June 2011 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jun 1 20:41:37 CEST 2011
Ending: Thu Jun 30 10:22:53 CEST 2011
Messages: 227
- [R-sig-Geo] Neighbor stats by polygon
Sadz A
- [R-sig-Geo] Morans I Correlogram help
Sadz A
- [R-sig-Geo] replace NA with closest value
Alfredo Alessandrini
- [R-sig-Geo] Measure the distance/home range along terrain surface
Zulima Tablado Almela
- [R-sig-Geo] insert NODATA_value -999.0 into asc file
Alexander Arpaci
- [R-sig-Geo] Antw: Re: insert NODATA_value -999.0 into asc file
Alexander Arpaci
- [R-sig-Geo] clustering spatial point data
Tal Avgar
- [R-sig-Geo] NetCDF file size
Narayani Barve
- [R-sig-Geo] NetCDF file size
Narayani Barve
- [R-sig-Geo] gUnion causes segfault
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] gUnion causes segfault
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] gUnion causes segfault
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] converting between SpatialPolygonsDataFrame polygons and gpc.poly objects
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Overlaying SpatialLines by SpatialPolygons
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatialFiltering function in the spdep package
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Overlaying SpatialLines by SpatialPolygons
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Overlaying SpatialLines by SpatialPolygons
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Morans I Correlogram help
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] gUnion causes segfault
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] converting bounding box to shapefile problem
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] R-sig-geo on an NNTP server ?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Import from Geodatabase
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Invitation to Partcipate: Species Distribution Modelling Survey (niches, climate envelopes, habitat suitability etc...)
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] gUnion: no outgoing dirEdge found
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] gUnion: no outgoing dirEdge found
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] How to merge SpatialPolygonsDataFrame?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Import of 3D vector from grass into R?
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculating lengths of shared edges for neighbouring polygons (in R, without resorting to GRASS)
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculate the surface of polygons within gridcells with gIntersection
Roger Bivand
- [R-sig-Geo] random locations within a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
Emmanuel Blondel
- [R-sig-Geo] change projection of large raster file
Breitbach, Nils
- [R-sig-Geo] read subset of postgis table
Patrick Brown
- [R-sig-Geo] spatial time series
Andy Bunn
- [R-sig-Geo] raster::plot() common color scale?
Andy Bunn
- [R-sig-Geo] Raster - zonal statistics -zones are not matching the mask?
- [R-sig-Geo] Walruses and adehabitatHR: class estUDm exclusion of non-habitat pixels and summary over all animals
Clément Calenge
- [R-sig-Geo] categorical AR or ARMA time series processes
Emanuele Cordano
- [R-sig-Geo] categorical AR or ARMA time series processes
Emanuele Cordano
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculating lengths of shared edges for neighbouring polygons (in R, without resorting to GRASS)
Graeme Cumming
- [R-sig-Geo] change projection of large raster file
Carsten Dormann
- [R-sig-Geo] proper syntax for passing MINUSERPIXELVALUE, MAXUSERPIXELVALUE to Terragen driver
Chris English
- [R-sig-Geo] raster package display
Lyndon Estes
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculating distance (km) between points by sea
Jacob van Etten
- [R-sig-Geo] Generating geo-statistical data
Malcolm Fairbrother
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculate the surface of polygons within gridcells with gIntersection
Eelke Folmer
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculating point density
Christopher S. Fowler
- [R-sig-Geo] RE: Supervised landscape classification according to NDVI time series
Christopher Fusting
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading vector data from GRASS GIS.-
Christopher Fusting
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading vector data from GRASS GIS.-
Christopher Fusting
- [R-sig-Geo] Text label buffering
Sarah Goslee
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculating distance (km) between points by sea
Sarah Goslee
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading vector data from GRASS GIS.-
Gottfried, Tom
- [R-sig-Geo] colocated cokriging with empty neighbourhood causes crash
Tom Gottfried
- [R-sig-Geo] colocated cokriging with empty neighbourhood causes crash
Tom Gottfried
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with extent of output raster from crop() function in raster package
Nicholas Greenfield
- [R-sig-Geo] Invitation to Partcipate: Species Distribution Modelling Survey (niches, climate envelopes, habitat suitability etc...)
Gregoire, Timothy
- [R-sig-Geo] raster::plot() common color scale?
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] raster::plot() common color scale?
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] Assign a point to its nearest polygon
Paul Hiemstra
- [R-sig-Geo] Methodology to compare crop maps
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] spatial time series
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] writeRaster give error "no slot of name "file" for this object..."
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] raster::plot() common color scale?
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] converting bounding box to shapefile problem
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Raster regression cooeficients plot?
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] How to calculate slope in rasterbrick
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Supervised landscape classification according to NDVI time series
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Raster regression cooeficients plot?
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Antw: change projection of large raster file
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] insert NODATA_value -999.0 into asc file
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] dismo library: species distribution modelling and obtaining thresholds values
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Problem with extent of output raster from crop() function in raster package
Robert Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] simulated rasters?
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Raster - zonal statistics -zones are not matching the mask?
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Methodology to compare crop maps
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] raster::plot() common color scale?
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] raster::plot() common color scale?
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] rastrer::raster no extent argument?
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] Methodology to compare crop maps
Robert J. Hijmans
- [R-sig-Geo] How to merge SpatialPolygonsDataFrame?
Matthias Hinz
- [R-sig-Geo] Feature space plotting
Ned Horning
- [R-sig-Geo] pixellate.owin when "owin" contains separate, overlapping polygons
Robin W Hunnewell
- [R-sig-Geo] insert NODATA_value -999.0 into asc file
Rainer Hurling
- [R-sig-Geo] smooth.spline in calc function
Meha Jain
- [R-sig-Geo] determining used default bandwidth in pcf function (spatstat)
Quets Jan
- [R-sig-Geo] a krige.conv() question :: covariance parameters
Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Jr
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculating distance (km) between points by sea
Ruth Kelly
- [R-sig-Geo] Import of 3D vector from grass into R?
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Import of 3D vector from grass into R?
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Model deposition of water dispersed seeds based on DEM and deposition rates per slope
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Identifying
Rainer M Krug
- [R-sig-Geo] Is there any function to create buffer zones
- [R-sig-Geo] spplot: character size of color key labels
Oscar Perpiñan Lamigueiro
- [R-sig-Geo] spplot: character size of color key labels
Oscar Perpiñan Lamigueiro
- [R-sig-Geo] spplot: character size of color key labels
Renaud Lancelot
- [R-sig-Geo] Example country data to plot
Matthew Landis
- [R-sig-Geo] Resampling rasters with count data
Matthew Landis
- [R-sig-Geo] Simulated rasters?
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] simulated rasters?
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] raster::plot() common color scale?
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] rastrer::raster no extent argument?
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] raster::plot() common color scale?
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] raster::plot() common color scale?
Agustin Lobo
- [R-sig-Geo] Overlaying SpatialLines by SpatialPolygons
Roman Luštrik
- [R-sig-Geo] a krige.conv() question :: covariance parameters
- [R-sig-Geo] a krige.conv() question :: covariance parameters
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading vector data from GRASS GIS.-
Freddy López
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading vector data from GRASS GIS.-
Freddy López
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading vector data from GRASS GIS.-
Freddy López
- [R-sig-Geo] Reading vector data from GRASS GIS.-
Freddy López
- [R-sig-Geo] categorical AR or ARMA time series processes
Freddy López
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculating 3d area and perimeter for a landscape patch?
Paul Magdon
- [R-sig-Geo] spatial time series
- [R-sig-Geo] spatial time series
- [R-sig-Geo] Supervised landscape classification according to NDVI time series
- [R-sig-Geo] How to merge SpatialPolygonsDataFrame?
Joan Maspons
- [R-sig-Geo] Antw: replace NA with closest value
Matteo Mattiuzzi
- [R-sig-Geo] Antw: smooth.spline in calc function
Matteo Mattiuzzi
- [R-sig-Geo] Antw: Supervised landscape classification according to NDVI time series
Matteo Mattiuzzi
- [R-sig-Geo] Antw: change projection of large raster file
Matteo Mattiuzzi
- [R-sig-Geo] Methodology to compare crop maps
Luca Morandini
- [R-sig-Geo] clustering spatial point data
Luca Morandini
- [R-sig-Geo] Generating geo-statistical data
Luca Morandini
- [R-sig-Geo] R-sig-geo on an NNTP server ?
Luca Morandini
- [R-sig-Geo] R-sig-geo on an NNTP server ?
Luca Morandini
- [R-sig-Geo] Generating geo-statistical data
Luca Morandini
- [R-sig-Geo] GLS models and variance explained
Arnaud Mosnier
- [R-sig-Geo] Example country data to plot
Muenchen, Robert A (Bob)
- [R-sig-Geo] Example country data to plot
Muenchen, Robert A (Bob)
- [R-sig-Geo] spatially autocorrelated wildlife counts
Ana Nuno
- [R-sig-Geo] spatially autocorrelated wildlife counts
Ana Nuno
- [R-sig-Geo] Resampling rasters with count data
O'Hanlon, Simon J
- [R-sig-Geo] Supervised landscape classification according to NDVI time series
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] spplot: character size of color key labels
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Assign a point to its nearest polygon
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Assign a point to its nearest polygon
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] Resampling rasters with count data
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] as.yearmon in attribute table of shapefiles
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] colocated cokriging with empty neighbourhood causes crash
Edzer Pebesma
- [R-sig-Geo] dismo library: species distribution modelling and obtaining thresholds values
Alastair Potts
- [R-sig-Geo] 2-D Scatter Plots from the Image
Gaspar Reyes Póndigo
- [R-sig-Geo] Neighbor stats by polygon
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Overlaying SpatialLines by SpatialPolygons
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Overlaying SpatialLines by SpatialPolygons
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Overlaying SpatialLines by SpatialPolygons
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Help with spplot
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Overlaying SpatialLines by SpatialPolygons
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Overlaying SpatialLines by SpatialPolygons
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Assign a point to its nearest polygon
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Assign a point to its nearest polygon
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Assign a point to its nearest polygon
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Assign a point to its nearest polygon
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] Using spatial autocoregressive models
Mathieu Rajerison
- [R-sig-Geo] as.yearmon in attribute table of shapefiles
- [R-sig-Geo] Comparing euclidean distances between point groups in space andtime
Tobias Erik Reiners
- [R-sig-Geo] raster package display
Colin Robertson
- [R-sig-Geo] raster package display
Colin Robertson
- [R-sig-Geo] Other kernels for density.psp (spatstat)?
Zev Ross
- [R-sig-Geo] Kernels in spatstat for lines
Zev Ross
- [R-sig-Geo] moving average along transects
Pierre Roudier
- [R-sig-Geo] Is there any function to create buffer zones
Pierre Roudier
- [R-sig-Geo] Help with spplot
Pierre Roudier
- [R-sig-Geo] Help with spplot
Pierre Roudier
- [R-sig-Geo] gUnion causes segfault
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] converting bounding box to shapefile problem
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] converting bounding box to shapefile problem
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] NetCDF file size
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] raster package display
Barry Rowlingson
- [R-sig-Geo] Overlaying SpatialLines by SpatialPolygons
Colin Rundel
- [R-sig-Geo] clustering spatial point data
Georg Ruß
- [R-sig-Geo] Variable Bandwidth Kernel Density
Patrick S
- [R-sig-Geo] Help with spplot
Aritra Sengupta
- [R-sig-Geo] Methodology to compare crop maps
Rich Shepard
- [R-sig-Geo] insert NODATA_value -999.0 into asc file
Johannes Signer
- [R-sig-Geo] Text label buffering
Johannes Signer
- [R-sig-Geo] Text label buffering
Greg Snow
- [R-sig-Geo] raster::plot() common color scale?
Adam Sparks
- [R-sig-Geo] Invitation to Partcipate: Species Distribution Modelling Survey (niches, climate envelopes, habitat suitability etc...)
Greg McInerny (Brook Street)
- [R-sig-Geo] Invitation to Partcipate: Species Distribution Modelling Survey (niches, climate envelopes, habitat suitability etc...)
Greg McInerny (Brook Street)
- [R-sig-Geo] LAST CHANCE TO HAVE YOUR SAY... Species Distribution Modelling Survey (niches, climate envelopes, habitat suitability etc...)
Greg McInerny (Brook Street)
- [R-sig-Geo] gUnion causes segfault
Brian J. Stults
- [R-sig-Geo] gUnion causes segfault
Brian J. Stults
- [R-sig-Geo] gUnion: no outgoing dirEdge found
Brian J. Stults
- [R-sig-Geo] gUnion: no outgoing dirEdge found
Brian J. Stults
- [R-sig-Geo] NetCDF file size
Michael Sumner
- [R-sig-Geo] SpatialFiltering function in the spdep package
Jonathan Thayn
- [R-sig-Geo] clustering spatial point data
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-Geo] Fwd: distmap() error with used defined image window and resolution
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculating point density
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-Geo] determining used default bandwidth in pcf function (spatstat)
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-Geo] categorical AR or ARMA time series processes
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-Geo] Text label buffering
Matthew Vavrek
- [R-sig-Geo] Methodology to compare crop maps
Thiago Veloso
- [R-sig-Geo] Methodology to compare crop maps
Thiago Veloso
- [R-sig-Geo] Methodology to compare crop maps
Thiago Veloso
- [R-sig-Geo] Methodology to compare crop maps
Thiago Veloso
- [R-sig-Geo] Supervised landscape classification according to NDVI time series
Alexandre Villers
- [R-sig-Geo] Using spatial autocoregressive models
Tim Whitfeld
- [R-sig-Geo] adehabitatLT: Selecting ltraj with nb.reloc > [minimum sample size]
- [R-sig-Geo] adehabitatLT: Selecting ltraj with nb.reloc > [minimum sample size]
- [R-sig-Geo] Import from Geodatabase
- [R-sig-Geo] Walruses and adehabitatHR: class estUDm exclusion of non-habitat pixels and summary over all animals
- [R-sig-Geo] Download MODIS images
- [R-sig-Geo] converting between SpatialPolygonsDataFrame polygons and gpc.poly objects
- [R-sig-Geo] pixellate.owin when "owin" contains separate, overlapping polygons
Adrian.Baddeley at csiro.au
- [R-sig-Geo] Calculating point density
Adrian.Baddeley at csiro.au
- [R-sig-Geo] moving average along transects
Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au
- [R-sig-Geo] moving average along transects
Raphael.Viscarra-Rossel at csiro.au
- [R-sig-Geo] Raster regression cooeficients plot?
- [R-sig-Geo] 70 conseils pour etre un bon musulman
- [R-sig-Geo] How to calculate slope in rasterbrick
idham khalil
- [R-sig-Geo] spplot: character size of color key labels
- [R-sig-Geo] spplot: character size of color key labels
- [R-sig-Geo] random locations within a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
- [R-sig-Geo] random locations within a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
- [R-sig-Geo] random locations within a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
- [R-sig-Geo] Fwd: distmap() error with used defined image window and resolution
- [R-sig-Geo] Fwd: distmap() error with used defined image window and resolution
- [R-sig-Geo] converting bounding box to shapefile problem
- [R-sig-Geo] converting bounding box to shapefile problem
- [R-sig-Geo] converting bounding box to shapefile problem
- [R-sig-Geo] Import from Geodatabase
raphaëlle métras
- [R-sig-Geo] writeRaster give error "no slot of name "file" for this object..."
- [R-sig-Geo] writeRaster give error "no slot of name "file" for this object..."
- [R-sig-Geo] Nugget-Sill-Ratio of a Linear Model of Coregionalizaton
Nikki roy
- [R-sig-Geo] Raster regression cooeficients plot?
eddie smith
- [R-sig-Geo] clustering spatial point data
marcelino.delacruz at upm.es
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 10:22:53 CEST 2011
Archived on: Thu Jun 30 10:21:17 CEST 2011
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).