[Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML Description element
Torsten Hothorn
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 09:25:00 +0100 (CET)
> 1. easy links to an originator would be good e.g. is there any way to use
> hypertext in any of the arguments for email or web site referrals?
as long as all elements include strings, "source" would be the right place
to save a URL
> 2. what limits (any?) are there typically on the length of the strings in
> the arguments of DESCRIPTION?
interesting question, I think there is no limit.
> 3. In S or R or Omega, a statistical dataset's description is always
> available by command or menu item (I'm guessing). Are the arguments
> typically available now for any kind of search or filtering or action by my
> statistical application (e.g. can I ask the statistical application to only
> allow me to work on datasets from a certain source? I guess this is possible
> and would be addressed by the application developers, not the developers of
> the XML standard but maybe there is something required of the XML standard
> to make it possible to hook to applications?)
in our alpha implementation, readSDML returns the read object with an
additional "SDMLdescription" attribute. One can check, if e.g. the source
is valid in a special application.
> 4. is the list of arguments fixed at five? Or could one allow for multiple
> comment1, comment2, ...
<!ELEMENT description (title?, source?, date?, version?, comment*)>
allows comments until the end of time (will be added in StatDataML.dtd,
thanks for the hint).
> [If one can search or otherwise operate on the string in the "comment" field
> then I guess you don't need to extend the list of arguments. That leads to
> another question: how extensible or upgradeable is StatDataML envisioned to
> be? I can imagine a "Data Quality Stamp or Certification" being relevant
> within certain communities and it would be nice to have that in the
> meta-data description, perhaps as a separate argument.]
something like a RSA-key included in the description? will think about
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