[R-SIG-Finance] Help With Library Install...

Jason Eyerly teamtraders3564 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 5 23:31:00 CEST 2014

Hello Everyone,
   I’m using RStudio and R on a Macbook. However, every time I try installing a library I get the following message (I’ve tried 3.0.3 and 3.1.X). If anybody can help me figure this out I’d greatly appreciate it. 

> install.packages("quantstrat", repos="http://R-Forge.R-project.org")
Warning in install.packages :
  cannot open: HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
Warning in install.packages :
  cannot open: HTTP status was '404 Not Found'
Warning in install.packages :
  unable to access index for repository http://R-Forge.R-project.org/bin/macosx/contrib/3.0

   package ‘quantstrat’ is available as a source package but not as a binary

Warning in install.packages :
  package ‘quantstrat’ is not available (for R version 3.0.3)

    Jason Eyerly

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