[R-sig-ME] I would need some advice about repeated anova 2 ways and how to code it within lmer function
ci@ire@dv04 m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com
ci@ire@dv04 m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com
Thu Oct 6 11:32:09 CEST 2022
Dear all
I would appreciate some advice about how to analyze my data.
These data come from an experiment during which the hearing of 18 ears was
measured over time and according to different frequencies.
Each ear was measured at T1, T21, and T 28, and at each of its times, each
ear was measured at frequencies 4000Hz, 8000Hz, 16000Hz, 25000Hz, and
I especially want to know if there is a time effect. The frequency effect
does not particularly interest me.
I was thinking of using a 2-factor anova for repeated data (with 2 factors
within: time (=Point) and frequency), but I$B!G(Bm note sure.
I work with R and I thought to use the lmer function with this code:
mod.lmer $B"+(B lmer(hearing ~ Point * Hz Frequency +(1|id/Point) +(1|id/Hz
contrasts=list(Point=contr.sum, Frequency Hz=contr.sum),
id is the ear identification factor
I$B!G(Bm not sure about the coding of random effects (1|id/Point)
+(1|id/Frequency Hz), but they give me the same results as the aov.ez
function of the afex package :
mod.ez $B"+(B aov_ez(id=$B!H(Bid$B!I(B,
dv=$B!H(BThreshold dB$B!I(B,
within = c($B!H(BPoint$B!I(B, $B!H(BFrequency Hz$B!I(B))
What do you think ?
Does this analysis seem correct to you? If not, what can you suggest me?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
All the best
Claire Della Vedova
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