[Rd] data(package = "..") gives extraneous warning (PR#1024)
Kurt Hornik
Sat, 14 Jul 2001 11:40:53 +0200
>>>>> maechler writes:
> Not too hard to fix, the following buglet (new in 1.3.0),
> but I'm about to leave for one week (of vacation)..
> Here is an example (for Linux) :
> lynne{sfs}214> cd /tmp
> lynne{sfs}215> mkdir blue
> lynne{sfs}216> cd blue
> /tmp/blue
> lynne{sfs}217> echo 'data(package = "mva")'|R-1.3.0 --vanilla
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>> data(package = "mva")
> Data sets in package `mva':
> Harman23.cor Harman Example 2.3
> Harman74.cor Harman Example 7.4
> ability.cov Ability and Intelligence Tests
> Warning message:
> package `blue' contains no datasets in: data(package = "mva")
> -------------------
> See the warning line at the very end. It's because of the new data()
> feature of looking for data sets in the current directory...
Don't think that this is a new feature ...
Anyway, fixed now. Nevertheless, the idea of also looking for data sets
in the working directory needs rethinking. Do we really want this? If
so, then e.g. we need to fix warnings if there is a data dir but no
index (the working dir is not simply a `package' ...).
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