[Rd] Porting R

G. Sawitzki gs@statlab.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 17:51:30 +0200

At 16:49 +0200 29.03.2000, Peter Dalgaard BSA wrote:
>Yes, that is the question, but you need to either find someone who
>knows machTen, or go through the man pages.
Oh. I think I did both.

Hmm, the following post
>from comp.unix.machten doesn't bode too well (Mac-style dynload is
>also discussed in
>http://www.stat.umn.edu/~luke/xls/projects/dlbasics/dlbasics.html )
The relevant lines seem to be:
The Mac does not seem to allow a shared library to have unresolved symbols,
but you can handle references into an executable by linking the library
against the
executable. You also need to take some action to export external symbols;
fortunately this is easy. I have not yet explored what happens when files
are moved
around, search pat issues, and the like ****.

As a work around, I included the standard dynamic library in the core.
Seems to work.

Anyway there should not go too much effort into this. For now, MachTen is
only an intermediate step to go to MachX, which is the really interesting

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