[R-sig-Geo] insert NODATA_value -999.0 into asc file

Alexander Arpaci alexander.arpaci at boku.ac.at
Mon Jun 20 22:51:21 CEST 2011

Dear List,

I have a large number (several thousand) of asci files which were
delivered to me without a NODATA_value  -999.0 line in the header
I can´t use them with the raster package like that so far.  I got an
error message about the missing NODATAVAL when I try to read it into a
raster object.
Does somebody have a suggestion how to insert that line into my existing
asci files?
I can´t really figure out how do insert that row in line number 5
without replacing the old line 5...especially with a format like that
ncols         601
nrows         351
xllcorner     100000.0
yllcorner     250000.0
cellsize      1000.0
NODATA_value  -999.0

while the other rows have 601 entries
every help apreciated

MSc. Alexander Arpaci
Assistant researcher

Department of Forest - and Soil Sciences
Institute of Silviculture
Tel. +43-1-47654-4081
e-mail: alexander.arpaci at boku.ac.at

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