[Rd] AnonCVS

Peter Dalgaard BSA p.dalgaard@biostat.ku.dk
13 Jul 2001 19:06:12 +0200

rossini@blindglobe.net (A.J. Rossini) writes:

> (sent to r-devel, in case anyone is interested)
> >>>>> "JdL" == Jan de Leeuw <deleeuw@stat.ucla.edu> writes:
>     JdL> Great. Which modules are available for checkout ?  --- J.
> (regarding R's anon cvs archive):
> R  R-manuals  R-notes
> (R = the "whole thing", and is probably the only one of interest -- at
> the anoncvs level, we don't have a sophisticated module structure --
> in fact, if there is one for the real archive, I don't know about it).

[Mostly modules of historical interest, some modules relating to
the web pages on www.r-project.org and developer.r-project.org, course
materials, and the foreign package]

> Looks like it nearly in sync with the main mirror, only 30 minutes of
> of (a mirror of the???) main archive.
> The modules and the timing of the sync I know; the rest is strictly
> conjecture. 
> best,
> -tony

Before people start doing this too much, we should probably get some
guidelines written down. In particular, there are quite a few things
done with CVS tags and a raw checkout of the R module might not be
what you want   .

[ assuming CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@cvs.r-project.org:/home/rcvs/src/ ]

cvs co -r 1-3 R         # gives version 1.3.0
                        # earlier versions are R-1-2-3 etc.
cvs co -r 1-releases R  # gives the pre-release of 1.4.0
cvs co -r 1-3-patches R # gives the patched current version (1.3.1pre)

With no tag you get the bleeding-edge/large-changes version that
should eventually become 2.0.0. This was recently opened so there's
not really anything there yet.

   O__  ---- Peter Dalgaard             Blegdamsvej 3  
  c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics     2200 Cph. N   
 (*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen   Denmark      Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard@biostat.ku.dk)             FAX: (+45) 35327907
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