Third quarter 2014 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jul 1 16:22:39 CEST 2014
Ending: Tue Sep 30 21:11:55 CEST 2014
Messages: 310
- [R-SIG-Finance] Different results using "rugarch" and "fGarch" packages
Wildi Marc (wlmr)
- [R-SIG-Finance] Different results using "rugarch" and "fGarch" packages
Wildi Marc (wlmr)
- [R-SIG-Finance] time format convert
Chirag Anand
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fw: stochastic oscillator OBOS - intraday data & optimization
- [R-SIG-Finance] Ilya's Kipnis blog (quantstrat)
Bos, Roger
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rugarch: How to do Iterated n-ahead Multistep Out-of-Sample GARCH Forecasts?
Don Brady
- [R-SIG-Finance] GBSVolatility not working on vectors?
Joachim Breit
- [R-SIG-Finance] GBSVolatility not working on vectors?
Joachim Breit
- [R-SIG-Finance] GBSVolatility not working on vectors?
Joachim Breit
- [R-SIG-Finance] GBSVolatility not working on vectors?
Joachim Breit
- [R-SIG-Finance] understanding an error from ugarchfit
Ole Bueker
- [R-SIG-Finance] understanding an error from ugarchfit
Ole Bueker
- [R-SIG-Finance] understanding an error from ugarchfit
Ole Bueker
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch + VineCopula for value at risk
Ole Bueker
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch + VineCopula for value at risk
Ole Bueker
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch + VineCopula for value at risk
Ole Bueker
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch + VineCopula for value at risk
Ole Bueker
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch + VineCopula for value at risk
Ole Bueker
- [R-SIG-Finance] Is there a general solution (package) for a portfolio optimization ?
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] Is there a general solution (package) for a portfolio optimization ?
Patrick Burns
- [R-SIG-Finance] Performance Analytics Package Questions
Joe W. Byers
- [R-SIG-Finance] GBSVolatility not working on vectors?
Joe W. Byers
- [R-SIG-Finance] Receiving market data by iBroker and implementing strategy
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch convergence problem
- [R-SIG-Finance] Trouble Installing Quantmod
Peter Caya
- [R-SIG-Finance] appending new data to a file with the mmap package
Daniel Cegiełka
- [R-SIG-Finance] Ilya's Kipnis blog (quantstrat)
Daniel Cegiełka
- [R-SIG-Finance] Ilya's Kipnis blog (quantstrat)
Daniel Cegiełka
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod and yahoo historical data download error - did yahoo changed the url?
Daniel Cegiełka
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod and yahoo historical data download error - did yahoo changed the url?
Daniel Cegiełka
- [R-SIG-Finance] Errors with Quanstrat-IV Demo
George Chang
- [R-SIG-Finance] Errors with Quanstrat-IV Demo
George Chang
- [R-SIG-Finance] Implied volatility as external regressors in rugarch?
Milos Cipovic
- [R-SIG-Finance] RQuantLib on OS X Mavericks?
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-SIG-Finance] retire from listing
Imane Elouadghiri
- [R-SIG-Finance] Help With Library Install...
Jason Eyerly
- [R-SIG-Finance] Help With Library Install...
Jason Eyerly
- [R-SIG-Finance] Calculating Proportions & Appending New Column?
Jason Eyerly
- [R-SIG-Finance] Help With Library Install...
Thomas Fuller
- [R-SIG-Finance] Help With Library Install...
Thomas Fuller
- [R-SIG-Finance] Apparent Discrepancy
Alexios Ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rugarch update
Alexios Ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Unusually large t-values from ugarchfit
Alexios Ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with estimation results of ARMAX-GARCHX
Alexios Ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rugarch: How to do Iterated n-ahead Multistep Out-of-Sample GARCH Forecasts?
Alexios Ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Update of rugarch package yields different results / questions on stationarity conditions
Alexios Ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Update of rugarch package yields different results / questions on stationarity conditions
Alexios Ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Update of rugarch package yields different results / questions on stationarity conditions
Alexios Ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] reading high frequency data
Gabor Grothendieck
- [R-SIG-Finance] GJR-GARCH
Urs Gröpl
- [R-SIG-Finance] Optimization
Robert Harlow
- [R-SIG-Finance] Optimization
Robert Harlow
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rugarch: Analysing the performance of my forecast
Marc Hatton
- [R-SIG-Finance] chartSerieries (quantmod) : data range
Robert Iquiapaza
- [R-SIG-Finance] chartSerieries (quantmod) : data range
Robert Iquiapaza
- [R-SIG-Finance] simple GARCH model
- [R-SIG-Finance] Optimization
Peterson Owusu Junior
- [R-SIG-Finance] chartSerieries (quantmod) : data range
Hannu Kahra
- [R-SIG-Finance] plot.forecast showing numbers instead of dates on x-axis of a weekly time series
John Kaprich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quantitative Analyst Job
Paul Kauders
- [R-SIG-Finance] A problem of parameter set can not be effect
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] A problem of parameter set can not be effect
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Need help getting stop-loss and take-profit orders to work with indicators
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Need help getting stop-loss and take-profit orders to work with indicators
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Need help getting stop-loss and take-profit orders to work with indicators
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Need help getting stop-loss and take-profit orders to work with indicators
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Need help getting stop-loss and take-profit orders to work with indicators
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Need help getting stop-loss and take-profit orders to work with indicators
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: [R] dynamic runSum
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Easiest way to create a schedule of quarterly LIBOR dates in RQuantLib
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat chain rule type
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat chain rule type
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] questions about order price and timestamp in quantstrat
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] questions about adaptive indicator, intra-day trading and package 'parallel'
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Calculating Proportions & Appending New Column?
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] tradeStats - Avg.Daily.PL/Med.Daily.PL question
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] what is the best fixed income platform?
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Converting to weekly timestamps removes years from chart.TimeSeries (and its extensions)
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Converting to weekly timestamps removes years from chart.TimeSeries (and its extensions)
Ilya Kipnis
- [R-SIG-Finance] Need help getting stop-loss and take-profit orders to work with indicators
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] Need help getting stop-loss and take-profit orders to work with indicators
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] Need help getting stop-loss and take-profit orders to work with indicators
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] Need help getting stop-loss and take-profit orders to work with indicators
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] Errors with Quanstrat-IV Demo
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - problems adding multiple indicators
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - problems adding multiple indicators
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] An easy way to run the quantstrat faber.R demo within an R function?
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] Duplicated indexes in blotter
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] tradeStats - Avg.Daily.PL/Med.Daily.PL question
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] tradeStats - Avg.Daily.PL/Med.Daily.PL question
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] tradeStats - Avg.Daily.PL/Med.Daily.PL question
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to download options data in R from a csv list of underlying stock symbols?
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat help - simple combine error using windows and walk.forward
Mark Knecht
- [R-SIG-Finance] A question on Forward Price
S N V Krishna
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to get chart.CumReturns to return dataframe of cumulative returns
George Kumar
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rbbg:::bdh Override Field Question
John Laing
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with estimation results of ARMAX-GARCHX
Philipp Lammers
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with estimation results of ARMAX-GARCHX
Philipp Lammers
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with estimation results of ARMAX-GARCHX
Philipp Lammers
- [R-SIG-Finance] Quant Job
Ryan Lanham
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to download options data in R from a csv list of underlying stock symbols?
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to download options data in R from a csv list of underlying stock symbols?
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to download options data in R from a csv list of underlying stock symbols?
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to download options data in R from a csv list of underlying stock symbols?
- [R-SIG-Finance] demo("luxor.8.walk.forward") Error in if (!all(i <= 0)) stop("only zeros may be mixed with negative subscripts") : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Richard Long
- [R-SIG-Finance] demo("luxor.8.walk.forward") Error in if (!all(i <= 0)) stop("only zeros may be mixed with negative subscripts") : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Richard Long
- [R-SIG-Finance] A problem of parameter set can not be effect
Andy Lu
- [R-SIG-Finance] A problem of parameter set can not be effect
Andy Lu
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat faber.R transactions?
Martin Maechler
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to return milliseconds?
Uday Maitra
- [R-SIG-Finance] appending new data to a file with the mmap package
Claymore Marshall
- [R-SIG-Finance] RQuantLib on OS X Mavericks?
Zachary Mayer
- [R-SIG-Finance] "ugarchspec" question on GJR-GARCH model specification
Gareth McEwan
- [R-SIG-Finance] AIC and deeper insight into model comparison
Gareth McEwan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Unusually large t-values from ugarchfit
Gareth McEwan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Different results using "rugarch" and "fGarch" packages
Gareth McEwan
- [R-SIG-Finance] An easy way to run the quantstrat faber.R demo within an R function?
Andre Mikulec
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat faber.R transactions?
Andre Mikulec
- [R-SIG-Finance] An easy way to run the quantstrat faber.R demo within an R function?
Andre Mikulec
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat faber.R: where is the money at the start?
Andre Mikulec
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch - question w.r.t. (robust) SE and bias in estimates of a particular MA(1)-eGARCH(1, 1)-STD model
Johannes Moser
- [R-SIG-Finance] Getting historical stock prices from irregular tickers in Quantmod package
Berk Orbay
- [R-SIG-Finance] Getting historical stock prices from irregular tickers in Quantmod package
Berk Orbay
- [R-SIG-Finance] FPortfolio / MAxReturnPortfolio
Pierre Org
- [R-SIG-Finance] FPortfolio / MAxReturnPortfolio
Pierre Org
- [R-SIG-Finance] Self Organisin Map / kohonen package
Pierre Org
- [R-SIG-Finance] what is the best fixed income platform?
Kevin Owens
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod and yahoo historical data download error - did yahoo changed the url?
Samo Pahor
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantmod and yahoo historical data download error - did yahoo changed the url?
Samo Pahor
- [R-SIG-Finance] Optimization
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: [R] dynamic runSum
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Easiest way to create a schedule of quarterly LIBOR dates in RQuantLib
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] function 'addtxn' in blotter package can't add intraday trade into account?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to get chart.CumReturns to return dataframe of cumulative returns
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] An easy way to run the quantstrat faber.R demo within an R function?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat faber.R transactions?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - problems adding multiple indicators
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - Guy Yollin blotter 2014 presentation
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat faber.R: where is the money at the start?
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] questions about adaptive indicator, intra-day trading and package 'parallel'
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Guy Yollin's blotter.pdf Example
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] tradeStats - Avg.Daily.PL/Med.Daily.PL question
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Converting to weekly timestamps removes years from chart.TimeSeries (and its extensions)
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat help - simple combine error using windows and walk.forward
Brian G. Peterson
- [R-SIG-Finance] Help With Principal Component Analysis
Raghuraman Ramachandran
- [R-SIG-Finance] What happened to IBrokers Package ?
Jeff Ryan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Calibration of Heston Model in R
Enrico Schumann
- [R-SIG-Finance] reading high frequency data
Enrico Schumann
- [R-SIG-Finance] DEoptim and guarantees (was: parma - How to optimize a long/short portfolio with sum( abs( weights )) = 1)
Enrico Schumann
- [R-SIG-Finance] DEoptim and guarantees
Enrico Schumann
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to download options data in R from a csv list of underlying stock symbols?
G See
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to download options data in R from a csv list of underlying stock symbols?
G See
- [R-SIG-Finance] How to download options data in R from a csv list of underlying stock symbols?
G See
- [R-SIG-Finance] Calibration of Heston Model in R
- [R-SIG-Finance] GBSVolatility not working on vectors?
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch parameter analysis
Geoffrey Smith
- [R-SIG-Finance] Web Application for Option traders
Henry Spivey
- [R-SIG-Finance] Slight Discrepancy between ugarchfit and by hand calculation
Tevlin, Dylan
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rugarch update
Ludovic Theate
- [R-SIG-Finance] RFinanceYJ and getSymbols for Yahoo Japan
Wouter Thielen
- [R-SIG-Finance] Getting historical stock prices from irregular tickers in Quantmod package
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Behavior of sigThreshold()
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] demo("luxor.8.walk.forward") Error in if (!all(i <= 0)) stop("only zeros may be mixed with negative subscripts") : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Trouble Installing Quantmod
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Luxor strategy (quantstrat) - Why are successive short (and long) trades happening ?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Need help getting stop-loss and take-profit orders to work with indicators
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] RQuantLib on OS X Mavericks?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] RQuantLib on OS X Mavericks?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: quantstrat chain rule type
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] function 'addtxn' in blotter package can't add intraday trade into account?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] function 'addtxn' in blotter package can't add intraday trade into account?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat luxor.4, timespan optimization
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] retire from listing
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - Guy Yollin blotter 2014 presentation
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - Guy Yollin blotter 2014 presentation
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Error using quantstrat walk.forward on windows, pls help.
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] In highfrequency package `convert` function creates folder structure, but no .RData file with data
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] What happened to IBrokers Package ?
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Duplicated indexes in blotter
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Converting to weekly timestamps removes years from chart.TimeSeries (and its extensions)
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat help - simple combine error using windows and walk.forward
Joshua Ulrich
- [R-SIG-Finance] Apparent Discrepancy
- [R-SIG-Finance] RQuantLib on OS X Mavericks?
Keith Weintraub
- [R-SIG-Finance] Easiest way to create a schedule of quarterly LIBOR dates in RQuantLib
Keith S Weintraub
- [R-SIG-Finance] Easiest way to create a schedule of quarterly LIBOR dates in RQuantLib
Keith S Weintraub
- [R-SIG-Finance] RQuantLib on OS X Mavericks?
Keith S Weintraub
- [R-SIG-Finance] RQuantLib on OS X Mavericks?
Keith S Weintraub
- [R-SIG-Finance] RQuantLib on OS X Mavericks?
Keith S Weintraub
- [R-SIG-Finance] Easiest way to create a schedule of quarterly LIBOR dates in RQuantLib
Keith S Weintraub
- [R-SIG-Finance] Is there a general solution (package) for a portfolio optimization ?
Michael Weylandt
- [R-SIG-Finance] EWMA and MA to calculate Value at Risk
Nick White
- [R-SIG-Finance] In highfrequency package `convert` function creates folder structure, but no .RData file with data
Nick White
- [R-SIG-Finance] Adding Stop Loss to pair_trade example
Derek Wong
- [R-SIG-Finance] Error using quantstrat walk.forward on windows, pls help.
Derek Wong
- [R-SIG-Finance] Error using quantstrat walk.forward on windows, pls help.
Derek Wong
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat help - simple combine error using windows and walk.forward
Derek Wong
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat help - simple combine error using windows and walk.forward
Derek Wong
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat help - simple combine error using windows and walk.forward
Derek Wong
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - luxor.8 periodic optimization & walk-forward procedure
Guy Yollin
- [R-SIG-Finance] Errors with Quanstrat-IV Demo
Guy Yollin
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - Guy Yollin blotter 2014 presentation
Guy Yollin
- [R-SIG-Finance] Guy Yollin's blotter.pdf Example
Guy Yollin
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rbbg:::bdh Override Field Question
Chao Zhang
- [R-SIG-Finance] portfolio theory in terms of partial covariance
- [R-SIG-Finance] seasonality in rugarch
- [R-SIG-Finance] Error in (ur.df) function
mamuash bukana
- [R-SIG-Finance] Receiving market data by iBroker and implementing strategy
- [R-SIG-Finance] ANN ARIMA or ANN ES Examples ?
- [R-SIG-Finance] What happened to IBrokers Package ?
- [R-SIG-Finance] What happens to IBrokers package if overloaded ?
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fw: stochastic oscillator OBOS - intraday data & optimization
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: [R] dynamic runSum
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: [R] dynamic runSum
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - luxor.8 periodic optimization & walk-forward procedure
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - luxor.8 periodic optimization & walk-forward procedure
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: quantstrat - luxor.8 periodic optimization & walk-forward procedure
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - luxor.8 periodic optimization & walk-forward procedure
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat luxor.4, timespan optimization
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] Errors with Quanstrat-IV Demo
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - Guy Yollin: walk-forward (WFA) presentation
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - Guy Yollin blotter 2014 presentation
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: quantstrat - Guy Yollin: walk-forward (WFA) presentation
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - Guy Yollin blotter 2014 presentation
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - Guy Yollin blotter 2014 presentation
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat - Guy Yollin blotter 2014 presentation
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: questions about adaptive indicator, intra-day trading and package 'parallel'
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] What happens to IBrokers package if overloaded ?
amarjit chandhial
- [R-SIG-Finance] function 'addtxn' in blotter package can't add intraday trade into account?
- [R-SIG-Finance] function 'addtxn' in blotter package can't add intraday trade into account?
- [R-SIG-Finance] function 'addtxn' in blotter package can't add intraday trade into account?
- [R-SIG-Finance] function 'addtxn' in blotter package can't add intraday trade into account?
- [R-SIG-Finance] questions about order price and timestamp in quantstrat
- [R-SIG-Finance] questions about order price and timestamp in quantstrat
- [R-SIG-Finance] questions about adaptive indicator, intra-day trading and package 'parallel'
- [R-SIG-Finance] questions about adaptive indicator, intra-day trading and package 'parallel'
- [R-SIG-Finance] questions about adaptive indicator, intra-day trading and package 'parallel'
- [R-SIG-Finance] questions about adaptive indicator, intra-day trading and package 'parallel'
- [R-SIG-Finance] questions about adaptive indicator, intra-day trading and package 'parallel'
- [R-SIG-Finance] Calculating Proportions & Appending New Column?
arnaud gaboury
- [R-SIG-Finance] parma - parmafrontier - Why do I get an error in seq.default ?
alexios ghalalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] parma - How to add a constraint for the weights
alexios ghalalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Rugarch: Analysing the performance of my forecast
alexios ghalalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] AIC and deeper insight into model comparison
alexios ghalalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Unusually large t-values from ugarchfit
alexios ghalalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with estimation results of ARMAX-GARCHX
alexios ghalalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Problem with estimation results of ARMAX-GARCHX
alexios ghalalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Different results using "rugarch" and "fGarch" packages
alexios ghalalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Update of rugarch package yields different results / questions on stationarity conditions
alexios ghalalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Update of rugarch package yields different results / questions on stationarity conditions
alexios ghalalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] FPortfolio / MAxReturnPortfolio
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] FPortfolio / MAxReturnPortfolio
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] FPortfolio / MAxReturnPortfolio
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch - question w.r.t. (robust) SE and bias in estimates of a particular MA(1)-eGARCH(1, 1)-STD model
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Slight Discrepancy between ugarchfit and by hand calculation
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Is there a general solution (package) for a portfolio optimization ?
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] understanding an error from ugarchfit
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] understanding an error from ugarchfit
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] understanding an error from ugarchfit
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch convergence problem
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] understanding an error from ugarchfit
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] "ugarchspec" question on GJR-GARCH model specification
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] parma - How to add a constraint to the SOCP solver
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] GJR-GARCH
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch parameter analysis
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch + VineCopula for value at risk
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] parma - How to optimize a long/short portfolio with sum( abs( weights )) = 1
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] rugarch + VineCopula for value at risk
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] DEoptim and guarantees
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Implied volatility as external regressors in rugarch?
alexios ghalanos
- [R-SIG-Finance] CARMA models with Yuima package
stefano iacus
- [R-SIG-Finance] EWMA and MA to calculate Value at Risk
- [R-SIG-Finance] Behavior of sigThreshold()
stergios marinopoulos
- [R-SIG-Finance] TrailingStop chain events in macd.R
stergios marinopoulos
- [R-SIG-Finance] TrailingStop chain events in macd.R
stergios marinopoulos
- [R-SIG-Finance] quantstrat chain rule type
stergios marinopoulos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: quantstrat chain rule type
stergios marinopoulos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: quantstrat chain rule type
stergios marinopoulos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Fwd: quantstrat chain rule type
stergios marinopoulos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Guy Yollin's blotter.pdf Example
stergios marinopoulos
- [R-SIG-Finance] Guy Yollin's blotter.pdf Example
stergios marinopoulos
- [R-SIG-Finance] (no subject)
lkatsets at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Beginner in R, need help writing a script for "Average" metric.
- [R-SIG-Finance] Update of rugarch package yields different results / questions on stationarity conditions
Stefan.Jaeschke at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Update of rugarch package yields different results / questions on stationarity conditions
Stefan.Jaeschke at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Update of rugarch package yields different results / questions on stationarity conditions
Stefan.Jaeschke at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Update of rugarch package yields different results / questions on stationarity conditions
Stefan.Jaeschke at
- [R-SIG-Finance] What happens to IBrokers package if overloaded ?
cen six
- [R-SIG-Finance] understanding an error from ugarchfit
- [R-SIG-Finance] understanding an error from ugarchfit
- [R-SIG-Finance] understanding an error from ugarchfit
- [R-SIG-Finance] Optimization
- [R-SIG-Finance] Optimization
- [R-SIG-Finance] Optimization
- [R-SIG-Finance] Optimization
- [R-SIG-Finance] reading high frequency data
jun wang
- [R-SIG-Finance] time format convert
jun wang
- [R-SIG-Finance] fPortfolio - why getting a zero vector as weights for my portfolio
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Is there a general solution (package) for a portfolio optimization ?
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Is there a general solution (package) for a portfolio optimization ?
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] FPortfolio / MAxReturnPortfolio
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] FPortfolio / MAxReturnPortfolio
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] FPortfolio / MAxReturnPortfolio
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] Is there a general solution (package) for a portfolio optimization ?
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] parma - What kind of portfolio do I get ?
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] parma - parmafrontier - Why do I get an error in seq.default ?
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] parma - How to add a constraint for the weights
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] parma - How to add a constraint to the SOCP solver
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] parma - How to optimize a long/short portfolio with sum( abs( weights )) = 1
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] parma - How to optimize a long/short portfolio with sum( abs( weights )) = 1
u0055 at
- [R-SIG-Finance] 答复: R-SIG-Finance Digest, Vol 123, Issue 19
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 21:11:55 CEST 2014
Archived on: Tue Sep 30 21:12:05 CEST 2014
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