March 2014 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Mar 7 17:49:13 CET 2014
Ending: Mon Mar 31 11:49:15 CEST 2014
Messages: 145
- [Bioc-devel] readGAlignmentPairs function broken?
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] deprecated extractTranscriptsFromGenome
- [Bioc-devel] deprecated extractTranscriptsFromGenome
James W. MacDonald
- [Bioc-devel] Conference Announcement - CAMDA 2014
Djork-Arné Clevert
- [Bioc-devel] New biocViews for devel branch.
Arora, Sonali
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Gabriel Becker
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Vincent Carey
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Hector Corrada Bravo
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] BiocStyle and fonts
Laurent Gatto
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] BiocStyle and fonts
Martin Morgan
- [Bioc-devel] BiocStyle and fonts
Laurent Gatto
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] readGAlignmentPairs function broken?
Leonard Goldstein
- [Bioc-devel] BiocStyle and fonts
Andrzej Oleś
- [Bioc-devel] BiocStyle and fonts
Laurent Gatto
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] BiocStyle and fonts
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [Bioc-devel] BiocStyle and fonts
Andrzej Oleś
- [Bioc-devel] BiocStyle and fonts
Laurent Gatto
- [Bioc-devel] BiocStyle and fonts
Martin Morgan
- [Bioc-devel] BiocStyle and fonts
Andrzej Oleś
- [Bioc-devel] AnnotationDbi and select function
Servant Nicolas
- [Bioc-devel] AnnotationDbi and select function
James W. MacDonald
- [Bioc-devel] AnnotationDbi and select function
Marc Carlson
- [Bioc-devel] RE : AnnotationDbi and select function
Servant Nicolas
- [Bioc-devel] RE : AnnotationDbi and select function
Marc Carlson
- [Bioc-devel] 'droplevels' argument in `[` method for SummarizedExperiment?
Wolfgang Huber
- [Bioc-devel] RE : AnnotationDbi and select function
Marc Carlson
- [Bioc-devel] 'droplevels' argument in `[` method for SummarizedExperiment?
Ryan C. Thompson
- [Bioc-devel] 'droplevels' argument in `[` method for SummarizedExperiment?
Martin Morgan
- [Bioc-devel] 'droplevels' argument in `[` method for SummarizedExperiment?
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] 'droplevels' argument in `[` method for SummarizedExperiment?
Steve Lianoglou
- [Bioc-devel] 'droplevels' argument in `[` method for SummarizedExperiment?
Michael Love
- [Bioc-devel] fatal error when installing BioC devel on R devel
Martin Rijlaarsdam
- [Bioc-devel] fatal error when installing BioC devel on R devel
Dan Tenenbaum
- [Bioc-devel] fatal error when installing BioC devel on R devel
Martin Morgan
- [Bioc-devel] fatal error when installing BioC devel on R devel
Martin Rijlaarsdam
- [Bioc-devel] fatal error when installing BioC devel on R devel
Dan Tenenbaum
- [Bioc-devel] package submission deadline is next week - Thursday March 20
Dan Tenenbaum
- [Bioc-devel] fatal error when installing BioC devel on R devel
Dan Tenenbaum
- [Bioc-devel] rJava .jpackage("RDAVIDWebService") segfaults in restored R session
Cook, Malcolm
- [Bioc-devel] concat problem with CharacterList in mcols of GRanges
Vincent Carey
- [Bioc-devel] concat problem with CharacterList in mcols of GRanges
Vincent Carey
- [Bioc-devel] Unreproducible build check warning
Antti Honkela
- [Bioc-devel] concat problem with CharacterList in mcols of GRanges
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] Unreproducible build check warning
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] Unreproducible build check warning
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] Unreproducible build check warning
Antti Honkela
- [Bioc-devel] The importance of bumping (incrementing) package version numbers
Dan Tenenbaum
- [Bioc-devel] concat problem with CharacterList in mcols of GRanges
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] concat problem with CharacterList in mcols of GRanges
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] parsing embedded FASTA data
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] parsing embedded FASTA data
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] parsing embedded FASTA data
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] Problem with rtracklayer package
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] parsing embedded FASTA data
Gabriel Becker
- [Bioc-devel] parsing embedded FASTA data
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] parsing embedded FASTA data
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Julian Gehring
- [Bioc-devel] GenomicAlignments: using asMates=TRUE and yieldSize with paired-end BAM files
Michael Love
- [Bioc-devel] GenomicAlignments: using asMates=TRUE and yieldSize with paired-end BAM files
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] GenomicAlignments: using asMates=TRUE and yieldSize with paired-end BAM files
Michael Love
- [Bioc-devel] GenomicAlignments: using asMates=TRUE and yieldSize with paired-end BAM files
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] GenomicAlignments: using asMates=TRUE and yieldSize with paired-end BAM files
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Stephanie M. Gogarten
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Vincent Carey
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Sean Davis
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] SummarizedExperiment
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [Bioc-devel] report a minor bug in GenomicRanges
Ou, Jianhong
- [Bioc-devel] report a minor bug in GenomicRanges
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] report a minor bug in GenomicRanges
Ou, Jianhong
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Martin Morgan
- [Bioc-devel] GenomicAlignments: using asMates=TRUE and yieldSize with paired-end BAM files
Michael Love
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] restrictToSNV for VCF
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] report a minor bug in GenomicRanges
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] Cytogenetic bands
Ilari Scheinin
- [Bioc-devel] Warning: loading Rplot failed
- [Bioc-devel] Warning: loading Rplot failed
Dan Tenenbaum
- [Bioc-devel] Warning: loading Rplot failed
- [Bioc-devel] Bioconductor git-svn bridge is available
Laurent Gatto
- [Bioc-devel] SummarizedExperiment
Martin Morgan
- [Bioc-devel] SummarizedExperiment
Vincent Carey
- [Bioc-devel] parsing embedded FASTA data
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] Bug in les:::cdfDuplicates
Ryan C. Thompson
- [Bioc-devel] SummarizedExperiment
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [Bioc-devel] Bug in les:::cdfDuplicates
Julian Gehring
- [Bioc-devel] SummarizedExperiment
Peter Haverty
- [Bioc-devel] SummarizedExperiment
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [Bioc-devel] SummarizedExperiment
Peter Haverty
- [Bioc-devel] Cytogenetic bands
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] file registry - feedback
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] SummarizedExperiment
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] Bug in les:::cdfDuplicates
Ryan Thompson
- [Bioc-devel] Conflicting definitions for function redefined as S4 generics
Ulrich Bodenhofer
- [Bioc-devel] [Rd] Conflicting definitions for function redefined as S4 generics
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] [Rd] Conflicting definitions for function redefined as S4 generics
Gabriel Becker
- [Bioc-devel] [Rd] Conflicting definitions for function redefined as S4 generics
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] [Rd] Conflicting definitions for function redefined as S4 generics
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] To Bioc Team: OneChannelGUI error
- [Bioc-devel] To Bioc Team: OneChannelGUI error
Dan Tenenbaum
- [Bioc-devel] To Bioc Team: OneChannelGUI error
- [Bioc-devel] [Rd] Conflicting definitions for function redefined as S4 generics
Ulrich Bodenhofer
- [Bioc-devel] Roar - detecting 3'UTR shortening with standard RNAseq data
Elena Grassi
- [Bioc-devel] Apparent error in illuminaHumanv4.db
Taku Tokuyasu
- [Bioc-devel] Apparent error in illuminaHumanv4.db
James W. MacDonald
- [Bioc-devel] GenomicAlignments: using asMates=TRUE and yieldSize with paired-end BAM files
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] GenomicAlignments: using asMates=TRUE and yieldSize with paired-end BAM files
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] [Rd] Conflicting definitions for function redefined as S4 generics
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] GenomicAlignments: using asMates=TRUE and yieldSize with paired-end BAM files
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] Git-svn bridge
Diana LOW (IMCB)
- [Bioc-devel] rtracklayer: Export to bigwig with unused seqlevels
Julian Gehring
- [Bioc-devel] flank function with start argument a named vector
Leonard Goldstein
- [Bioc-devel] rtracklayer: Export to bigwig with unused seqlevels
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] flank function with start argument a named vector
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] GenomicAlignments: using asMates=TRUE and yieldSize with paired-end BAM files
Valerie Obenchain
- [Bioc-devel] Overflow in as(rlelist, "IntegerList"
Gabe Becker
- [Bioc-devel] Overflow in as(rlelist, "IntegerList"
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] Overflow in as(rlelist, "IntegerList"
Gabe Becker
- [Bioc-devel] Overflow in as(rlelist, "IntegerList"
Hervé Pagès
- [Bioc-devel] Overflow in as(rlelist, "IntegerList"
Michael Lawrence
- [Bioc-devel] Viper package is now publicly available
Mariano Alvarez
- [Bioc-devel] rtracklayer: Export to bigwig with unused seqlevels
Julian Gehring
- [Bioc-devel] svn repository for data experiment packages now having branches too
Andrzej Oleś
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 11:49:15 CEST 2014
Archived on: Mon Mar 31 11:49:21 CEST 2014
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