[Rd] Re: [Omega-devel] StatDataML Description element

Torsten Hothorn hothorn@ci.tuwien.ac.at
Wed, 8 Mar 2000 16:50:37 +0100 (CET)

> >> be?  I can imagine a "Data Quality Stamp or Certification" being
> relevant
> > >within certain communities and it would be nice to have that in the
> > >meta-data description, perhaps as a separate argument.]
> >something like a RSA-key included in the description? will think about
> >this!
> I would think of any certification as being part of the "communication
> protocol". I could see a place in the data format for indicating the
> source, description, and possibly a special field for the the source's
> assessment of the quality. If you really want  certification ( =
> authentication)  you should have the whole thing encrypted so that it
> needs to be unencrypted with the source's public key, but you have to do
> that outside the format description (and you need PKI infastructure to
> do it correctly).

The idea was not encryption but having something that we can be sure that
the dataset has not been manipulated. There is a w3 project about XML and
signatures at http://www.w3.org/Signature/, maybe one can use something
like this. 

Additionaly, Fritz and I discussed the helpful mail by Kevin and decided
to add a properties element to the description instead of more
comments. One can save "proprietary", that means application based
extentions as properties to the document (which is, in our opinion,
more closed to the framework and saves some lines of code)

We suggest to use the extention *.sdml for StatDataML files, any protests?


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