[Rd] too many arguments in foreign function call

Gregory R. Warnes greg@warnes.net
Fri, 13 Jul 2001 12:30:29 -0400

Duncan Templ Lang wrote:
> Gregory R. Warnes wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi all, 
> > 
> > 
> > Looking at the code in src/main/dotcode.c, I see that MAX_ARGS is set to 
> > 65. 
> > 
> > While it is possible to work around this limitation, it seems 
> > arbitrary. I propose increasing the arbitrary value to 255 and adding 
> > appropriate documentation to the Foreign manual page. 
> > 
> > Any objections/comments? 
> Unfortunately, it isn't quite as simple as that. The code that uses 
> MAX_ARGS would also need to be extended and that involves adding the 
> remaining cases to the switch statement in do_dotCode() and 
> do_dotcall() in src/main/dotcode.c There's no reason why it can't be 
> done. Somebody simply has to generate the appropriate code, 
> presumably programmatically with a little script. I recall this was 
> extended in S4, but 64 was adequate for that context. 
> I imagine that there are some systems limit the number of arguments 
> one can have to a routine. 

OK.  I wrote a little R script to generate the necessary case
statements.  Since these code chunks are rather large (7140 lines
each!), I modifed src/main/dotcode to #include the case statements from
the (new) files /src/main/dotcode_cases.c and  /src/main/dotcall_cases.c
.   I'm not sure that this is the best way to do this, but including
these code chunks in dotcode.c makes it unmanagable.  

While I was making and (this time) testing the changes, I noticed that
one declaration had the value 65 hardcoded rather than using MAX_ARGS.  

I've uploaded a tgz file containing the patch and the R script that
generated the case statement/call code to

With this patch applied, the fortran subroutin I'm using now works fine
with 85 arguments.  I imagine that it should be tested on several
platforms to ensure that there isn't (as Duncan menioned) that a problem
with compilers/platforms restricting the number of arguments.

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