[Rd] R-1.0.0 on alpha/osf1 memory glitch (PR#490)

Ray.Brownrigg@mcs.vuw.ac.nz Ray.Brownrigg@mcs.vuw.ac.nz
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 23:25:29 +0100 (MET)

Digital Alpha (various), Digital UNIX V4.0[EF], R-1.0.0, gcc, f77

When using batch mode with the save option, an error message is issued.
However [I have just discovered that] it appears that the operation
does complete, i.e. the .RData file is saved successfully.  The main
problem is that the return code is non-zero (and so it is impossible to
distinguish this "non-error" from some other error in a script).

Reproduce by:

    bats>  echo 'x <- 1' | R --save
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    > x <- 1
    xmalloc: out of virtual memory

Note that an alternate form that achieves the same desired effect does
not issue any error messages:

    echo 'x <- 1; save(list = ls(), file = ".RData")' | R --no-save

I can't find any record of the configure summary output (is it saved
anywhere, or does it only appear on the screen?) but I could reproduce
this if necessary.

Ray Brownrigg

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