[BioC] webbioc upload manager error

Jacob Michaelson jjmichael at comcast.net
Fri Jan 21 02:18:51 CET 2005

It seems that webbioc hardly gets any current coverage/documentation, 
etc. I think the last post I read anywhere was from 2003.

I've set up a "test run" of webbioc under Mac OS X 10.3.7 on my 
desktop, which, if successful, might end up on our Apple Workgroup 
Cluster.  I've set everything up according to the PDF, and have 
installed all the required components.

I've got the pages up and running, but I've hit a roadblock pretty 
early on.  When I try to start a new session in the upload manager, I 
simply get a "Error: Couldn't create new session" message.

I've got debugging on, but have no idea where any of the debugging info 
should show up, so I can get an idea of what's going wrong.  I'm sure 
if I knew more about Perl I'd be able to diagnose the problem more 

Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks in advance!

--Jake Michaelson

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