July 2014 Archives by subject
Starting: Tue Jul 1 00:19:50 CEST 2014
Ending: Thu Jul 31 23:29:56 CEST 2014
Messages: 484
- [BioC] 'RankMerging' changes sample names
Alex [guest]
- [BioC] .cel file processing is not working for an old array
Maria Kesa
- [BioC] .cel file processing is not working for an old array
Sean Davis
- [BioC] .cel file processing is not working for an old array
Maria Kesa
- [BioC] .cel file processing is not working for an old array
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] .cel file processing is not working for an old array
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] 10 days to begin speaking a new language
Pimsleur Approach
- [BioC] [Bioc-devel] granges() method for GenomicRanges objects akin to ranges()...
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] [Bioc-devel] granges() method for GenomicRanges objects akin to ranges()...
Julian Gehring
- [BioC] [Bioc-devel] granges() method for GenomicRanges objects akin to ranges()...
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] [Bioc-devel] granges() method for GenomicRanges objects akin to ranges()...
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] [Help for DESeq]: Error in lfproc - newsplit: out of vertex space
- [BioC] [Help for DESeq]: Error in lfproc - newsplit: out of vertex space
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Affymetrix mouse 430_2 array - annotation problem
- [BioC] Affymetrix mouse 430_2 array - annotation problem
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Affymetrix mouse 430_2 array - annotation problem
- [BioC] Affymetrix mouse 430_2 array - gene expression and annotation
- [BioC] Affymetrix mouse 430_2 array - gene expression and annotation
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Affymetrix mouse 430_2 array - gene expression and annotation
- [BioC] Affymetrix mouse 430_2 array - gene expression and annotation
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Affymetrix mouse 430_2 array - gene expression and annotation
- [BioC] affymetrix rat 2.0 gene annotation issue
- [BioC] affymetrix rat 2.0 gene annotation issue
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] An. Gambie RNA-Seq differential expression using gage and pathview
Saul Lozano
- [BioC] An. Gambie RNA-Seq differential expression using gage and pathview
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] An. Gambie RNA-Seq differential expression using gage and pathview
Saul Lozano
- [BioC] annotating microarray data with mogene10stv1
Jakub Stanislaw Nowak
- [BioC] annotating microarray data with mogene10stv1
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] annotating microarray data with mogene10stv1
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] annotating microarray data with mogene10stv1
Jakub Stanislaw Nowak
- [BioC] annotating microarray data with mogene10stv1
- [BioC] annotating microarray data with mogene10stv1
Jakub Stanislaw Nowak
- [BioC] annotation for TAqman assay IDs
Bernard North
- [BioC] annotation for TAqman assay IDs
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] apologies for the spam
Dan Tenenbaum
- [BioC] autoplot() in ggbio package for txdb object
- [BioC] Basemean calculations with DESeq2
Nofar Chen [guest]
- [BioC] Basemean calculations with DESeq2
Michael Love
- [BioC] Basemean calculations with DESeq2
Michael Love
- [BioC] Batch effect confounded with additional covariate
Jie Yang [guest]
- [BioC] Bioc 2014 July 31 - August 1, Boston
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Bioconductor newsletter - July 2014
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] bioc package update
Claudio Isella
- [BioC] bioc package update
Dan Tenenbaum
- [BioC] Bioinformatics Minisymposium at the University of Dundee
Reema Singh
- [BioC] Biomart annotation
jarod_v6 at libero.it
- [BioC] Biomart annotation
John Blischak
- [BioC] Biomart annotation
Steffen Durinck
- [BioC] Biostrings readDNAMultipleAlignment broken for fasta input
Janet Young
- [BioC] Biostrings readDNAMultipleAlignment broken for fasta input
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] blast nt seq vs protein seq
carol white
- [BioC] blast nt seq vs protein seq
Dario Strbenac
- [BioC] BSgenome
Asma rabe
- [BioC] BSgenome
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] BSgenome
Brian Herb
- [BioC] bug in estimateDisp() or mistake in documentation?
Zadeh, Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] bug in estimateDisp() or mistake in documentation?
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] bug in estimateDisp() or mistake in documentation?
Zadeh, Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] Bugs in HTqPCR implementation of data normalization
Peter Langfelder
- [BioC] Calculate the x when f(x) reaches its minimum
Zhan Tianyu
- [BioC] Calculate the x when f(x) reaches its minimum
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [BioC] Can Rank-production be applied to test the condition's effects on treatments?
Kaj Chokeshaiusaha [guest]
- [BioC] ChiPQC and paired-end data
Ugo Borello
- [BioC] ChiPQC and paired-end data
Carroll, Thomas
- [BioC] ChiPQC and paired-end data
Tom Carroll
- [BioC] ChiPQC and paired-end data
Ugo Borello
- [BioC] ChiPQC and paired-end data
Carroll, Thomas
- [BioC] co-expressed genes
deepak [guest]
- [BioC] co-expressed genes
Anthony Bosco
- [BioC] compare RNASeq with Exon array data at the gene-level and exon-level
shirley zhang
- [BioC] Complete variant toolbox: gmapR/VariantTools/VariantAnnotation - revived
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] Complete variant toolbox: gmapR/VariantTools/VariantAnnotation - revived
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] Complete variant toolbox: gmapR/VariantTools/VariantAnnotation - revived
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] Complete variant toolbox: gmapR/VariantTools/VariantAnnotation - revived
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] Complete variant toolbox: gmapR/VariantTools/VariantAnnotation - revived
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] Complete variant toolbox: gmapR/VariantTools/VariantAnnotation - revived
Robert Castelo
- [BioC] Complex contrasts for between and within subject comparisons
Tobias Neumann [guest]
- [BioC] Complex contrasts for between and within subject comparisons
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Contrast matrix in limma
kaushal Chaudhary [guest]
- [BioC] Contrast matrix in limma
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] CRISPRseek-findgRNAs bug?
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] CRISPRseek: findgRNAs bug?
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] cummeRbund graphics not working
Sabet, Julia A
- [BioC] cummeRbund graphics not working
Loyal A. Goff
- [BioC] cummeRbund graphics not working
Sabet, Julia A
- [BioC] dealing with counfounded effects in experiment design
Ty Thomson
- [BioC] DeepSNV,Granges and BSgenome question
Asma rabe
- [BioC] DeepSNV,Granges and BSgenome question
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] deepSNV error
Asma rabe
- [BioC] deepSNV error
Dario Strbenac
- [BioC] deepSNV error
Dario Strbenac
- [BioC] deepSNV Question
Asma rabe
- [BioC] deepSNV Question
Dario Strbenac
- [BioC] deepSNV Question
Asma rabe
- [BioC] deepSNV Question
Dario Strbenac
- [BioC] deepSNV Question
Dario Strbenac
- [BioC] DESeq2, plotting residuals vs.fitted values
Mike Miller
- [BioC] DESeq2, plotting residuals vs.fitted values
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2, problems using list argument to extract results from DESeq
Jon Bråte [guest]
- [BioC] DESeq2, problems using list argument to extract results from DESeq
Simon Anders
- [BioC] DESeq2, problems using list argument to extract results from DESeq
Jon Bråte
- [BioC] DESeq2, problems using list argument to extract results from DESeq
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2, problems using list argument to extract results from DESeq
Jon Bråte
- [BioC] DESeq2, problems using list argument to extract results from DESeq
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2, problems using list argument to extract results from DESeq
Jon Bråte
- [BioC] DESeq2 - factor base level changes the DE genes.
Ximena [guest]
- [BioC] DESeq2 - interaction
Mike Miller
- [BioC] DESeq2 - interaction
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2 1.2.10 vs 1.5.26
Ido Tamir
- [BioC] DESeq2 1.2.10 vs 1.5.26
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2 1.2.10 vs 1.5.26
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2: detect significantly increasing across an ordinal variable
Daniel Brewer (BIO)
- [BioC] DESeq2: detect significantly increasing across an ordinal variable
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2: nested multi-factor design, singular matrix error
BJ Chen
- [BioC] DESeq2: nested multi-factor design, singular matrix error
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2: nested multi-factor design, singular matrix error
BJ Chen
- [BioC] DESeq2: nested multi-factor design, singular matrix error
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2: nested multi-factor design, singular matrix error
BJ Chen
- [BioC] DESeq2: nested multi-factor design, singular matrix error
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2: nested multi-factor design, singular matrix error
BJ Chen
- [BioC] DESeq2: nested multi-factor design, singular matrix error
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2: nested multi-factor design, singular matrix error
BJ Chen
- [BioC] DESeq2: nested multi-factor design, singular matrix error
Michael Love
- [BioC] Deseq2 and differentia expression
Simon Anders
- [BioC] DESEQ2 Contrasting Interaction Terms
rob yang
- [BioC] DESEQ2 Contrasting Interaction Terms
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2 get coefficients for each variable in the design formula
Tran, Nhu Quynh T
- [BioC] DESeq2 get coefficients for each variable in the design formula
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2 get coefficients for each variable in the design formula
Tran, Nhu Quynh T
- [BioC] DESeq2 get coefficients for each variable in the design formula
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2 get coefficients for each variable in the design formula
Tran, Nhu Quynh T
- [BioC] DESeq2 missing columns
Kuenne, Carsten
- [BioC] DESeq2 missing columns
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2 plotPCA and scale
Daniel Brewer (BIO)
- [BioC] DESeq2 plotPCA and scale
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq2 question regarding log2FC
Kuenne, Carsten
- [BioC] DESeq2 question regarding log2FC
Michael Love
- [BioC] Deseq for pairwise comparison among many pairs
avichai.amrad at ips.unibe.ch
- [BioC] Deseq for pairwise comparison among many pairs
Michael Love
- [BioC] DESeq Run Unequal Sample Size
Gihanna Galindez
- [BioC] DESeq Run Unequal Sample Size
Simon Anders
- [BioC] DESeqs two-factor two-level, interaction is interested
Shucong Li
- [BioC] DESeqs two-factor two-level, interaction is interested
Shucong Li
- [BioC] DESEq | Batch effect | VST data and linear model adjustment
Pesce, Francesco
- [BioC] DESEq | Batch effect | VST data and linear model adjustment
Simon Anders
- [BioC] DESEq | Batch effect | VST data and linear model adjustment
Pesce, Francesco
- [BioC] Designing a model with blocking and other interactions
Eleanor Su
- [BioC] Designing a model with blocking and other interactions
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] DEXSeq- fitDispersionFunction error
Anitha Sundararajan
- [BioC] DEXSeq- fitDispersionFunction error
Simon Anders
- [BioC] DEXSeq- fitDispersionFunction error
- [BioC] DEXSeq- fitDispersionFunction error
Anitha Sundararajan
- [BioC] DEXSeq continous variable in model
Alex Gutteridge
- [BioC] DEXSeq continous variable in model
Alex Gutteridge
- [BioC] dmpFinder results
Giovanni Calice
- [BioC] DNA Copy CNA function , what do you pass to maploc argument?
Nikolas Balanis
- [BioC] DNAcopy question
Niko [guest]
- [BioC] DNACopy Question what is passed to the maploc argument.
Nikolas Balanis
- [BioC] DNACopy Question what is passed to the maploc argument.
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] DNACopy Question what is passed to the maploc argument.
SeshanV at mskcc.org
- [BioC] DNACopy Question what is passed to the maploc argument.
Nikolas Balanis
- [BioC] DNACopy Question what is passed to the maploc argument.
SeshanV at mskcc.org
- [BioC] Dose response linear correlation using Limma
Christian De Santis
- [BioC] Dose response linear correlation using Limma
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Do This and Burn Fat Fast
Garcinia Cambogia Plus
- [BioC] Error in getting exons sequence
Asma rabe
- [BioC] Error in getting exons sequence
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] error in SRAdb
Faryabi, Robert (NIH/NCI) [F]
- [BioC] error in SRAdb
Dan Tenenbaum
- [BioC] error in SRAdb
Jack Zhu
- [BioC] error when estimating Dispersions for count table data in DESeq
- [BioC] error when estimating Dispersions for count table data in DESeq
Simon Anders
- [BioC] Error while loading library GeneExpressionSignature
Alex [guest]
- [BioC] Error while loading library GeneExpressionSignature
yang Cao
- [BioC] Error while running DESeq
nisha [guest]
- [BioC] Error while running DESeq
Simon Anders
- [BioC] Error While running DESeq
Nisha Rana
- [BioC] Error While running DESeq
Simon Anders
- [BioC] error with makecdfenv package
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] error with makecdfenv package
- [BioC] error with makecdfenv package
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] error with makecdfenv package
- [BioC] error with makecdfenv package
TRAN Trang
- [BioC] estimation of size factors in DESeq2 analysis
Assa Yeroslaviz
- [BioC] estimation of size factors in DESeq2 analysis
Michael Love
- [BioC] Expected number of DE genes?
Jessica Perry Hekman
- [BioC] Expected number of DE genes?
- [BioC] Expected number of DE genes?
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Expected number of DE genes?
Thomas H. Hampton
- [BioC] Expected number of DE genes?
Jessica Perry Hekman
- [BioC] Expected number of DE genes?
Jessica Perry Hekman
- [BioC] Expected number of DE genes?
Jessica Perry Hekman
- [BioC] Expected number of DE genes?
Simon Anders
- [BioC] Expected number of DE genes?
Jessica Perry Hekman
- [BioC] failing to filter ExpressionSet object using nsFilter
David [guest]
- [BioC] failing to filter ExpressionSet object using nsFilter
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] failing to filter ExpressionSet object using nsFilter
David Bomze
- [BioC] failing to filter ExpressionSet object using nsFilter
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] failing to filter ExpressionSet object using nsFilter
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] failing to filter ExpressionSet object using nsFilter
David Bomze
- [BioC] Find a Flexible Schedule for a Medical Billing and Coding Education Degree Program
Medical Billing and Coding
- [BioC] flowClean
Kipper Fletez-Brant
- [BioC] flowClean
Justin Meskas
- [BioC] flowClean
Kipper Fletez-Brant
- [BioC] FlowCore: Extracting parameters from estimateLogicle
Allenby, Mark
- [BioC] FlowCore: transform() NAs introduced by coercion
Allenby, Mark
- [BioC] FlowCore: transform() NAs introduced by coercion
Allenby, Mark
- [BioC] FlowCore: transform() NAs introduced by coercion
Greg Finak
- [BioC] FlowCore: transform() NAs introduced by coercion
- [BioC] FlowCore: transform() NAs introduced by coercion
Allenby, Mark
- [BioC] FlowCore: transform() NAs introduced by coercion
- [BioC] FlowCore Question
- [BioC] FlowPeaks - Get MFI values from clusters
Hefin Rhys Jones
- [BioC] Follow up on progress for brainarray cdfs on exon arrays.
Sin Yee Ku
- [BioC] frma and alternative CDFs
Tine Casneuf [guest]
- [BioC] frma and alternative CDFs
Matthew McCall
- [BioC] frma and alternative CDFs
Tine Casneuf
- [BioC] frma and alternative CDFs
Matthew McCall
- [BioC] frma and alternative CDFs
Tine Casneuf
- [BioC] frma and alternative CDFs
Matthew McCall
- [BioC] frma and alternative CDFs
Tine Casneuf
- [BioC] frma and alternative CDFs
Matthew McCall
- [BioC] frma and alternative CDFs
Tine Casneuf
- [BioC] frma and alternative CDFs
Matthew McCall
- [BioC] FW: Help with DESeq
Thuy Do
- [BioC] FW: Help with DESeq
Simon Anders
- [BioC] Fwd: deepSNV error
Asma rabe
- [BioC] genefilter
carol white
- [BioC] genefilter
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] genefilter
carol white
- [BioC] genefilter
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Genes in GRanges object
Asma rabe
- [BioC] GenomeinfoDB
Irsan [guest]
- [BioC] GenomeinfoDB
Arora, Sonali
- [BioC] GenomeinfoDB
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] GenomicAlignments - Speeding up readGAlignmentPairs()
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] GenomicAlignments - Speeding up readGAlignmentPairs()
Fong Chun Chan
- [BioC] GenomicAlignments - Speeding up readGAlignmentPairs()
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] GenomicAlignments - Speeding up readGAlignmentPairs()
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] GenomicAlignments - Speeding up readGAlignmentPairs()
Fong Chun Chan
- [BioC] GenomicAlignments - Speeding up readGAlignmentPairs()
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] GenomicAlignments - Speeding up readGAlignmentPairs()
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] GenomicAlignments - Speeding up readGAlignmentPairs()
Fong Chun Chan
- [BioC] GenomicAlignments - Speeding up readGAlignmentPairs()
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] GenomicAlignments - Speeding up readGAlignmentPairs()
Fong Chun Chan
- [BioC] GenomicAlignments - Speeding up readGAlignmentPairs()
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] GEOquery not parsing GSE expression sets
- [BioC] GEOquery not parsing GSE expression sets
Sean Davis
- [BioC] GEOquery not parsing GSE expression sets
Sean Davis
- [BioC] ggbio plot coverage adjusted for library size
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] ggbiplot
karthik [guest]
- [BioC] GOseq: count bias correction variations?
Christopher Conley
- [BioC] Goseq datasets
Eduardo Andres Leon
- [BioC] Goseq datasets
- [BioC] Goseq datasets
Eduardo Andres Leon
- [BioC] Goseq datasets
Eduardo Andres Leon
- [BioC] GWASTools: Sandwich SE
Adrienne Stilp
- [BioC] GWASTools instalation problem
Lopez Bobeda,Jose R
- [BioC] GWASTools instalation problem
Dan Tenenbaum
- [BioC] heatmap.2 x-axis label order problem
- [BioC] heatmap.2 x-axis label order problem
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Help installing 'rhdf5' in an "offline" environment
Ole Rogeberg
- [BioC] How to hide or suppress note about ward method in clValid package?
Kaj Chokeshaiusaha [guest]
- [BioC] How to hide or suppress note about ward method in clValid package?
Julian Gehring
- [BioC] how to read FCS3.1 files?
- [BioC] how to remove probeset
- [BioC] How to write a flowFrame from a matrix
Allenby, Mark
- [BioC] How to write a flowFrame from a matrix
Kipper Fletez-Brant
- [BioC] How to write a flowFrame from a matrix
- [BioC] initializing DirichletMultinomial::dmn
Charles Berry
- [BioC] initializing DirichletMultinomial::dmn
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] initializing DirichletMultinomial::dmn
Charles C. Berry
- [BioC] Interaction term logFC
Neetha [guest]
- [BioC] Interaction term logFC
Michael Love
- [BioC] Interaction term logFC
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] IRanges
Arun [guest]
- [BioC] IRanges
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] Is a subset of my arrays from degraded RNA?
Peter Davidsen
- [BioC] Is a subset of my arrays from degraded RNA?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] ISMB talks: Pathview for pathway-based data integration and visualization
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] Job offers at Novartis, Basel and Cambridge (MA)
Kauffmann, Audrey
- [BioC] limma, analysis on subset of data gives completely different results
Arvid Sondén
- [BioC] limma, analysis on subset of data gives completely different results
Axel Klenk
- [BioC] limma, analysis on subset of data gives completely different results
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] limma, analysis on subset of data gives completely different results
Aaron Mackey
- [BioC] limma, analysis on subset of data gives completely different results
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma, analysis on subset of data gives completely different results
Marcin Cieślik
- [BioC] limma, analysis on subset of data gives completely different results
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma contrast.matrix and design with "common reference"
Benedikt Athmer [guest]
- [BioC] limma contrast.matrix and design with "common reference"
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] limma roast syntax for overall anova
Juliet Hannah
- [BioC] limma roast syntax for overall anova
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma roast syntax for overall anova
Juliet Hannah
- [BioC] limma roast syntax for overall anova
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] LIMMA similarity of contrast matrix, F test and topTable
Koen Van den Berge
- [BioC] LIMMA similarity of contrast matrix, F test and topTable
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] LIMMA similarity of contrast matrix, F test and topTable
Koen Van den Berge
- [BioC] Linkage disequilibrium with 1000 Genomes/HapMap
Enrico Ferrero
- [BioC] Linkage disequilibrium with 1000 Genomes/HapMap
Enrico Ferrero
- [BioC] Linkage disequilibrium with 1000 Genomes/HapMap
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] makeTranscriptDbFromGFF Error for UCSC GTF File
Dario Strbenac
- [BioC] makeTranscriptDbFromGFF Error for UCSC GTF File
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] makeTranscriptDbFromGFF Error for UCSC GTF File
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] makeTranscriptDbFromGFF Error for UCSC GTF File
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] makeTranscriptDbFromGFF Error for UCSC GTF File
Simon Anders
- [BioC] makeTranscriptDbFromGFF Error for UCSC GTF File
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Microarray data normalization
Bernard Lee Kok Bang
- [BioC] Microarray data normalization
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] mismatch nb in Biostrings
carol white
- [BioC] mismatch nb in Biostrings
Harris A. Jaffee
- [BioC] multi-level design - a simplified question
- [BioC] multi-level design - a simplified question - corrected table
- [BioC] multi-level design and contrasts problem - limma
- [BioC] multi-level experiments - limma
- [BioC] NCBI gff3 annotation file and read.gff()
Ugo Borello
- [BioC] NCBI gff3 annotation file and read.gff()
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] NCBI gff3 annotation file and read.gff()
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] NCBI gff3 annotation file and read.gff()
Ugo Borello
- [BioC] NCBI gff3 annotation file and read.gff()
Chris Stubben
- [BioC] NCBI gff3 annotation file and read.gff()
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] NCBI gff3 annotation file and read.gff()
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] NCBI gff3 annotation file and read.gff()
ugo.borello at inserm.fr
- [BioC] non-CpG methylated regions and strand information in MEDIPS output
Ioana [guest]
- [BioC] non-CpG methylated regions and strand information in MEDIPS output
Lukas Chavez
- [BioC] Normalization code for gene expression data
Suresh Dara
- [BioC] Normalization code for gene expression data
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Notification: Sex Offenders Registered
Protect Your Children
- [BioC] Pathview hickups
Luo Weijun
- [BioC] pca plot
karthik [guest]
- [BioC] pca plot for gene expression
karthik [guest]
- [BioC] pca plot for gene expression
Michael Love
- [BioC] pca plot for gene expression
Michael Love
- [BioC] pca plot for gene expression
deepak karthik
- [BioC] pca plot for gene expression
Michael Love
- [BioC] Please comment the way I'm thinking about the way to find differentially expressed genes
Kaj Chokeshaiusaha [guest]
- [BioC] Please comment the way I'm thinking about the way to find differentially expressed genes
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Please comment the way I'm thinking about the way to find differentially expressed genes
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Please comment the way I'm thinking about the way to find differentially expressed genes
Kaj Chokeshaiusaha
- [BioC] Please comment the way I'm thinking about the way to find differentially expressed genes
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Please comment the way I'm thinking about the way to find differentially expressed genes
Dario Strbenac
- [BioC] Please comment the way I'm thinking about the way to find differentially expressed genes
Kaj Chokeshaiusaha
- [BioC] Postdoctoral Position in Statistical Systems Biology
Matthew McCall
- [BioC] power calculation of RNA-Seq
Michael Love
- [BioC] power calculation of RNA-Seq
Yanzhu Lin
- [BioC] power calculation of RNA-Seq
Zhijin Wu
- [BioC] Problem elaborating contrasts for DESeq2 analysis
Michael Love
- [BioC] Problem elaborating contrasts for DESeq2 analysis
Marine Rohmer
- [BioC] Problem elaborating contrasts for DESeq2 analysis
Michael Love
- [BioC] Problem in generating heatmap after R and Bioconductor Update
Remo [guest]
- [BioC] Problem in generating heatmap after R and Bioconductor Update
- [BioC] Problem in generating heatmap after R and Bioconductor Update
Remo Chiozzotto
- [BioC] processing Illumina HT12v4.0 expression data from GEO
Abhishek Pratap
- [BioC] processing Illumina HT12v4.0 expression data from GEO
Sean Davis
- [BioC] processing Illumina HT12v4.0 expression data from GEO
Abhishek Pratap
- [BioC] processing Illumina HT12v4.0 expression data from GEO
Sean Davis
- [BioC] processing Illumina HT12v4.0 expression data from GEO
Abhishek Pratap
- [BioC] processing Illumina HT12v4.0 expression data from GEO
Sean Davis
- [BioC] processing Illumina HT12v4.0 expression data from GEO
Abhishek Pratap
- [BioC] Putative bug in Biostrings
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] Putative bug in Biostrings
Watal M. Iwasaki
- [BioC] PWMEnrich::sequenceReport() and 'res' global variable
Enrico Ferrero
- [BioC] Query regarding DESeq
Gourja Bansal
- [BioC] Query regarding DESeq
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Question about decideTestsDGE()
Jon Bråte
- [BioC] Question about median of replicates
Sandra Fernandez Moya
- [BioC] Question about median of replicates
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Question about median of replicates
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Question about median of replicates
Sandra Fernandez Moya
- [BioC] Question about Rle
Asma rabe
- [BioC] Question about Rle
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] Question about Rle
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] Quickly approaching: BioC 2014, Boston, July 31 - Aug 1
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] R: Re: Deseq2 and differentia expression
Simon Anders
- [BioC] R: Re: R: Re: R: Re: Deseq2 and differentia expression
Simon Anders
- [BioC] Ranked genes generated by learning datasets and Differentially expressed genes generated by original data
Kaj Chokeshaiusaha [guest]
- [BioC] Ranked genes generated by learning datasets and Differentially expressed genes generated by original data
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Ranked genes generated by learning datasets and Differentially expressed genes generated by original data
Kaj Chokeshaiusaha
- [BioC] read.celfiles error
- [BioC] read.celfiles error
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] read.maimages
Jeannette [guest]
- [BioC] read.maimages
Axel Klenk
- [BioC] Rebuild GO.sqlite from GO.db using complete GO database
Eric Fournier
- [BioC] Rebuild GO.sqlite from GO.db using complete GO database
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Rebuild GO.sqlite from GO.db using complete GO database
Eric Fournier
- [BioC] remove duplicated rows generated by read.ilmn()
- [BioC] remove duplicated rows generated by read.ilmn()
- [BioC] Reverse signs of aging
Oceans Bounty
- [BioC] rhdf5 read/write concurrency surprise
Bernd Fischer
- [BioC] R hthgu133afrmavecs_1.1.0 error: row.effects should sum to zero
Matthew McCall
- [BioC] rlog() not in DESeq2?
Rishi [guest]
- [BioC] rlog() not in DESeq2?
Michael Love
- [BioC] rlog() not in DESeq2?
Rishi Sinha
- [BioC] rlog() not in DESeq2?
Michael Love
- [BioC] RMA Normalization Nimblegen with adf.txt file
Piet Jones
- [BioC] RMA Normalization Nimblegen with adf.txt file
Federico Lasa
- [BioC] RNA-Seq, generate batch-free count matrix
Brian Haas
- [BioC] RNA-Seq, generate batch-free count matrix
Dario Strbenac
- [BioC] RNA-Seq, generate batch-free count matrix
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] RNA-Seq, generate batch-free count matrix
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] RNA-Seq, generate batch-free count matrix
Brian Haas
- [BioC] RNA-Seq, generate batch-free count matrix
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] RNA-Seq, generate batch-free count matrix
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] RNA-Seq, generate batch-free count matrix
davide risso
- [BioC] RNA-Seq, generate batch-free count matrix
Jeff Leek
- [BioC] RNA-Seq, generate batch-free count matrix
Brian Haas
- [BioC] RNAseq expression threshold using DESeq2 normalised counts
Aditi [guest]
- [BioC] RNAseq expression threshold using DESeq2 normalised counts
- [BioC] RNAseq expression threshold using DESeq2 normalised counts
Michael Love
- [BioC] Running DESeq with 1000 samples
Maoqi Xu [guest]
- [BioC] Running DESeq with 1000 samples
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Running DESeq with 1000 samples
Simon Anders
- [BioC] Running DESeq with 1000 samples
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] selection of probes, probesets mapping to the same gene
carol white
- [BioC] selection of probes, probesets mapping to the same gene
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] ShortReadQ and conversion of quality scores to characters
Ivan Gregoretti
- [BioC] ShortReadQ and conversion of quality scores to characters
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] ShortReadQ and conversion of quality scores to characters
Ivan Gregoretti
- [BioC] small mistake in edgeRUsersGuide()
Zadeh, Jenny Drnevich
- [BioC] small mistake in edgeRUsersGuide()
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] SomaticSignatures
Huma Asif
- [BioC] SomaticSignatures
Julian Gehring
- [BioC] SomaticSignatures: could not find function "motifMatrix"
Max Salm [guest]
- [BioC] SomaticSignatures: could not find function "motifMatrix"
Julian Gehring
- [BioC] SomaticSignatures: could not find function "motifMatrix"
Julian Gehring
- [BioC] SomaticSignatures: could not find function "motifMatrix"
Julian Gehring
- [BioC] Subsetting clusters in flowPeaks
h.r.jones at qmul.ac.uk
- [BioC] Subsetting clusters in flowPeaks
h.r.jones at qmul.ac.uk
- [BioC] Suggestion for a small change to ChIPpeakAnno
- [BioC] Suggestion for a small change to ChIPpeakAnno
Ou, Jianhong
- [BioC] Suggestion for a small change to ChIPpeakAnno
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] Suggestion for a small change to ChIPpeakAnno
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] Suggestion for a small change to ChIPpeakAnno
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] Suitable learning sets, gene selection methods and classification methods for low replicated microarray samples
Kaj Chokeshaiusaha [guest]
- [BioC] Suitable learning sets, gene selection methods and classification methods for low replicated microarray samples
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Suitable learning sets, gene selection methods and classification methods for low replicated microarray samples
Kaj Chokeshaiusaha
- [BioC] Suitable learning sets, gene selection methods and classification methods for low replicated microarray samples
Kaj Chokeshaiusaha
- [BioC] Technical Replicates in EdgeR
Neha Mehta
- [BioC] Technical Replicates in EdgeR
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] The difference between three methods in calcNormFacotors() in edgeR
Zhan Tianyu
- [BioC] The difference between three methods in calcNormFactors() in edgeR
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Thread safety of BSgenome getSeq()
Johnston, Jeffrey
- [BioC] Thread safety of BSgenome getSeq()
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] time course experiment
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] time course experiment
- [BioC] time course experiment
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] time course experiment
- [BioC] time course experiment
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] time course experiment design
- [BioC] time course experiment design
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] top table or anova?
Konika Chawla
- [BioC] top table or anova?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Unable to load XPS package in R studio
Nhu Quynh T. Tran
- [BioC] Unable to load XPS package in R studio
- [BioC] Unable to load XPS package in R studio
Nhu Quynh T. Tran
- [BioC] Using DESeq2: experimental design and extracting results
Sridhar A Malkaram
- [BioC] Using DESeq2: experimental design and extracting results
Michael Love
- [BioC] Using GenomicAlignments to get Exon-centric Counts
Fong Chun Chan
- [BioC] Using GenomicAlignments to get Exon-centric Counts
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] Using GenomicAlignments to get Exon-centric Counts
Fong Chun Chan
- [BioC] Using GenomicAlignments to get Exon-centric Counts
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] vsn normalization in Ringo package
Maria Arnedo [guest]
- [BioC] vsn normalization in Ringo package
Joern Toedling
- [BioC] Would you like to connect on LinkedIn?
Yifang Tan
- [BioC] xps - error in normalize - "Error: Length of non-varying units is zero."
Thornton, Matthew
- [BioC] xps - error in normalize - "Error: Length of non-varying units is zero."
- [BioC] xps - error in normalize - "Error: Length of non-varying units is zero."
- [BioC] XPS crash while importing exon scheme
Nhu Quynh T. Tran
- [BioC] XPS crash while importing exon scheme
- [BioC] XPS crash while importing exon scheme
Nhu Quynh T. Tran
- [BioC] XPS crash while importing exon scheme
- [BioC] XPS crash while importing exon scheme
Nhu Quynh T. Tran
- [BioC] XPS crash while importing exon scheme
- [BioC] XPS crash while importing exon scheme
Nhu Quynh T. Tran
- [BioC] XPS crash while importing exon scheme
- [BioC] XPS differential expression
Quynh Tran
- [BioC] XPS differential expression
- [BioC] XPS with Arabidopsis Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip
Benedikt [guest]
- [BioC] XPS with Arabidopsis Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip
- [BioC] XPS with Arabidopsis Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip
- [BioC] XPS with Arabidopsis Gene 1.1 ST Array Strip
- [BioC] You're a 2014 Candidate for Who's Who! Confirm Now.
Whos Who
- [BioC] zlibbioc on Window -- was: Help installing 'rhdf5' in an "offline" environment
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] zlibbioc on Window -- was: Help installing 'rhdf5' in an "offline" environment
Bernd Fischer
- [BioC] zlibbioc on Window -- was: Help installing 'rhdf5' in an "offline" environment
Ole Rogeberg
Last message date:
Thu Jul 31 23:29:56 CEST 2014
Archived on: Fri Aug 1 04:34:28 CEST 2014
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