[Rd] Displaying political boundaries in R

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Wed Mar 3 21:40:02 CET 2010

Arlindo Meque <mequitomz <at> yahoo.com.br> writes:

> Dearall,  
> I am new in the R environment. How can I enable political boundaries in R?
> I want plot a variable (e.g., temperature) only for Mozambique.

  Dear Arlindo,

 you need to
(1) ask this question at r-help at r-project.org instead of r-devel:
this mailing list is for technical/development questions, not for
general help.

(2) read the posting guide <www.r-project.org/posting-guide.html>
and be much more specific about stating your question.

(3) it will improve your chances of getting a helpful answer
if you indicate that you have 'done your homework' by searching
in various places on the web, or in books, for the answer to
your question, before posting to the list.

    Ben Bolker

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