2001-July Archives by Author
Starting: Sun Jul 1 06:53:54 2001
Ending: Tue Jul 31 22:26:04 2001
Messages: 167
- [Rd] Bug list summary (automatic post)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] predict.lm(...., se=T), with 1-column model matrix (PR#1018)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Don't test my example; list of Rd macros?
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] read.spss, R 1.3.0, win2k
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Extra lines when bty="n" (PR#1021)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] AnonCVS
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] data(package = "..") gives extraneous warning (PR#1024)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Access to cran.us.r-project.org
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] polyroot() (PR#751)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [R] RE: [Rd] too many arguments in foreign function call
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] read.spss, R 1.3.0, win2k
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Summary: too many arguments in foreign function call
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] bug in eval
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Bug list summary (automatic post)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] hang-up with log="x" and segments (PR#1030)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] Why not in Debian distro?
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] nlme: bug in getCovariateFormula (PR#1038)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] nlme: bug in getCovariateFormula (PR#1038)
Peter Dalgaard BSA
- [Rd] AnonCVS
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] Access to cran.us.r-project.org
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] nlme: bug in getCovariateFormula (PR#1038)
Douglas Bates
- [Rd] Function calls and UseMethod.
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] indexing
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] indexing
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] feature request: readline
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] Re: forwarded message from Ross Ihaka
Kevin Buhr
- [Rd] The ... argument
John Chambers
- [Rd] The ... argument
John Chambers
- [R] RE: [Rd] too many arguments in foreign function call
John Chambers
- [Rd] Summary: too many arguments in foreign function call
John Chambers
- [Rd] angle/density in barplots/polygon
Tom Cook
- [Rd] Why not in Debian distro?
Zsombor Cseres-Gergely
- [Rd] Why not in Debian distro?
Zsombor Cseres-Gergely
- [Rd] Re: [R] Problems using Computer Modern fonts
Brian D'Urso
- [Rd] Problems using Computer Modern fonts
Brian D'Urso
- [Rd] Problems using Computer Modern fonts
Brian D'Urso
- [Rd] empty drop=F in [
Paul Gilbert
- [Rd] typos (PR#1013)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] documentation t.test (PR#1014)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] Re: [R] How to build R-1.3.0 under HP-UX 11.00
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] plot.mts() with type="p" (PR#1010)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] Re: Re: [R] How to build R-1.3.0 under HP-UX 11.00
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] Re: Re: [R] How to build R-1.3.0 under HP-UX 11.00
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] update.packages and incorrect "Version" (PR#1022)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] data(package = "..") gives extraneous warning (PR#1024)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] data(package = "..") gives extraneous warning (PR#1024)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] unbalanced braces in Rd files
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] forwarded message from Inge Monika
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] cmdscale in package mva (PR#1027)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] cmdscale in package mva (PR#1027)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] Re: argument ordering (was <blank>)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] Rd2dvi - script (PR#1029)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-remote] Installing RSPython with R 1.3.0
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] Compiling R (1.3.0) on AIX (4.3) fails (PR#1034)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] Compiling R (1.3.0) on AIX (4.3) fails (PR#1034)
Kurt Hornik
- [Rd] segments(*, col = c(..,NA,..)) {was "color NA ..."}
Ross Ihaka
- [Rd] stripchart() labels
Ross Ihaka
- [Rd] angle/density in barplots/polygon
Ross Ihaka
- [Rd] Object finalization
Timothy H. Keitt
- [Rd] Why not in Debian distro?
Timothy H. Keitt
- [Rd] "internal" keyword
Timothy H. Keitt
- [Rd] .Call and Mandrake 8.0 (PR#1020)
Duncan Temple Lang
- [Rd] too many arguments in foreign function call
Duncan Temple Lang
- [Rd] cmdscale in package mva (PR#1027)
Duncan Temple Lang
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-remote] Installing RSPython with R 1.3.0
Duncan Temple Lang
- [Rd] read.spss, R 1.3.0, win2k
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] winedt (PR#1033)
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] Suggestion: min(...,na.rm=T)
Agustin Lobo
- [Rd] read.spss, R 1.3.0, win2k
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] Suggestion: min(...,na.rm=T)
Thomas Lumley
- [Rd] color NA is allowed, but "NA" is not ... (yet)
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] segments(*, col = c(..,NA,..)) {was "color NA ..."}
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Problems using Computer Modern fonts
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] angle/density in barplots/polygon
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] stripchart() labels
John Maindonald
- [Rd] Don't test my example; list of Rd macros?
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Mis-matched braces in Rd files (PR#1019)
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] too many arguments in foreign function call
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Summary: too many arguments in foreign function call
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] segments(*, col = c(..,NA,..)) {was "color NA ..."}
Paul Murrell
- [Rd] stripchart() labels
Paul Murrell
- [Rd] Re: argument ordering (was <blank>)
Paul Murrell
- [Rd] hang-up with log="x" and segments (PR#1030)
Paul Murrell
- [Rd] Why not in Debian distro?
H C Pumphrey
- [Rd] plot.mts() with type="p" (PR#1010)
- [Rd] bug in pretty() (PR#1032)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] text.rpart: Unwanted NA labels on terminal nodes (PR#1009)
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] html help on R language (PR#1012)
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [R] RE: [Rd] too many arguments in foreign function call
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] read.spss, R 1.3.0, win2k
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] empty drop=F in [
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] "internal" keyword
Prof Brian D Ripley
- [Rd] ReleaseLargeFreeVectors SIGSEGV (?) (PR#1008)
- [Rd] (PR#1008) SIGSEGV began at 1.2.0
- [Rd] (PR#1008) SIGSEGV under 1.1.1 too
- [Rd] AnonCVS
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] AnonCVS
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] AnonCVS
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] AnonCVS
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] AnonCVS
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] AnonCVS
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] Access to cran.us.r-project.org
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-remote] Installing RSPython with R 1.3.0
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] Re: [Omega-remote] Installing RSPython with R 1.3.0
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] Why not in Debian distro?
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] marshalling/serializing of R objects for later execution?
A.J. Rossini
- [Rd] Addition to ?formula
Jonathan Rougier
- [Rd] The ... argument
Deepayan Sarkar
- [Rd] The ... argument
Deepayan Sarkar
- [Rd] The ... argument
Deepayan Sarkar
- [Rd] bug in eval
Deepayan Sarkar
- [Rd] nlme: bug in getCovariateFormula (PR#1038)
- [Rd] nlme: bug in getCovariateFormula (PR#1038)
- [Rd] nlme: bug in getCovariateFormula (PR#1038)
- [Rd] Object finalization
Luke Tierney
- [Rd] update.packages and incorrect "Version" (PR#1022)
- [Rd] Compiling R (1.3.0) on AIX (4.3) fails (PR#1034)
Thomas Vogels
- [Rd] Compiling R (1.3.0) on AIX (4.3) fails (PR#1034)
Thomas Vogels
- [Rd] Compiling R (1.3.0) on AIX (4.3) fails (PR#1034)
Thomas Vogels
- [Rd] too many arguments in foreign function call
Warnes, Gregory R
- [R] RE: [Rd] too many arguments in foreign function call
Warnes, Gregory R
- [R] RE: [Rd] too many arguments in foreign function call
Warnes, Gregory R
- [Rd] Summary: too many arguments in foreign function call
Warnes, Gregory R
- [Rd] Problems with RPython when stdin is not a terminal
Warnes, Gregory R
- [Rd] AnonCVS
Gregory R. Warnes
- [Rd] too many arguments in foreign function call
Gregory R. Warnes
- [Rd] too many arguments in foreign function call
Gregory R. Warnes
- [Rd] Installing RSPython with R 1.3.0
Gregory R. Warnes
- [Rd] plot.mts() with type="p" (PR#1010)
Achim Zeileis
- [Rd] typos (PR#1013)
- [Rd] html help on R language (PR#1012)
- [Rd] Extra lines when bty="n" (PR#1021)
- [Rd] R 1.3 on iMacs (PR#1015)
- [Rd] bug in pretty() (PR#1032)
- [Rd] Title of bundled packages in the library index (PR#1017)
- [Rd] text.rpart: Unwanted NA labels on terminal nodes (PR#1009)
- [Rd] predict.lm(...., se=T), with 1-column model matrix (PR#1018)
- [Rd] documentation t.test (PR#1014)
- [Rd] make check failure on SGI-IRIX6.5 (PR#1026)
- [Rd] cmdscale in package mva (PR#1027)
- [Rd] .Call and Mandrake 8.0 (PR#1020)
- [Rd] Knowledge is Power cm
- [Rd] data(package = "..") gives extraneous warning (PR#1024)
- [Rd] glm.control() is not properly documented.. (PR#1031)
- [Rd] ks.test doesn't compute correct empirical distribution if there are ties in the data (PR#1007)
- (PR#1007) [Rd] ks.test doesn't compute correct empirical distribution if there are ties in the data
- [Rd] Mis-matched braces in Rd files (PR#1019)
- [Rd] ordered factors in tree package - bug? (PR#1025)
- [Rd] Rd2dvi - script (PR#1029)
- [Rd] polyroot() (PR#751)
- [Rd] nlme: bug in getCovariateFormula (PR#1038)
- [Rd] Re: abline() AND rect() do not obey "xpd" (clipping) (PR#750)
- [Rd] R-intro suggestions part II (PR#1011)
- [Rd] AnonCVS
- (PR#1007) [Rd] ks.test doesn't compute correct empirical
- [Rd] Fail to build R (PR#1005)
- (PR#1007) [Rd] ks.test doesn't compute correct empirical
- [Rd] Title of bundled packages in the library index (PR#1017)
- [Rd] cmdscale in package mva (PR#1027)
- [Rd] winedt (PR#1033)
- [Rd] Compiling R (1.3.0) on AIX (4.3) fails (PR#1034)
- [Rd] bug in the interface of ESS, R for linux, S+6 for linux (PR#1028)
- [Rd] hang-up with log="x" and segments (PR#1030)
- [Rd] Fail to build R (PR#1005)
- [Rd] winedt (PR#1033)
- [Rd] Compiling R (1.3.0) on AIX (4.3) fails (PR#1034)
- [Rd] data function (PR#1023)
Last message date:
Tue Jul 31 22:26:04 2001
Archived on: Wed Nov 27 19:11:52 2002
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