[R-SIG-Finance] Duplicated indexes in blotter
Joshua Ulrich
josh.m.ulrich at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 13:58:38 CEST 2014
Hi Mark,
On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 5:13 PM, Mark Knecht <markknecht at gmail.com> wrote:
> In the attached code I have 3 transactions on the same date for the
> symbol IVOG. When I go to roll up position values this is leading to
> duplicate indexes in my xts objects and NA's in other columns, such as
> in tempPos.Value:
> 2014-05-05 55182 45420.0
> 2014-05-06 54702 45135.0
> 2014-05-07 63945 68212.5
> 2014-05-07 73080 NA
> 2014-05-07 82215 NA
> 2014-05-08 81747 68025.0
> 2014-05-09 81891 68040.0
> 2014-05-12 83448 68985.0
> Am I doing something improper in the way I'm entering the transactions
> or is this a bug? It's pretty typical that I'll put in a limit order
> and it will get filled in pieces with each portion having a different
> price.
The only thing you might consider improper is that you're using the
same timestamp for each fill, even though they obviously don't have
the same timestamp.
> I could of course figure out by hand what the average price was and
> then have a single transaction but I'd like to have what's saved in
> the account match what actually happened.
That argues for keeping the time of the transactions. You're not
required to mark the book on the same frequency as the transactions.
For example, you can run a backtest on 1-second data, but mark the
book on 1-minute data.
> In general I've been fixing these as they pop up using code like:
> tempNet.Txn.Value[is.na(tempNet.Txn.Value)] = 0
An alternative would be to specify fill=0 in your call to merge.xts
(called by cbind):
tempPos.Value <- merge(tempPos.Value, tempVal$posPL$Pos.Value, fill=0)
Though I think fill=na.locf makes more sense for Pos.Value...
> but I'm finally tired enough of doing that I thought I'd ask if I'm
> doing something wrong.
It's not clear to me what you expect the behavior to be. You enter
multiple transactions on the same timestamp, and blotter respects
that; it even keeps them in the same order.
If you want tempPos.Value to only have the last observation for each
day, you could use something like:
tpVal <- apply.daily(tempPos.Value, last)
> Additionally, I thought one of the things xts was supposed to ensure
> against was duplicate indexes so maybe this is me using some older
> version? I'm mostly CRAN oriented so if I need to load something else
> please let me know.
Neither zoo nor xts (on CRAN or R-Forge) prevent duplicate index values.
> Thanks,
> Mark
<snip code>
Joshua Ulrich | about.me/joshuaulrich
FOSS Trading | www.fosstrading.com
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