2000-March Archives by Author
Starting: Wed Mar 1 11:13:03 2000
Ending: Fri Mar 31 18:21:21 2000
Messages: 245
- [Rd] RODBC: follow up
Jens Oehlschlägel-Akiyoshi
- [Rd] possible BUG with as.data.frame() and/or [.data.frame
Jens Oehlschlägel-Akiyoshi
- [Rd] RE: [R] RODBC
Jens Oehlschlägel-Akiyoshi
- [Rd] pre summary: mapping of colornames into hsv?
Jens Oehlschlägel-Akiyoshi
- [Rd] Re: [R] Re: R-1.0.0 is released (PR#467)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] using function names as parameters (PR#469)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] problem with glm (PR#452)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] A new way for an Alpha to fail
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] anova-bug in R-version 1.0.0? (PR#470)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] anova-bug in R-version 1.0.0? (PR#470)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Bug list summary (automatic post)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] nlm and optional arguments
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] update fails after specific sequence of steps (PR#474)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Error compiling R on RS6000 (PR#475)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] lm(rnorm(1000)~rnorm(1000)) kills rw1000 (PR#476)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] possible BUG with as.data.frame() and/or [.data.frame
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] update fails after specific sequence of steps (PR#474)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Printing graphs on W98 laptop (PR#477)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] problem with plot(...., xlim=c(5,0)) (PR#480)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] plot(1:10,c(1)$nothing) yields index plot (PR#482)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Bug in sub? (PR#487)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] solaris without x
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] question
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] optim: problem with additional arguments (PR#493)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] R-1.0.0 on alpha/osf1 memory glitch (PR#490)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] followup to graphics bug #414
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] followup to graphics bug #414
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Bug list summary (automatic post)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] barplot (PR#495)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] par help wrong: xlog & ylog (PR#497)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] help system does not work (PR#499)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] segmentation fault with 1D array (PR#500)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] segmentation fault with 1D array (PR#500)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] segmentation fault with 1D array (PR#500)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] clipboard
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] quantiles of the hypergeometric distribution (PR#502)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] quantiles of the hypergeometric distribution (PR#502)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Porting R
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Porting R
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] A "stack" function
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] home in Sept
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] home in Sept
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] A new way for an Alpha to fail
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] Problems with nlme (PR#471)
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] Error compiling R on RS6000 (PR#475)
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] check does not accept --vsize option (PR#481)
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] Error in lme? (PR#488)
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] R port of acepack
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] A "stack" function
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] nlm and optional arguments
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] followup to graphics bug #414
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] segmentation fault with 1D array (PR#500)
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] segmentation fault with 1D array (PR#500)
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] Some "new" stuff for hist.R
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] R-1.0.0 on alpha/osf1 memory glitch (PR#490)
Ray Brownrigg
- [Rd] Optimized blas?
Saikat DebRoy
- [Rd] using function names as parameters (PR#469)
- [Rd] home in Sept
Robert Gentleman
- [Rd] home in Sept
Robert Gentleman
- [Rd] congratulations and thanks
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] StatDataML
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] StatDataML
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML Description element
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML Description element
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML Description element
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] scale
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] scale
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] R CMD build
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] R CMD build
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] d-p-q-r-tests: why is plnorm(exp(Inf)) equal pnorm(Inf)?
Thomas Hoffmann
- [Rd] Mathlib
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] solaris without x
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] solaris without x
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] compiling
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] headers needed in gcc
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] -nsl
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] StatDataML
Torsten Hothorn
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML Description element
Torsten Hothorn
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML Description element
Torsten Hothorn
- [Rd] StatDataML version 0.1-2
Torsten Hothorn
- [Rd] Bug in sub? (PR#487)
Torsten Hothorn
- [Rd] is.null(list()) is FALSE ?
Torsten Hothorn
- [Rd] quantiles of the hypergeometric distribution (PR#502)
Torsten Hothorn
- [Rd] StatDataML & Gnumeric
Torsten Hothorn
- [Rd] Porting R
Stefano Iacus
- [Rd] "is.qr" definition (PR#465)
- [Rd] segmentation fault with 1D array (PR#500)
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML
David James
- [Rd] Some "new" stuff for hist.R
Kjetil Kjernsmo
- [Rd] Some "new" stuff for hist.R
Kjetil Kjernsmo
- [Rd] StatDataML
Duncan Temple Lang
- [Rd] StatDataML
Friedrich Leisch
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML
Friedrich Leisch
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML
Friedrich Leisch
- [Rd] StatDataML
Friedrich Leisch
- [Rd] Error compiling R on RS6000 (PR#475)
Friedrich Leisch
- [Rd] README & Apache
Friedrich Leisch
- [Rd] clipboard
Friedrich Leisch
- [Rd] clipboard
Friedrich Leisch
- [Rd] forwarded message from Griffith Feeney
Friedrich Leisch
- [Rd] R-crash using cut-and-paste (PR#472)
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] Using WinEdt as editor for R
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] windows version
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] 3D-Scatterplot
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] windows version
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML Description element
Kevin Little
- [Rd] Optimized blas?
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] backup signal
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] lm(rnorm(1000)~rnorm(1000)) kills rw1000 (PR#476)
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] lm(rnorm(1000)~rnorm(1000)) kills rw1000 (PR#476)
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] lm(rnorm(1000)~rnorm(1000)) kills rw1000 (PR#476)
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] plot(1:10,c(1)$nothing) yields index plot (PR#482)
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] Install R1.0.0 (PR#485)
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] question
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] compiling
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] -nsl
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] -nsl
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] d-p-q-r-tests: why is plnorm(exp(Inf)) equal pnorm(Inf)?
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] par help wrong: xlog & ylog (PR#497)
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] is.null(list()) is FALSE ?
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] help system does not work (PR#499)
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] quantiles of the hypergeometric distribution (PR#502)
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] R port of acepack
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] A "stack" function
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] "is.qr" definition (PR#465)
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] problem with plot(...., xlim=c(5,0)) (PR#480)
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] headers needed in gcc
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Attachments with bug reports: PLEASE don't
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] is.null(list()) is FALSE ?
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] scale
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] problem with glm (PR#452)
Brad McNeney
- [Rd] followup to graphics bug #414
Paul Murrell
- [Rd] followup to graphics bug #414
Paul Murrell
- [Rd] followup to graphics bug #414
Paul Murrell
- [Rd] problem with plot(...., xlim=c(5,0)) (PR#480)
Rashid Nassar
- [Rd] solaris without x
Erich Neuwirth
- [Rd] headers needed in gcc
Erich Neuwirth
- [Rd] question
Erich Neuwirth
- [Rd] compiling
Erich Neuwirth
- [Rd] solaris without x
Erich Neuwirth
- [Rd] lag (PR#491)
Erich Neuwirth
- [Rd] windows version
Erich Neuwirth
- [Rd] windows version
Erich Neuwirth
- [Rd] Printing graphs on W98 laptop (PR#477)
- [Rd] Re: R-1.0.0 is released (PR#466)
Martyn Plummer
- [Rd] Mathlib
Martyn Plummer
- [Rd] R-1.0.0 on alpha/osf1 memory glitch (PR#490)
- [Rd] Mathlib
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] possible BUG with as.data.frame() and/or [.data.frame
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] problem with plot(...., xlim=c(5,0)) (PR#480)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Re: problem posting to r-help list
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] anova-bug in R-version 1.0.0? (PR#470)
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] nlm and optional arguments
Prof Brian D Ripley
- AW: [Rd] anova-bug in R-version 1.0.0? (PR#470)
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] R-crash using cut-and-paste (PR#472)
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] lm(rnorm(1000)~rnorm(1000)) kills rw1000 (PR#476)
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] Conditional for XDR code left out in saveload.c (PR#478)
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] check does not accept --vsize option (PR#481)
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] error in par option xaxt (PR#483)
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] lag (PR#491)
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] windows version
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] Use of Rd2txt on .Rd files from rw-1.0.0 (PR#498)
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] R CMD build
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] R CMD build
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] StatDataML and graphics... I meant to say "SVG".
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] clipboard
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] StatDataML
Jonathan Rougier
- [Rd] Porting R
G. Sawitzki
- [Rd] Porting R
G. Sawitzki
- [Rd] Porting R
G. Sawitzki
- [Rd] par help wrong: xlog & ylog (PR#497)
Bill Simpson
- [Rd] par help wrong: xlog & ylog (PR#497)
Bill Simpson
- [Rd] question
Telford Tendys
- [Rd] question
Luke Tierney
- AW: [Rd] anova-bug in R-version 1.0.0? (PR#470)
Trenkler, Dietrich
- AW: [Rd] R-crash using cut-and-paste (PR#472)
Trenkler, Dietrich
- [Rd] Error compiling R on RS6000 (PR#475)
Thomas J Vogels
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Thomas J Vogels
- [Rd] R-1.0.0 on alpha/osf1 memory glitch (PR#490)
Thomas J Vogels
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Thomas J Vogels
- [Rd] R-1.0.0 on alpha/osf1 memory glitch (PR#490)
Thomas J Vogels
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Thomas J Vogels
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Thomas J Vogels
- [Rd] AIX fails on startup with R-1.0.0
Thomas J Vogels
- [Rd] Install R1.0.0 (PR#485)
Lynn Zhang
- [Rd] error in par option xaxt (PR#483)
- [Rd] error in par option xaxt (PR#484)
- [Rd] Re: R-1.0.0 is released (PR#466)
- [Rd] Optimized blas?
- [Rd] help system does not work (PR#499)
- [Rd] Problems with nlme (PR#471)
- [Rd] Re: R-1.0.0 is released (PR#466)
- [Rd] minor problem in barplot legend (PR#494)
- [Rd] segmentation fault with 1D array (PR#500)
- [Rd] lm(rnorm(1000)~rnorm(1000)) kills rw1000 (PR#476)
- [Rd] plot(1:10,c(1)$nothing) yields index plot (PR#482)
- [Rd] matlines, matpoints don't follow prototype (PR#506)
- [Rd] optim: problem with additional arguments (PR#493)
- [Rd] anova-bug in R-version 1.0.0? (PR#470)
- AW: [Rd] anova-bug in R-version 1.0.0? (PR#470)
- [Rd] R-crash using cut-and-paste (PR#472)
- [Rd] Bug in sub? (PR#487)
- [Rd] Optimized blas?
- [Rd] R and lapack/linpack
- [Rd] Conditional for XDR code left out in saveload.c (PR#478)
- [Rd] using function names as parameters (PR#469)
- [Rd] update fails after specific sequence of steps (PR#474)
- [Rd] help system does not work (PR#499)
- [Rd] help system does not work (PR#499)
- [Rd] Use of Rd2txt on .Rd files from rw-1.0.0 (PR#498)
- [Rd] lag (PR#491)
- [Rd] quantiles of the hypergeometric distribution (PR#502)
- [Rd] Install R1.0.0 (PR#485)
- [Rd] autoload error in profile {was anova-bug in R-version 1.0.0?} (PR#470)
- [Rd] Re: autoload error in profile {was anova-bug in R-version 1.0.0?} (PR#486)
- [Rd] par help wrong: xlog & ylog (PR#497)
- [Rd] minor problem in barplot legend (PR#494)
- [Rd] check does not accept --vsize option (PR#481)
- [Rd] Re: [R] Re: R-1.0.0 is released (PR#467)
- [Rd] using function names as parameters (PR#469)
- [Rd] anova-bug in R-version 1.0.0? (PR#470)
- [Rd] quantiles of the hypergeometric distribution (PR#502)
- [Rd] Error compiling R on RS6000 (PR#475)
- [Rd] Error compiling R on RS6000 (PR#475)
- [Rd] Error compiling R on RS6000 (PR#475)
- [Rd] Re: autoload error in profile {was anova-bug in R-version 1.0.0?} (PR#473)
- [Rd] problem with plot(...., xlim=c(5,0)) (PR#480)
- [Rd] problem with plot(...., xlim=c(5,0)) (PR#480)
- [Rd] the R bug (PR#492)
- [Rd] kernel {ts}, kernel.dirichlet calling with one arg (PR#501)
- [Rd] Error in lme? (PR#488)
- [Rd] barplot (PR#495)
- [Rd] quantiles of the hypergeometric distribution (PR#502)
- [Rd] new save code and DOTSXP (PR#504)
- [Rd] interrupted save (PR#505)
- [Rd] dmvnorm() bug in e1071 (PR#503)
- [Rd] par help wrong: xlog & ylog (PR#497)
Last message date:
Fri Mar 31 18:21:21 2000
Archived on: Wed Nov 27 19:09:45 2002
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Pipermail 0.05 (Mailman edition).