[R-SIG-Finance] rugarch + VineCopula for value at risk

alexios ghalanos alexios at 4dscape.com
Thu Aug 21 19:21:49 CEST 2014


The email you've sent is really badly formatted and all over the place.

1. Try to send a well structured text-only email (with no special
2. Make an effort to send a minimally reproducible example.
Telling us that your problem took 8 hours to run is not the way to go.
Take a small subsample of your data which generates the behavior you
want to highlight (try to find one that does), and use that so that we
can investigate with minimal fuss.


On 21/08/2014 17:50, Ole Bueker wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to use the R packages rugarch and VineCopula for simulating returns of 112 companies for a time period of 25 days with daily re-estimations. After the simulation, I wish to calculate the 99% and 95% value-at-risk and compare them to the actual returns.I use a moving window of 250 days and 1000 simulations per iteration.
> (This estimation is quite time-intensive as 112 companies might be too many for VineCopula..)
> The overall loop takes around 8 hours on my home computer, so I wouldn�t recommend to actually run the code. My problem is that some of my calculated value at risk forecasts seem to be positive � this is not a �just invert the VaR� kind of problem (at least I don�t think so). 
> To summarize the code:
> 1.  Fit GARCH models to each series.2.  Extract standardized returns (and shape parameters)3. Transform standardized returns to uniform marginals using parametric method (IFM by Joe, 1987).4. Fit vine copulas5. Generate a 1000 x 112  matrix (1000 1-day ahead forecasts for all 112 companies)6. Reverse transform the simulated values.7. Use these transformed forecasts in ugarchsim
> 8. Extract forecasted values & sigmas.9. Calculate Value-at-Risk. 
> Anyway, here�s my code so far:# Load Data and define variables
> returns <-  read.zoo("E:/Dropbox/my own/Programming/R/returns.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", format="%d-%m-%y")model<-ugarchspec(variance.model=list(model="sGARCH",garchOrder=c(1,1)),mean.model=list(armaOrder=c(1,0),include.mean=FALSE),distribution.model="ged")times <- as.data.frame(time(returns))windows <- matrix(0, 112, 250)familyset <- c(1:5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 20)                    # The vine copulas to be testedsim <- array(0, dim = c(1000, 112))residuals2 <- array(0, dim = c(1000, 112))rvine_fitted <- array(0, dim = c(25,1000,112))rvine_sigma <- array(0, dim = c(25,1000,112))VaR01 = VaR05 = array(0, dim = c(25,1000,112))
> #Main calculation
> for(i in 1:25){  print(i)  windows <- window(returns_crisis, start=times[376-250-24+i,1], end=times[376-25+i,1])            #Define the moving window  fit <- lapply(windows, ugarchfit, spec=model, solver="hybrid")                                                                #Fit the garch models  print("rugarch fitting done")  residuals <- sapply(fit, residuals, standardize=TRUE)                                                                                     #Extract residuals & shape parameters  shape <- sapply(fit, coef)  shape <- shape[5,]  UniformResiduals <- pged(residuals, nu = shape)                                                                                           #Transform residuals into uniform marginals  if(any(UniformResiduals > 0.99999))  {    ix = which(UniformResiduals > 0.99999)   UniformResiduals [ix] = 0.99999  }  if(any(UniformResiduals < .Machine$double.eps))  {    ix = which(UniformResiduals < (1.5*.Machine$double.eps))    UniformResiduals [ix] =
 .Machine$double.eps  }  rvine <- RVineStructureSelect(UniformResiduals, indeptest=TRUE, familyset=familyset)             #Fit the Vine copulas  print(paste(i,"RVine fitting done"))  for(j in 1:1000)                                                                                                                                                                 #Simulate 1000 1-day ahead using VineCopula  {  sim[j,] <- RVineSim(1, rvine)                                                                                                                                     # 1000 x 112 matrix of forecasts  }print(paste(i,"RVine simulation done"))                 for(k in 1:112)                                                                                                                                                    #Next: ugarchsimulation for all 112 companies                {                residuals2[,] <- qged(sim[,], nu = shape[k])                                                    
                                     # 1000 x 112 matrix of standardized residuals                residuals_temp <- residuals2[,k]                                                                                                               # 1000 x 1 vector of standardized residuals for individual company                rvine_sim <- ugarchsim(fit[[k]], n.sim=1, m.sim=1000, custom.dist = list(name=NA, distfit=residuals_temp))  #1000 simulations using the standardized residuals from Vine copula models for ugarchfit                rvine_fitted[i,,k] <- fitted(rvine_sim)                                                                                                     #Extract forecasted values - 25 x 1000 x 112               rvine_sigma[i,,k] <- sigma(rvine_sim)                                                                                                     #Extract forecasted sigmas - 25 x 1000 x 112               for(j in 1:1000)                                                   
                                                                                                                #Next: Value at risk              {                VaR01[,j,k] <- rvine_fitted[,j,k] + rvine_sigma[,j,k] * qdist('ged', 0.01, mu=0, sigma=1, shape = shape[k]) #Value at risk for 99% quantile                VaR05[,j,k] <- rvine_fitted[,j,k] + rvine_sigma[,j,k] * qdist('ged', 0.05, mu=0, sigma=1, shape = shape[k]) #Value at risk for 95% quantile               }                 }}remove(i, j, k)                                                                                                                                                                   #Cleanupremove(windows, fit, residuals, shape, residuals2, residuals_temp, rvine, sim, rvine_sim)            #Cleanup   Hope I didn�t make any mistakes in my approach, but it seems like this is the �standard� copula + rugarch approach � if anyone is familiar with this, I am open to suggestions on how to speed up the si
> So far, so good � the problem I am facing now:
> Some (only a few) of my value at risk values are positive..I have manually checked and it seems like the fitted value is much larger than the sigma, so Value at Risk is positive � which doesn�t really make any economic sense to me.
> Here�s a dropbox link to the returns.csv, in case anyone is interested in running my code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/69i5959f3h4kweb/returns.csv
> Best Regards,
> Ole 		 	   		  
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