January 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Jan 1 17:49:02 CEST 2005
Ending: Mon Jan 31 21:30:08 CEST 2005
Messages: 293
- [BioC] What is limma saying about my data?
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Significant p-values disappear in limma
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Significant p-values disappear in limma
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Problems installing KEGGSOAP
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Problems installing KEGGSOAP
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] Typo in KEGGSOAP 0.6.5?
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] KEGGSOAP - Error in xmlName(node[[1]]) : no applicable
method for "xmlName"
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] problem with siggenes
michael watson (IAH-C)
- [BioC] search probe-ids for gene-symbols
Vincent Carey 525-2265
- [BioC] affy Yeast 2.0 annotation
Vincent Carey 525-2265
- [BioC] hgu133_plus_2?
Carl-Magnus Högerkorp
- [BioC] Searching for a cDNA spike-in data set that is public
Peter Sørensen (HAG)
- [BioC] vsn in limma or marray/arrayMagic
A.E.Schiel at lumc.nl
- [BioC] vsn in limma or marray/arrayMagic
A.E.Schiel at lumc.nl
- [BioC] limma
A.E.Schiel at lumc.nl
- [BioC] A question about Limma
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] Significant p-values disappear in limma
Naomi Altman
- Re: [BioC] F-tests for factorial effects - limma
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] F-tests for factorial effects - limma
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] A question about Limma
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] limma design matrix
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] limma - FDR adjusted "p-values"
Naomi Altman
- [BioC] Dose-Response: Regressiion and ANOVA
Arne.Muller at aventis.com
- [BioC] GCRMA question
Arne.Muller at sanofi-aventis.com
- [BioC] hu6800 Data package
William Barry
- [BioC] Fw: random location of duplicate spots and use of limma
Ingunn Berget
- [BioC] Re: random location of duplicate spots and use of limma
Ingunn Berget
- [BioC] Limma, decideTests
Ingunn Berget
- [BioC] Error in qc.affy(unnormalised, ...) : I'm sorry,
I do not know about chip type: moe430acdf
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] GOLOCUSID and GOALLLOCUSID disagree with AmiGO
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] GOLOCUSID and GOALLLOCUSID disagree with AmiGO
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] GOLOCUSID and GOALLLOCUSID disagree with AmiGO
Dick Beyer
- [BioC] the error caused by makeProbePackage
Yingtao Bi
- [BioC] the error caused by makeProbePackage
Yingtao Bi
- [BioC] affymetrix chip type
Ben Bolstad
- [BioC] justRMA error message
Ben Bolstad
- [BioC] Sequence data and filtering
Justin Borevitz
- [BioC] venn diagram
Anthony Bosco
- [BioC] Problem with GOHyperG
Bosotti, Roberta [Nervianoms]
- [BioC] Problem with GOHyperG
Bosotti, Roberta [Nervianoms]
- [BioC] doing some math on an array of PM probes
Stuart Brown
- [BioC] vsn in limma or marray/arrayMagic
Andreas Buness
- [BioC] limma and normexp
Helen Cattan
- [BioC] reading Agilent data files
Giovanni Coppola
- [BioC] limma and p-values
Giovanni Coppola
- [BioC] limma and p-values
Giovanni Coppola
- [BioC] specifying a path in read.table on a Mac
John Cornell
- [BioC] Problem with specifying path in read.table on Mac solved
John Cornell
- [BioC] Re: [R] Configuration of memory usage
Peter Dalgaard
- [BioC] Clustering and gene modules
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Clustering and gene modules
Sean Davis
- [BioC] reading Agilent data files
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Significant p-values disappear in limma
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Significant p-values disappear in limma
Sean Davis
- [BioC] limma question
Sean Davis
- [BioC] GOstats
Sean Davis
- [BioC] (no subject)
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Yeast and LocuslinkIDs
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Yeast and LocuslinkIDs
Sean Davis
- [BioC] hgu133_plus_2?
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Problem with GOHyperG
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Problem with GOHyperG
Sean Davis
- [BioC] indexing geneNames in exprs
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Splitting a limma MAlist by a factor
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Custom CDF Files - howto ?
Rhonda DeCook
- [BioC] Custom CDF Files - howto ?
Rhonda DeCook
- [BioC] Import of high resolution .CEL files
Hrishikesh Deshmukh
- Re: [BioC] F-tests for factorial effects - limma
Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
- Re: [BioC] F-tests for factorial effects - limma
Ramon Diaz-Uriarte
- [BioC] dist{amap} error?
Radu Dobrin
- [BioC] GCRMA question
Radu Dobrin
- [BioC] Scaling GCRMA intesities
Radu Dobrin
- [BioC] affymetrix RNA degradation
- [BioC] Could anyone tell me how to check the code for image()
function in Affy package?
Frank Duan
- [BioC] Could anyone tell me how to check the code for image()
function in Affy package?
Frank Duan
- [BioC] webbioc upload manager error
Jose Duarte
- [BioC] graphs
Steffen Durinck
- [BioC] Mac binaries
Byron Ellis
- [BioC] installing meta packages on Unix
Seth Falcon
- [BioC] (no subject)
Seth Falcon
- [BioC] Bioconductor Install Problems
Seth Falcon
- [BioC] Upcoming changes to the Bioconductor website
Seth Falcon
- [BioC] Update on Bioconductor website changes
Seth Falcon
- [BioC] CDF/CEL binary conversion/support status ???
Richard Finney
- [BioC] Custom CDF Files - howto ?
Richard Finney
- [BioC] Custom CDF Files - howto ?
Richard Finney
- [BioC] Annotate package
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] the error caused by makeProbePackage
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] ontoTools and Rgraphviz
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Can't install tcl/tk on Mac OS 10.3.7
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] annaffy's annotation update
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Installation memory demands (GO, humanLLMappings)
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Affy 1.5.8 functions not working on Mac OS X 10.3
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Affy 1.5.8 functions not working on Mac OS X 10.3
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Affy 1.5.8 functions not working on Mac OS X 10.3
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] Custom CDF Files - howto ?
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] problem of package yg98 and XML
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] GOLOCUSID and GOALLLOCUSID disagree with AmiGO
Robert Gentleman
- [BioC] R --vanilla and Annotation pkg
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] latest limma package
Jeff Gentry
- [BioC] GenomeViz
Ghai, Rohit
- [BioC] GenomeViz again : corrected link
Rohit Ghai
- [BioC] NCBI LocusLink -> Entrez Gene transition
Bubba Gump
- [BioC] limma question
Dianjing Guo
- [BioC] Re: Installing Bioconductor on R 1.9.1
Marion Hakanson
- [BioC] Installation memory demands (GO, humanLLMappings)
Marion Hakanson
- [BioC] mas5call select genes
Stephen Henderson
- [BioC] venn diagram
Laura Hollins
- [BioC] A question about Limma
Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] A question about Limma
Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] A question about Limma
Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] SAM vs. Limma
Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] A question about Limma
Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] Error message from running SAM for one-class case(siggenes)
Fangxin Hong
- BUGRe: [BioC] Error message from running SAM for one-class
Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] problem with siggenes
Fangxin Hong
- [BioC] affy to normalize others single chanels...
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Masamb-2005 conference announcement
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] the error caused by makeProbePackage
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] single-array error model
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Job offer at EMBL Heidelberg
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] hgu95av2
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] order of PM from ReadAffy and probe$sequence
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] mas5call select genes
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Re: Installing Bioconductor on R 1.9.1
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Re: Installing Bioconductor on R 1.9.1
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Re: Installing Bioconductor on R 1.9.1
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] MM > PM intensities
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] justRMA error message
Harry Hurd
- [BioC] mas5call select genes
Rafael Irizarry
- [BioC] affy to normalize others single chanels...
Rafael A. Irizarry
- [BioC] Soybean cdfenv
Ithal, Nagabhushana
- [BioC] Soybean CDFNV
Ithal, Nagabhushana
- [BioC] R --vanilla and Annotation pkg
Saurin Jani
- [BioC] R --vanilla and Annotation pkg
Saurin Jani
- [BioC] How can I extract Raw Intensities with Probe IDs on Affy
Saurin Jani
- [BioC] How to get Raw Affy Chip Intensity after RMA
Saurin Jani
- [BioC] get GEO files and generate expression set HOW?
Saurin D. Jani
- [BioC] LIMMA makeContrasts(Groups[1]-Groups[2],
levels = design) Error
Saurin D. Jani
- [BioC] GEO Files: queryGEO( ) question,
Saurin D. Jani
- [BioC] limma
- [BioC] TAG3 script
Joshi, Nina (NIH/NCI)
- [BioC] ygs98
Christina Kendziorski
- [BioC] Example from help on GOHyperG
Christina Kendziorski
- [BioC] Yeast and LocuslinkIDs
Christina Kendziorski
- [BioC] Yeast and LocuslinkIDs
Christina Kendziorski
- [BioC] Mac binaries
Simon Kidd
- [BioC] Installation memory demands (GO, humanLLMappings)
Jan T. Kim
- [BioC] affy to normalize others single chanels...
Marcelo Luiz de Laia
- [BioC] Statistical design help before proceed with biological
Marcelo Luiz de Laia
- [BioC] hu6800 annotation package amd mgu74cdf package
Josephine Liang
- [BioC] Dose-Response: Regressiion and ANOVA
Liaw, Andy
- [BioC] enquiry about errorest with model-knn
Liaw, Andy
- [BioC] leave-one-out cross validation for randomForest
Liu, Xin
- [BioC] enquiry about errorest with model-knn
Liu, Xin
- [BioC] Affymetrix CDF package
MShingyoji at lbl.gov
- [BioC] Soybean CDFNV
James MacDonald
- [BioC] Import of high resolution .CEL files
James MacDonald
- [BioC] Significant p-values disappear in limma
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] doing some math on an array of PM probes
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] affymetrix chip type
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] hu6800 annotation package amd mgu74cdf package
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] pamr / R graphics recording
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] (no subject)
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] affymetrix RNA degradation
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] CDF/CEL binary conversion/support status ???
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] hgu133_plus_2?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Could anyone tell me how to check the code for image()
function in Affy package?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Logged or unlogged data for multtest and limma?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Colours in degradation courve
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] SAM False and FDR
Auer Michael
- [BioC] SAM vs. Limma
Auer Michael
- [BioC] cgh
Auer Michael
- [BioC] limma design matrix
Auer Michael
- [BioC] reading arrays image analysed with spot
Auer Michael
- [BioC] webbioc upload manager error
Jacob Michaelson
- [BioC] affy Yeast 2.0 annotation
Jacob Michaelson
- [BioC] Error in qc.affy(unnormalised, ...) : I'm sorry,
I do not know about chip type: moe430acdf
Crispin Miller
- [BioC] Re: random location of duplicate spots and use of limma
Saroj Mohapatra
- [BioC] latest limma package
Nisha Mulakken
- [BioC] Testing two hypothesis by linear models
Ron Ophir
- [BioC] Tissue specific genes with limma
Ron Ophir
- [BioC] Error message when running arrayQuality 1.0.9
Paquet, Agnes
- [BioC] GOstats
Maria Persico
- [BioC] GOstats
Maria Persico
- [BioC] Using limma with contrast matrix ,replicate spots, donor
- [BioC] Using limma with contrast matrix ,replicate spots,
donor effects
- [BioC] Using limma with contrast matrix ,replicate spots,
donor effects
- [BioC] Using limma with contrast matrix ,replicate spots,
- [BioC] latest limma package
- [BioC] multtest Paired T-test error
Katherine Pollard
- [BioC] mas5call select genes
Katleen De Preter
- [BioC] pamr / R graphics recording
Katleen De Preter
- [BioC] venn diagram
Katleen De Preter
- [BioC] search probe-ids for gene-symbols
Katleen De Preter
- [BioC] graphs
Katleen De Preter
- [BioC] GenBank Acc - Affy ProbeID
Katleen De Preter
- [BioC] reading arrays image analysed with spot
Tom Price
- [BioC] Error message when running arrayQuality 1.0.9
Longsi Ran
- [BioC] GenomeViz again : corrected link
A.J. Rossini
- [BioC] affymetrix chip type
Edoardo Saccenti
- [BioC] problem with siggenes
Edoardo Saccenti
- [BioC] after filtering
Edoardo Saccenti
- [BioC] managing GEO soft files
Edoardo Saccenti
- [BioC] gcrma
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] gcrma
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] installing meta packages on Unix
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] order of PM from ReadAffy and probe$sequence
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] hgu95av2
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] MM > PM intensities
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] indexing geneNames in exprs
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] indexing geneNames in exprs
Lana Schaffer
- [BioC] enquiry about errorest with model-knn
Holger Schwender
- [BioC] problem with siggenes
Holger Schwender
- [BioC] limma design matrix
Shi, Tao
- [BioC] Problems building Bioconductor 1.5 on RHAW 3
Steve Simmons
- [BioC] Custom CDF files
Ken Simpson
- [BioC] random location of duplicate spots and use of limma
Jason Skelton
- [BioC] webbioc upload manager error
Colin Smith
- [BioC] Bioconductor Install Problems
Smith, Troy (NIH/NCI)
- [BioC] A question about Limma
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] F-tests for factorial effects - limma
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] limma design matrix
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Tissue specific genes with limma
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Two bioinformatics conferences in Sydney in July
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] LIMMA:linear model and contrast.fit
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Using limma with contrast matrix ,replicate spots,
donor effects
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Using limma with contrast matrix ,replicate spots,
donor effects
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] Splitting a limma MAlist by a factor
Gordon Smyth
- [BioC] A question about Limma
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] affy to normalize others single chanels...
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma and p-values
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] A question about Limma
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma and p-values
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Fw: random location of duplicate spots and use of limma
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma and normexp
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Limma, decideTests
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] vsn in limma or marray/arrayMagic
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Using limma with contrast matrix ,replicate spots,
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Clustering and gene modules
Min-Han Tan
- [BioC] Clustering and gene modules
Min-Han Tan
- [BioC] pamr / R graphics recording
Min-Han Tan
- [BioC] problem of package yg98 and XML
Lin Tang
- [BioC] multtest Paired T-test error
Ken Termiso
- [BioC] Logged or unlogged data for multtest and limma?
Ken Termiso
- [BioC] single-array error model
Thibaud-Nissen, Francoise
- [BioC] LIMMA:linear model and contrast.fit
Sebastian Thieme
- [BioC] LIMMA:linear model and contrast.fit
Sebastian Thieme
- [BioC] Re: [R] Configuration of memory usage
R.G.W. Verhaak
- [BioC] hexbin 1.1-4 problem
Liviu M Vladutu
- [BioC] Can't install tcl/tk on Mac OS 10.3.7
Sam Volchenboum
- [BioC] Affy 1.5.8 functions not working on Mac OS X 10.3
Chad Wayne
- [BioC] Affy 1.5.8 functions not working on Mac OS X 10.3
Chad Wayne
- [BioC] Affy 1.5.8 functions not working on Mac OS X 10.3
Chad Wayne
- [BioC] Mac binaries
James Wettenhall
- [BioC] Mac binaries
James Wettenhall
- [BioC] Using limma with contrast matrix ,replicate spots,
donor effects
Peter Wilkinson
- [BioC] mas5call select genes
Claire Wilson
- [BioC] SAM False and FDR
Wittner, Ben
- [BioC] gcrma
Zhijin Wu
- [BioC] gcrma
Zhijin Wu
- [BioC] gcrma / Bayes
Zhijin Wu
- [BioC] indexing geneNames in exprs
Zhijin Wu
- [BioC] Scaling GCRMA intesities
Zhijin Wu
- [BioC] gcrma 1.1.3 vs. gcrma 1.1.0
Zhijin Wu
- [BioC] gcRMA ....
Willy Wynant
- [BioC] gcrma / Bayes
Willy Wynant
- [BioC] gcrma / Bayes
Willy Wynant
- [BioC] Annotate package
Yihuan Xu
- [BioC] reading arrays image analysed with spot
Jean Yee Hwa Yang
- [BioC] (no subject)
Maria Ines Zanor
- [BioC] Annotate package
John Zhang
- [BioC] Problems installing KEGGSOAP
John Zhang
- [BioC] hu6800 Data package
John Zhang
- [BioC] GOLOCUSID and GOALLLOCUSID disagree with AmiGO
John Zhang
- [BioC] html help links not updated after getBioC()
Yi-Xiong Zhou
- [BioC] ontoTools and Rgraphviz
Yi-Xiong Zhou
- [BioC] mark.pathway.by.objects return NULL
Yi-Xiong Zhou
- [BioC] Help on read.SMD() and read.SMD2()
Dongxiao Zhu
- [BioC] Affy Normalization--stable probeset option
alexpearlman at pearlquant.com
- [BioC] annaffy's annotation update
claudio.is at libero.it
- [BioC] Can't install tcl/tk on Mac OS 10.3.7
stefano iacus
- [BioC] Mac binaries
stefano iacus
- [BioC] Affy 1.5.8 functions not working on Mac OS X 10.3
stefano iacus
- [BioC] Affy 1.5.8 functions not working on Mac OS X 10.3
stefano iacus
- [BioC] Colours in degradation courve
kfbargad at lg.ehu.es
- [BioC] Imputations?
- [BioC] hgu133_plus_2?
- [BioC] IC 95% of kappa (intra-class coefficient)
myint.tin-tin-htar at jvr.ap-hop-paris.fr
- [BioC] gcrma 1.1.3 vs. gcrma 1.1.0
peter_lambert at agilent.com
- [BioC] Example from help on GOHyperG
jeffrey rasmussen
- [BioC] (no subject)
Jiuzhou song
Last message date:
Mon Jan 31 21:30:08 CEST 2005
Archived on: Mon Jan 31 21:30:18 CEST 2005
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).