[Bioc-devel] rtracklayer: Export to bigwig with unused seqlevels
Julian Gehring
julian.gehring at embl.de
Fri Mar 28 16:09:30 CET 2014
Exporting a GRanges object to the 'bigwig' format with rtracklayer fails
if not all seqlevels are used:
## example data
lg = reduce(unstrand(longGR))
lg$score = 1:6
## full one works
export(lg, tempfile(), "bw") ## works
## generally works if all seqlevels are used
lg1 = lg[c(1, 3, 5)]
export(lg1, tempfile(), "bw") ## works
## subset works if all seqlevels are used
lg2 = lg[1:4]
export(lg2, tempfile(), "bw") ## fails
lg3 = keepSeqlevels(lg2, unique(as.character(seqnames(lg2))))
export(lg3, tempfile(), "bw") ## works
This fails with the latest bioc-devel (rtracklayer_1.23.18) and works
with bioc-stable.
A solution may be to remove unused seqlevels in the object, perhaps with
a warning/message that not all seqlevels were exported.
Best wishes
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