[Rd] forwarded message from Inge Monika
Kurt Hornik
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 15:36:47 +0200
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From: Inge Monika <imonika@lbl.gov>
Sender: imonika@lbl.gov
To: Kurt.Hornik@r-project.org
Subject: R memory problem
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 13:35:18 -0700
Dear Kurt,
My name is Inge Monika. I'm currently using R version 1.3.0 to do
clustering analysis for my data set. My data set consists of 7 variables
and 21120 observations. Now, I have trouble increasing my vector size to
do the "emclust" function for my data. I only could increase my vector
size up to 2047M which is still too small. I keep getting an error
message "cannot allocate vector of size 82Kb" after I applied the
emclust function.
Could you tell me what's that mean?
And how can I solve that problem? My system administrator already
provide me with 2.5G swap space, but still I cannot increase my vector
size for more than 2047M.
I hope you could help me to solve this problem.
Thank you very much for your time and attention. I hope to hear from you
Inge Monika
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