[R-sig-ME] Suggestions on how to correct a misapprehension?
Lenth, Russell V
ru@@e||-|enth @end|ng |rom u|ow@@edu
Wed Dec 14 01:17:20 CET 2022
With all respect, you are the one who knows exactly how you want to change the Wikipedia article, and I think you should be the one to repair it. You can't expect someone else to do it the way you want.
Russell V. Lenth - Professor Emeritus
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
The University of Iowa - Iowa City, IA 52242 USA
Dept office (319)335-0712 - FAX (319)335-3017
russell-lenth using uiowa.edu - http://www.stat.uiowa.edu/~rlenth/
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