[R-sig-ME] Suggestions on how to correct a misapprehension?
Martin Maechler
m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Wed Dec 14 10:17:11 CET 2022
>>>>> Jeroen van Paridon via R-sig-mixed-models
>>>>> on Wed, 14 Dec 2022 02:11:46 +0000 writes:
> Hi Ben, It seems like Python's statsmodels might not be
> using EM either, which would mean that exactly none of the
> four stats packages listed in the original Wikipedia
> article actually use EM.
That's not correct, either:
nlme clearly uses *BOTH* EM (initial steps) *and*
Newton-Raphson (==> non-sense in the SAS docu you cited).
Note the reference on lme's help page,
Lindstrom, M.J. and Bates, D.M. (1988) "Newton-Raphson and EM
Algorithms for Linear Mixed-Effects Models for Repeated-Measures
Data", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 83, 1014--1022.
which even has both algorithms in the title.
> My edits were a mix of Phillip Alday's thoughts on the
> matter and mine; if I can work out exactly what
> statsmodels is doing I'll make further changes. (And I'm
> open to suggestions about anything else that might be good
> to add!
I've also amended Wikipedia pages (in my name) since 2006, as I
now looked up...
The current entry about lme4 / Mixed Models is still "grossly" misleading,
in my view. Notably as it basically relates everything to
Henderson's MM equations -- which were phantastic when stated
63 years ago.
The main idea of Doug Bates' approach (in lme4, MixedModels) --
which Doug explained nicely -- namely that you can profile out much of the
parameter space (beta, sigma) via PLS while only needing to optimize
(the PLS resulting profiled likelihood) over the var-cov
parameters (theta) is still not all mentioned.
> Cheers,
> JP ________________________________ From:
> R-sig-mixed-models
> <r-sig-mixed-models-bounces using r-project.org> on behalf of
> Ben Bolker <bbolker using gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, December 13,
> 2022 7:38:16 PM To: r-sig-mixed-models using r-project.org
> <r-sig-mixed-models using r-project.org> Subject: Re: [R-sig-ME]
> Suggestions on how to correct a misapprehension?
> FWIW I can see that JP van Paridon has already gotten
> us most of the way there.
> FWIW I don't think SAS uses EM either, at least as far as
> I can tell:
> https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/statcdc/14.2/statug/statug_mixed_details58.htm
> PROC MIXED uses a ridge-stabilized Newton-Raphson
> algorithm to optimize either a full (ML) or residual
> (REML) likelihood function. The Newton-Raphson algorithm
> is preferred to the EM algorithm (Lindstrom and Bates
> 1988). PROC MIXED profiles the likelihood with respect to
> the fixed effects and also with respect to the residual
> variance whenever it appears reasonable to do so. The
> residual profiling can be avoided by using the NOPROFILE
> option of the PROC MIXED statement. PROC MIXED uses the
> MIVQUE0 method (Rao 1972; Giesbrecht 1989) to compute
> initial values.
> On 2022-12-13 8:25 p.m., Stuart Luppescu wrote:
>> On 12/14/22 02:39, Douglas Bates wrote:
>>> I have never gone through the process of proposing an
>>> edit in a Wikipedia article. As I understand it I would
>>> need to create a login etc. Would anyone who does have
>>> such a login be willing to propose an edit and save me
>>> the steps?
>> I was in this situation recently. I found AN ERROR in
>> Wikipedia and resolved to fix it, but the Wikipedia
>> admins wouldn't let me. I had been logged into my VPN on
>> DigitalOcean, and they disable all attempts to edit
>> articles from DigitalOcean. I had to log out of the VPN,
>> and erase my Wikipedia cookies before I could correct the
>> entry. In any case, I think I have a Wikipedia login, but
>> I couldn't remember it so I just did the edit as
>> "guest". If you want to be able to talk about your edit
>> with other people post hoc, I think you might need a
>> login. Otherwise, just do it without a login.
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