Fourth quarter 2022 Archives by thread
Starting: Tue Oct 4 18:08:19 CEST 2022
Ending: Fri Dec 30 21:30:41 CET 2022
Messages: 113
- [R-sig-ME] New: lmerMultiMember adds support for multiple membership models to lme4
Jeroen van Paridon
- [R-sig-ME] I would need some advice about repeated anova 2 ways and how to code it within lmer function
ci at ire at dv04 m at iii at g oii gm at ii at com
- [R-sig-ME] Bradley Terry GLMM in R ?
Shira Mitchell
- [R-sig-ME] How to find ACF, PACF, Sample Variance-Covariance Matrix of Random-Effects?
Sun, John
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB's variance-covariance matrix is of the vector of observed intercept per subject minus the quantity of the fixed intercept plus the random-intercept term?
Sun, John
- [R-sig-ME] Autocorrelated and Heteroscedastic Random-Slopes
Sun, John
- [R-sig-ME] Why lme4 fails on schizo dataset, but glmmTMB succeeds?
Sun, John
- [R-sig-ME] Inquiry about lme4 in terms of weights
Soobin Choi
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed-level regression vs. Box-Jenkins time series analysis
Hein van Lieverloo
- [R-sig-ME] Questions about weights in lmer in lme4 package
Broekman, M.J.E. (Maarten)
- [R-sig-ME] Mixed model specification (control for location and repeated sampling of same location through time)
Brian Gill
- [R-sig-ME] random effect variance greater than output variable variance
- [R-sig-ME] lme4, question
Zohre Mozduri
- [R-sig-ME] Plotting MCMCglmm model predict line
Tara Cox [RPG]
- [R-sig-ME] nlme update query
Cole, Tim
- [R-sig-ME] Report results for GLMM
Rafael Lima Oliveira
- [R-sig-ME] difference combined (interaction) and separate models
ben pelzer
- [R-sig-ME] Detecting Group Size Differences in Clusters
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] Too high condition R-square value - beta family
c at miiie at mo at t at ici at i m at iii at g oii u at ibe at ch
- [R-sig-ME] differences between lmer and glmmTMB
Don Cohen
- [R-sig-ME] Fitting cenexponential family in MCMCglmm
Indrasen Chauhan
- [R-sig-ME] Modeling error covariance in linear mixed models with non-default correlation structures
Pomponio, Raymond
- [R-sig-ME] interpretation of random effects variance from glmer() with the Gamma family
Yan, Jun
- [R-sig-ME] GEE different working matrices for males and females
ben pelzer
- [R-sig-ME] cross validation of glmmLasso
Mollie Brooks
- [R-sig-ME] Suggestions on how to correct a misapprehension?
Douglas Bates
- [R-sig-ME] Multivariate mixed models with different outcome distributions
Timothy MacKenzie
- [R-sig-ME] Suggestions on how to correct a
Bailey, Paul
- [R-sig-ME] Multivariate mixed models with different outcome, distributions
Highland Statistics Ltd
- [R-sig-ME] Modelling football matches
Jorge Teixeira
- [R-sig-ME] Calculating proportion variance explained by random effects in zi-component
Ziaja, Dominik
- [R-sig-ME] subject-specific interpetation two random effects
ben pelzer
- [R-sig-ME] separate ar1 structures for multiple outcomes in a single model
Timothy MacKenzie
Last message date:
Fri Dec 30 21:30:41 CET 2022
Archived on: Fri Dec 30 21:41:03 CET 2022
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