March 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Mar 1 00:45:26 CET 2010
Ending: Wed Mar 31 22:12:47 CEST 2010
Messages: 284
- [Rd] Mentor for GSOC '10: Symbolic Regression in R
Chidambaram Annamalai
- [Rd] Mentor for GSOC '10: Symbolic Regression in R
Chidambaram Annamalai
- [Rd] application to mentor syrfr package development for Google Summer of Code 2010
Chidambaram Annamalai
- [Rd] application to mentor syrfr package development for Google Summer of Code 2010
Chidambaram Annamalai
- [Rd] application to mentor syrfr package development for Google Summer of Code 2010
Chidambaram Annamalai
- [Rd] : Operator overloading for custom classes
Chidambaram Annamalai
- [Rd] : Operator overloading for custom classes
Chidambaram Annamalai
- [Rd] unable to compile Recommended packages
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] Defining a method in two packages
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] Problem with gsl package
Martin Becker
- [Rd] hist.default()$density
Martin Becker
- [Rd] dots for sample --> "implicitGeneric"
Claudia Beleites
- [Rd] Idea for install.packages on (certain) linux distributions
Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
- [Rd] Associative array?
- [Rd] Associative array?
- [Rd] R logo as SVG ?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] [PATCH] R ignores PATH_MAX and fails in long directories (PR#14228)
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Suggestion: Move \alias{.conflicts.OK} to base/man/library.Rd instead.
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Suggestion: Not having to export .conflicts.OK in name spaces
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] DESCRIPTION: Imports: assertion of version?
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Suggestion: Not having to export .conflicts.OK in name spaces
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Setting up TortoiseSVN and PuTTY on Windows for (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Possible improvements/clarifications for R-forge (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Possible improvements/clarifications for R-forge (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] Suggestion: Adding quick rowMin and rowMax functions to base package
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] .Call and .C arguments
Roger Bergande
- [Rd] .Call and .C arguments
Roger Bergande
- [Rd] [rJava] Trouble in using rJava
Guido García Bernardo
- [Rd] Problems compiling a simple source package on MacOS X
Alex Bokov
- [Rd] Problems compiling a simple source package on MacOS X
Alex Bokov
- [Rd] Displaying political boundaries in R
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] scale(x, center=FALSE) (PR#14219)
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] scale(x, center=FALSE) (PR#14219)
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] scale(x, center=FALSE) (PR#14219)
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] code allowing NA
Bond, Stephen
- [Rd] y ~ X -1 , X a matrix
Ross Boylan
- [Rd] y ~ X -1 , X a matrix
Ross Boylan
- [Rd] problems extracting parts of a summary object
Ross Boylan
- [Rd] problems extracting parts of a summary object
Ross Boylan
- [Rd] problems extracting parts of a summary object [solved]
Ross Boylan
- [Rd] ICONV error installing R-2.10.1 on HP-UX B.11.23 U ia64
Alex Bryant
- [Rd] R 2.10.0 or R 2.10.1 installation fails on HP-UX B.11.23 U ia64
Alex Bryant
- [Rd] unable to compile Recommended packages
Alex Bryant
- [Rd] unable to compile Recommended packages
Alex Bryant
- [Rd] linking hdf5, requires setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
James Bullard
- [Rd] print(big+small*1i) -> big + 0i
Patrick Burns
- [Rd] symbol name caching bug: attributes get tied to symbol names
John Chambers
- [Rd] [patch] add is.set parameter to sample()
Andrew Clausen
- [Rd] [patch] add is.set parameter to sample()
Andrew Clausen
- [Rd] [patch] add is.set parameter to sample()
Andrew Clausen
- [Rd] Rmpi on CentOS
Patrick Connolly
- [Rd] Rmpi on CentOS (64bit)
Patrick Connolly
- [Rd] Rmpi on CentOS (64bit)
Patrick Connolly
- [Rd] Rmpi on CentOS (64bit)
Patrick Connolly
- [Rd] Rmpi on CentOS (64bit)
Patrick Connolly
- [Rd] Rmpi on CentOS (64bit)
Patrick Connolly
- [Rd] Defining a method in two packages
Kevin Coombes
- [Rd] R logo as SVG ?
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] R logo as SVG ?
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] Bug reporting system inquiry plus a bug report related to sort
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] scale(x, center=FALSE) (PR#14219)
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] tcltk and R
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] y ~ X -1 , X a matrix
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] strptime(): on Linux system it seems to call system time?
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] Associative array?
Roger DeAngelis(xlr82sas)
- [Rd] Problem with S3 to S4 transition
Renard Didier
- [Rd] Some more help on S4 mechanism
Renard Didier
- [Rd] Suggestion to add crantastic to resources section on posting guide
Matthew Dowle
- [Rd] shash in unique.c
Matthew Dowle
- [Rd] shash in unique.c
Matthew Dowle
- [Rd] Suggestion to add crantastic to resources section onposting guide
Matthew Dowle
- [Rd] log2(quote(1:10)) evaluates the quoted 1:10, log() does not
William Dunlap
- [Rd] problem with parse(text=quote(name))
William Dunlap
- [Rd] symbol name caching bug: attributes get tied to symbol names
William Dunlap
- [Rd] symbol name caching bug: attributes get tied to symbol names
William Dunlap
- [Rd] mean(trim=, c(NA,...), na.rm=FALSE) does not return NA
William Dunlap
- [Rd] print(big+small*1i) -> big + 0i
William Dunlap
- [Rd] Should as.complex(NaN) -> NA?
William Dunlap
- [Rd] Idea for install.packages on (certain) linux distributions
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] Idea for install.packages on (certain) linux distributions
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] linking hdf5, requires setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] Rmpi on CentOS (64bit)
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] y ~ X -1 , X a matrix
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] R logo as SVG ?
Jens Elkner
- [Rd] R logo as SVG ?
Jens Elkner
- [Rd] Bug reporting system inquiry plus a bug report related to sort
Jens Elkner
- [Rd] R logo as SVG ?
Jens Elkner
- [Rd] Bug reporting system inquiry plus a bug report related to sort
Jens Elkner
- [Rd] unable to compile Recommended packages
Jens Elkner
- [Rd] some fixes for R 2.01.1 on OpenSolaris using Sun Studio compilers
Jens Elkner
- [Rd] shash in unique.c
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] [PATCH] R ignores PATH_MAX and fails in long directories (PR#14228)
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] Segfault Problem c++ R interface (detailed)
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] list_files() memory corruption?
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] list_files() memory corruption?
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] list_files() memory corruption?
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] DESCRIPTION: Imports: assertion of version?
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] Suggestion: Not having to export .conflicts.OK in name spaces
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] list_files() memory corruption?
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] list_files() memory corruption?
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] Suggestion: Not having to export .conflicts.OK in name spaces
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] update.packages(1)
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] Mentor for GSOC '10: Symbolic Regression in R
Romain Francois
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
Romain Francois
- [Rd] duplicate STRSXP : shallow copy ?
Romain Francois
- [Rd] duplicate STRSXP : shallow copy ?
Romain Francois
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
Romain Francois
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
Romain Francois
- [Rd] Trouble in using rJava
Romain Francois
- [Rd] Have another apparent version skew
Jan Theodore Galkowski
- [Rd] list_files() memory corruption?
Alistair Gee
- [Rd] list_files() memory corruption?
Alistair Gee
- [Rd] list_files() memory corruption?
Alistair Gee
- [Rd] list_files() memory corruption?
Alistair Gee
- [Rd] list_files() memory corruption?
Alistair Gee
- [Rd] Strange behavior of assign in a S4 method.
Christophe Genolini
- [Rd] Strange behavior of assign in a S4 method.
Christophe Genolini
- [Rd] S4: Documenting several fields at once
Christophe Genolini
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Christophe Genolini
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Christophe Genolini
- [Rd] Possible improvements/clarifications for R-forge (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
Christophe Genolini
- [Rd] Difference Linux / Windows
Christophe Genolini
- [Rd] CRAN nearly down?
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] Suggestion to add crantastic to resources section on posting guide
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] tcltk and R
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] r cmd check in r 2.11 accessing internet
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] r cmd check in r 2.11 accessing internet
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] Setting up TortoiseSVN and PuTTY on Windows for (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] Possible improvements/clarifications for R-forge (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] Shrinking a List
Saptarshi Guha
- [Rd] Size of object in C
Saptarshi Guha
- [Rd] Crash of latticeExtra graph with Adobe Acro Pro/Reader/Windows/ during print only (display ok).
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [Rd] y ~ X -1 , X a matrix
(Ted Harding)
- [Rd] Problem with gsl package
Hoptman, Matthew
- [Rd] Problem with gsl package
Hoptman, Matthew
- [Rd] Strange behavior of assign in a S4 method.
Wolfgang Huber
- [Rd] Segfault Problem c++ R interface (detailed)
Hyunseung Kang
- [Rd] Segfault Problem c++ R interface (detailed)
Hyunseung Kang
- [Rd] R logo as SVG ?
G. Jay Kerns
- [Rd] thin grid lines, again (FAQ 7.36), a proposal
Ken Knoblauch
- [Rd] MaxDiff Scaling
Ken Knoblauch
- [Rd] Suggestion: Adding quick rowMin and rowMax functions to base package
Sebastian Kranz
- [Rd] Idea for install.packages on (certain) linux distributions
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] Have another apparent version skew
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] Defining a method in two packages
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] Defining a method in two packages
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] r cmd check in r 2.11 accessing internet
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] Possible improvements/clarifications for R-forge (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] dots for sample --> "implicitGeneric"
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] R Bugs Repository - in transition - E-mail currently "stopped"
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Suggestion: Not having to export .conflicts.OK in name spaces
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] [patch] add is.set parameter to sample()
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] update.packages(1)
Arni Magnusson
- [Rd] Crash of latticeExtra graph with Adobe Acro Pro/Reader/Windows/ during print only (display ok).
Dieter Menne
- [Rd] Crash of latticeExtra graph with Adobe Acro Pro/Reader/Windows/ during print only (display ok).
Dieter Menne
- [Rd] Displaying political boundaries in R
Arlindo Meque
- [Rd] Problem with S3 to S4 transition
Martin Morgan
- [Rd] DESCRIPTION: Imports: assertion of version?
Martin Morgan
- [Rd] Some more help on S4 mechanism
Martin Morgan
- [Rd] shash in unique.c
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] code allowing NA
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Fortran DLLs and R
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] update.packages(1)
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] update.packages(1)
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Setting up TortoiseSVN and PuTTY on Windows for (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] .Call and .C arguments
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Idea for install.packages on (certain) linux distributions
Prof. John C Nash
- [Rd] R CMD check issue with soft-linked directory
Prof. John C Nash
- [Rd] R CMD check issue with soft-linked directory
Prof. John C Nash
- [Rd] some fixes for R 2.01.1 on OpenSolaris using Sun Studio compilers
Kostas Oikonomou
- [Rd] tcltk and R
Roger Peng
- [Rd] Associative array?
Roger Peng
- [Rd] strptime(): on Linux system it seems to call system time?
Alexander Peterhansl
- [Rd] Installing R-packages in Windows Using Rtools - compilation error when <signal.h> included in C header
Naim Rashid
- [Rd] Changing the Prompt for browser()
Andrew Redd
- [Rd] Update 2 on MinGW-w64 builds for 64-bit Windows
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] ICONV error installing R-2.10.1 on HP-UX B.11.23 U ia64
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Installation problem with 2.10 and Solaris 10 (PR#14227)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Rmpi on CentOS (64bit)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Rmpi on CentOS (64bit)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] (PR#14226) -- Re: libgfortran misplaced in Mac OS X R install
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Changing the Prompt for browser()
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Defining a method in two packages
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Shrinking a List
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] log2(quote(1:10)) evaluates the quoted 1:10, log() does not
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] log2(quote(1:10)) evaluates the quoted 1:10, log() does not
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Argument matching for primitives
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Strange behavior of assign in a S4 method.
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] 2.11.0 timing (was translation for R-2.11)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] mean(trim=, c(NA,...), na.rm=FALSE) does not return NA
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] problem with parse(text=quote(name))
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] some fixes for R 2.01.1 on OpenSolaris using Sun Studio compilers
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] code allowing NA
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] print(big+small*1i) -> big + 0i
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] R CMD install: problem quoting spaces when calling gzip?
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] R CMD install: problem quoting spaces when calling gzip?
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Small typo in abline.R
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] CRAN nearly down?
Barry Rowlingson
- [Rd] Improved Nelder-Mead algorithm - a potential replacement for optim's Nelder-Mead
Barry Rowlingson
- [Rd] references to (1) R source code in svn repo within .Rd file and (2) to C source code in comments in R code using .Internal() /.Primitive()
Peter Ruckdeschel
- [Rd] : Operator overloading for custom classes
Peter Ruckdeschel
- [Rd] Trouble in using rJava
Nabila Salmi
- [Rd] application to mentor syrfr package development for Google Summer of Code 2010
James Salsman
- [Rd] application to mentor syrfr package development for Google Summer of Code 2010
James Salsman
- [Rd] application to mentor syrfr package development for Google Summer of Code 2010
James Salsman
- [Rd] application to mentor syrfr package development for Google Summer of Code 2010
James Salsman
- [Rd] application to mentor syrfr package development for Google Summer of Code 2010
James Salsman
- [Rd] Associative array?
Petr Savicky
- [Rd] .Call and .C arguments
Petr Savicky
- [Rd] application to mentor syrfr package development for Google Summer of Code 2010
Michael Schmidt
- [Rd] application to mentor syrfr package development for Google Summer of Code 2010
Michael Schmidt
- [Rd] Rmpi on CentOS (64bit)
Marc Schwartz
- [Rd] Rmpi on CentOS (64bit)
Marc Schwartz
- [Rd] Bug reporting system inquiry plus a bug report related to sort
Marc Schwartz
- [Rd] Bug reporting system inquiry plus a bug report related to sort
Marc Schwartz
- [Rd] Bug reporting system inquiry plus a bug report related to sort
Marc Schwartz
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
David Scott
- [Rd] Bug reporting system inquiry plus a bug report related to sort
Tom Short
- [Rd] [R] Using R in a corporate envinronment
David M Smith
- [Rd] (PR#14226) -- Re: libgfortran misplaced in Mac OS X R install (PR#14226)
Michael Spiegel
- [Rd] (PR#14226) -- Re: libgfortran misplaced in Mac OS X R install
Michael Spiegel
- [Rd] [PATCH] R ignores PATH_MAX and fails in long directories (PR#14228)
Murray Stokely
- [Rd] R CMD check data reading
Dario Strbenac
- [Rd] Defining a method in two packages
Terry Therneau
- [Rd] Defining a method in two packages
Terry Therneau
- [Rd] Defining a method in two packages
Terry Therneau
- [Rd] Possible improvements/clarifications for R-forge (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
Stefan Theussl
- [Rd] switching to an previous R engine?
Thorpe, Jason D
- [Rd] libgfortran misplaced in Mac OS X R install (PR#14226)
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] What is pairlist in R-ints.pdf?
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] (PR#14226) -- Re: libgfortran misplaced in Mac OS X R install (PR#14226)
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] Bug reporting system inquiry plus a bug report related to sort
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] distributable binary Mac packages [Was: libgfortran misplaced in Mac OS X R install]
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] CRAN nearly down?
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] R CMD check issue with soft-linked directory
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] Associative array?
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] scale(x, center=FALSE) (PR#14219)
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] Associative array?
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] Problems compiling a simple source package on MacOS X
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] Size of object in C
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] libgfortran [Was: R CMD install: problem quoting spaces when calling gzip?]
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] Improved Nelder-Mead algorithm - a potential replacement for optim's Nelder-Mead
Ravi Varadhan
- [Rd] Improved Nelder-Mead algorithm - a potential replacement for optim's Nelder-Mead
Ravi Varadhan
- [Rd] Using SVN + SSH on windows
Tobias Verbeke
- [Rd] Small typo in abline.R
Stephen Weigand
- [Rd] Defining a method in two packages
Kevin Wright
- [Rd] Making descriptive analyisis in R
kyawkkhtet at
- [Rd] [PATCH] R ignores PATH_MAX and fails in long directories (PR#14228)
mstokely at
- [Rd] R CMD install: problem quoting spaces when calling gzip?
jochen laubrock
- [Rd] R CMD install: problem quoting spaces when calling gzip?
jochen laubrock
- [Rd] R CMD install: problem quoting spaces when calling gzip?
jochen laubrock
- [Rd] Call R function from Java
- [Rd] MaxDiff Scaling
- [Rd] What is pairlist in R-ints.pdf?
blue sky
- [Rd] linking hdf5, requires setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
bullard at stat.Berkeley.EDU
- [Rd] symbol name caching bug: attributes get tied to symbol names
luke at
- [Rd] Possible improvements/clarifications for R-forge (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
cgenolin at
- [Rd] Fortran DLLs and R
jferrari at
- [Rd] Installation problem with 2.10 and Solaris 10 (PR#14227)
jnoble at
- [Rd] libgfortran misplaced in Mac OS X R install (PR#14226)
tbrick at
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
alex46015 at
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
alex46015 at
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
alex46015 at
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
alex46015 at
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
alex46015 at
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
alex46015 at
- [Rd] for help on building a R package with several R function and a bunch of c, c++
alex46015 at
Last message date:
Wed Mar 31 22:12:47 CEST 2010
Archived on: Wed Mar 31 22:13:03 CEST 2010
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