
- [BioC] Symposium on Computational and Systems Biology, 24.4.2008, Vienna, Austria
Gerhard Thallinger
- [BioC] To biomaRt users: Major downtime March 7th 4pm - March 8th 6pm
- [BioC] topGO and GOstats conflict
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] topGO and GOstats conflict
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] topGO and GOstats conflict
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] topGO and GOstats conflict
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] topGO enrichment using ensembl gene list
Julien Roux
- [BioC] topGO enrichment using ensembl gene list
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] two-line labels in GO graphs
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] two-line labels in GO graphs
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] two-line labels in GO graphs
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] two-line labels in GO graphs
Florian Hahne
- [BioC] two-line labels in GO graphs
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] two-line labels in GO graphs
Joern Toedling
- [BioC] two-line labels in GO graphs
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] two-line labels in GO graphs
Joern Toedling
- [BioC] two-line labels in GO graphs
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] UCD Bioinformatics & Computational Biomedicine PhD programme: applications
aedin culhane
- [BioC] Understanding GOstats
alex lam (RI)
- [BioC] Understanding GOstats
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Update vsn:
Roumyana Yordanova
- [BioC] Using BioC or R functions in C-programs
Gunther Höning
- [BioC] Using BioC or R functions in C-programs
mtmorgan at
- [BioC] Using BioC or R functions in C-programs
lgautier at
- [BioC] VanillaICE on SNP 6.0 affymetrix platform problem
Sergii Ivakhno
- [BioC] vsn with a reference set
Roumyana Yordanova
- [BioC] vsn with a reference set
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] vsn with a reference set
Roumyana Yordanova
- [BioC] vsn with a reference set
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] vsn2 and print-tips
Hans-Ulrich Klein
- [BioC] vsn2 and print-tips
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] vsn2 and print-tips
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] We produce a new type of green building material----bamboo floor.
- [BioC] We produce a new type of green building material----bamboo floor.
- [BioC] What should happen to control probe information in beadlevel Illumina analyses?
Simon Lin
- [BioC] What should happen to control probe information in bead level Illumina analyses?
Simon Lin
- [BioC] What should happen to control probe information in bead level Illumina analyses?
Johnstone, Alice
- [BioC] What should happen to control probe information in beadlevel Illumina analyses?
Johnstone, Alice
- [BioC] Why is my matrix transposed?
Balasubramanian Ganesan
- [BioC] Why is my matrix transposed?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Why is my matrix transposed?
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] within class standard deviation query
Manisha Brahmachary
- [BioC] within class standard deviation query
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] within class standard deviation query
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Working with the vsn object
Khan, Sohail
- [BioC] Working with the vsn object
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] XLSolutions 9 Courses: Upcoming March-April 2008 R/S+ Course Schedule by XLSolutions Corp
Sue Turner
- [BioC] Yeast annotations
Devarajan, Karthik
- [BioC] Yeast annotations
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Yeast annotations
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Yeast annotations
Marc Carlson
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 21:45:11 CEST 2008
Archived on: Mon Mar 31 21:45:39 CEST 2008
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