[Bioc-devel] Conference Announcement - CAMDA 2014

Djork-Arné Clevert okko at clevert.de
Mon Mar 10 21:30:57 CET 2014

Dear Colleagues, 

With great pleasure we announce the 13th International Conference on the Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis (CAMDA) in Boston, MA, U.S.A., July 11-12, 2014, held as official Satellite Meeting to 22nd Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB). 

CAMDA focuses on innovative methods to analyze massive data sets from life sciences. Over two days, researchers from bioinformatics, computer sciences, statistics, genetics, molecular biology, and other fields present novel approaches to analyze Big Data. 

An essential part of CAMDA is its competitive challenge where big heterogeneous data sets are analyzed and outcomes and methods compared. Academic and industrial researchers worldwide are invited to take the CAMDA challenge, to show their expertise in handling Big Data, and to present their results. Submitted abstracts are selected for oral and poster presentations. As in last years, the prestigious CAMDA prize will be awarded for the best presentation. Selected submissions are published in the CAMDA Proceedings as an open access PubMed indexed special issue of Systems Biomedicine. 

You can find additional information about the challenge data sets, submissions, etc. at www.camda.info. Some key dates are: 
- Abstract submission deadline for oral presentation / 20 May 2014 
- Abstract submission deadline for poster presentation / 25 May 2014 
- Notification of accepted contributions / 30 May 2014 
- Early registration closes / 1 June 2014 

As in past years, contest presentations are complemented by high profile keynotes (with recent speakers including Sandrine Dudoit, Mark Gerstein, John Quackenbush, Terry Speed, John Storey, Eran Segal, Atul Butte, Nikolaus Rajewsky, and others). This year, we are delighted to welcome: 

Chris Sander, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY, USA 
Temple F. Smith, Boston University, MA, USA 
Jun Wang, Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), Shenzhen, China 

We look forward to seeing you in Boston! 

The organizers and chairs of CAMDA 2014 

Djork-Arné Clevert, Johannes Kepler University, Austria 
Joaquin Dopazo, CIPF, Spain 
Sepp Hochreiter, Johannes Kepler University, Austria 
Lan Hu Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, U.S.A. 
David Kreil, Boku University, Austria 
Simon Lin, Marshfield Clinic, U.S.A. 

Contact: camda at bioinf.jku.at 
Conference website: http://www.camda.info

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