[Rd] Rd2dvi - script (PR#1029)
Kurt Hornik
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 17:02:04 +0200
>>>>> olefc writes:
> Full_Name: Ole Christensen
> Version: 1.3.0
> OS: Solaris
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> I have discovered a problem with script Rd2dvi for R-1.3.0 on our
> Solaris machines. When writing R CMD Rd2dvi Name_of_Package, then
> things go wrong with the conversion to Latex of the DESCRIPTION file
> in the package.
> Having discussed the problem with our system administrator, he
> constructed a script illustrating the problem (see below: script a,
> and output b). It seems that our Solaris machines makes a further
> expansion in the shell scripts than intended ( \\b -> \b ->
> <Backspace> ).
> We have also tested the script on a SunOS 4.1.2 and a Debian/GNU Linux
> 2.0.36 machine, where everything worked fine.
> ...
Thanks for pointing this out.
As newer versions of the autoconf manual point out
The simple @code{echo} is probably the most surprising source of
portability troubles. It is not possible to use @samp{echo}
portably unless both options and escape sequences are omitted.
New applications which are not aiming at portability should use
@samp{printf} instead of @samp{echo}.
Do not use backslashes in the arguments, as there is no
consensus on their handling.
The problem is that Solaris builtin echo and /usr/bin/echo by default
interpret `\b' et al as special backslash-escaped sequences.
The solution is not to use echo for producing LaTeX text but here
documents instead. Will fix.
[There is similar code in doc/manual/Makefile.in, but it does not use
any `recognized' escape sequences ...]
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