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Beginning of exercises: Monday, 02/17/2014.
Exercises will be held every Monday from 10.15-11.55 at ETH Zentrum, in the computer rooms HG E19 (WBL students only) and HG E26.1. You will be handed out a set of problems at their beginning. We expect that you work on these problems; assistants and lecturer are available for assistance. At the end of an exercise session, a written master solution will be handed out and made available online. Generally, there is no need to hand in the exercises and no marking will be provided. In case of questions or discrepancies between yours and the master solution, please speak up to the assistant or lecturer during the next session.
Please note that the exercises in room E19 will be tutored by WBL (Weiterbildungslehrgang in Statistik) assistant Nina Anderegg, thus places in this room are reserved for WBL students. All other students please visit room E26.1, where Laura Buzdugan will act as a tutor. Your lecturer, Dr. Marcel Dettling, will circulate in both rooms and answer questions on theory / exercises.
The exercises, but also the classes will be based on procedures from the freely available, open-source statistical software package R. Some basic previous knowledge of R is required. If you lack this previous knowledge, do not worry. You can quickly and easily gain it by going over one of the many tutorials which are available. We recommend chapters 1-5 of http://www.cyclismo.org/tutorial/R/, or, going through the entire content of http://math.illinoisstate.edu/dhkim/rstuff/rtutor.html. The classic resource for the basics on R is the manual “An Introduction to R”, which is quite a bit longer and more technical, but a very worthwhile read:http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-intro.html
Sheets | Discussion | Solutions |
Sheet 1 | Feb. 17, 2014 | Solution 1 |
Sheet 2 | Feb. 24, 2014 | Solution 2 |
Sheet 3 | Mar. 03, 2014 | Solution 3 |
Sheet 4 | Mar. 10, 2014 |
Solution 4 |
Sheet 5 | Mar. 17, 2014 | Solution 5 |
Sheet 6 | Mar. 31, 2014 |
Solution 6 |
Sheet 7 | Apr. 7, 2014 | Solution 7 |
Sheet 8 | Apr. 14, 2014 | Solution 8 |
Sheet 9 | Apr. 28, 2014 | Solution 9 |
Sheet 10 | May 05, 2014 | Solution 10 |
Sheet 11 | May 12, 2014 | Solution 11 |
Sheet 12 | May 19, 2014 | Solution 12 |
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