November 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Nov 1 04:04:43 CET 2007
Ending: Fri Nov 30 21:55:06 CET 2007
Messages: 272
- [Rd] unexpected result from reshape
Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
- [Rd] unexpected result from reshape
Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
- [Rd] patch proposal for plot.ts
Antonio, Fabio Di Narzo
- [Rd] Help about nnet library
Pierre-Henri BUSSIERE
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Jane_Harvill at Baylor.Edu
- [Rd] Hmisc for Mac OSX.
Ken Beath
- [Rd] isOpen on closed connections
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Henrik Bengtsson
- [Rd] R install problem on MacOS 10.5.1 (PR#10476)
Saleem Bhatti
- [Rd] R install problem on MacOS 10.5.1 (PR#10476)
Saleem Bhatti
- [Rd] Returning vectors of two different data types back to R environment (from C).
Roger Bivand
- [Rd] re sponses to issues on r-devel
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] Bug in package stats function ar() (PR#10459)
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] r-forge http server down?
Ben Bolker
- [Rd] reading and writing to Google spreadsheets
Farrel Buchinsky
- [Rd] RPM Key in Readme file
Joe W. Byers
- [Rd] RPM Key in Readme file
Joe W. Byers
- [Rd] make check-all fails on F8
Tom "spot" Callaway
- [Rd] Color coding
Gasper Cankar
- [Rd] slots of type "double"
John Chambers
- [Rd] daylight saving / time zone issues with as.POSIXlt/as.POSIXct (PR#10392)
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] A suggestion for an amendment to tapply
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] Col.names parameter in write.csv (PR#10411)
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] 2.6.1 scheduled for November 26
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] unexpected result from reshape
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] Postscript saving failed. (PR#10473)
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] Problem with points/lines (PR#10472)
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] Problem with points/lines (PR#10472)
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] Problem with points/lines (PR#10472)
Peter Dalgaard
- [Rd] pcalg: labels
Peter Danenberg
- [Rd] Returning vectors of two different data types back to R environment (from C).
Charles Danko
- [Rd] ?eigen documentation suggestion
Dan Davison
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Bill Dunlap
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Adrian Dusa
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Adrian Dusa
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Adrian Dusa
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Adrian Dusa
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Adrian Dusa
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Adrian Dusa
- [Rd] package installation order
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] More Rgraphviz help needed (Was: package installation order)
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] package gsl assumes incorrect gcc version during install (PR#10451)
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [Rd] Curry: proposed new functional programming, er, function.
Byron Ellis
- [Rd] Color coding
Byron Ellis
- [Rd] package installation order
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] isOpen on closed connections
Seth Falcon
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
John Fox
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Simone Giannerini
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Simone Giannerini
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Simone Giannerini
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Simone Giannerini
- [Rd] Bug in pacf -- Proposed patch
Simone Giannerini
- [Rd] faqs
Gregor Gorjanc
- [Rd] Matrix exponential in R
Vincent Goulet
- [Rd] years() in chron package not working in R 2.6.0 (PR#10415)
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] How to overload the assignment operator?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] When to use LazyLoad, LazyData and ZipData?
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] faqs
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] faqs
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] faqs
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] faqs
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] faqs
Gabor Grothendieck
- [Rd] Strange behavior of pretty
Ulrike Grömping
- [Rd] R CMD check problem on R 2.6.1 RC
Ulrike Grömping
- [Rd] R CMD check problem on R 2.6.1 RC
Ulrike Grömping
- [Rd] R CMD check problem on R 2.6.1 RC
Ulrike Grömping
- [Rd] vignettes and papers
Robin Hankin
- [Rd] strange `nls' behaviour
Joerg van den Hoff
- [Rd] Cairo device in dev.copy2eps
Washington Leite Junger
- [Rd] Can a package override the default color palette?
Tim Keitt
- [Rd] Cell or PS3 Port
Ed Knutson
- [Rd] How to overload the assignment operator?
Matthias Kohl
- [Rd] package installation order
Kuhn, Max
- [Rd] package installation order
Kuhn, Max
- [Rd] package installation order
Kuhn, Max
- [Rd] package installation order
Kuhn, Max
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Duncan Temple Lang
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Duncan Temple Lang
- [Rd] R crashes when I open R files in R (PR#10402)
Jérôme Lemaître
- [Rd] mean mailing list moderator ..
Hin-Tak Leung
- [Rd] problem in linking to with R 2.5.0
Jiangtian Li
- [Rd] dot in function name taken as S3 method by package check
Liaw, Andy
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] colnames slow (PR#10470)
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] Levy (PR#10469)
Uwe Ligges
- [Rd] FYI: issue with arpa/inet.h on SunOS 5.9 (old gcc?)
Don MacQueen
- [Rd] FYI: issue with arpa/inet.h on SunOS 5.9 (old gcc?)
Don MacQueen
- [Rd] mean mailing list moderator ..
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] R 2.6.0 make check fails on SGI origin 350 and
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] R 2.6.0 make check fails on SGI origin 350 and
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] slots of type "double"
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] NEWS file (was faqs)
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] patch proposal for plot.ts
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] Bug in package stats function ar() (PR#10459)
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] ?eigen documentation suggestion
Martin Maechler
- [Rd] R 2.6.0 make check fails on SGI origin 350 and
kamil Marcinkowski
- [Rd] R 2.6.0 make check fails on SGI origin 350 and
kamil Marcinkowski
- [Rd] R 2.6.0 make check fails on SGI origin 350 and
kamil Marcinkowski
- [Rd] R 2.6.0 make check fails on SGI origin 350 and
kamil Marcinkowski
- [Rd] R 2.6.0 make check fails on SGI origin 350 and
kamil Marcinkowski
- [Rd] R 2.6.0 make check fails on SGI origin 350 and
kamil Marcinkowski
- [Rd] Mac OS X Leopard and C compiling
Daniel McDonald
- [Rd] 64-bit R-build on Mac OS X 10.4 - make check failures
Steven McKinney
- [Rd] When to use LazyLoad, LazyData and ZipData?
Bjørn-Helge Mevik
- [Rd] When to use LazyLoad, LazyData and ZipData?
Bjørn-Helge Mevik
- [Rd] When to use LazyLoad, LazyData and ZipData?
Bjørn-Helge Mevik
- [Rd] R CMD check in Windows
Fernando Miguez
- [Rd] help("R_LIBS") brings up the wrong help file (PR#10475)
Katharine Mullen
- [Rd] Strange behavior of pretty
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] namespace crash on S3method("as.ff",function)
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] dot in function name taken as S3 method by package check
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] R crashes when I open R files in R (PR#10402)
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] R crashes when I open R files in R (PR#10402)
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] R crashes when I open R files in R (PR#10402)
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] When to use LazyLoad, LazyData and ZipData?
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] faqs
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] NEWS file (was faqs)
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] R CMD check in Windows
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] R CMD check problem on R 2.6.1 RC
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] R CMD check problem on R 2.6.1 RC
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] Bug in package stats function ar() (PR#10459)
Duncan Murdoch
- [Rd] slots of type "double"
Martin Mächler
- [Rd] applying duplicated, unique and match to lists?
"Jens Oehlschlägel"
- [Rd] namespace crash on S3method("as.ff",function)
"Jens Oehlschlägel"
- [Rd] How to overload the assignment operator?
"Jens Oehlschlägel"
- [Rd] How to overload the assignment operator?
"Jens Oehlschlägel"
- [Rd] How to overload the assignment operator?
"Jens Oehlschlägel"
- [Rd] How to overload the assignment operator?
"Jens Oehlschlägel"
- [Rd] How to overload the assignment operator?
"Jens Oehlschlägel"
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Jari Oksanen
- [Rd] Change in write.dcf() that breaks existing code
Herve Pages
- [Rd] isOpen on closed connections
Roger D. Peng
- [Rd] isOpen on closed connections
Roger D. Peng
- [Rd] stats package, optim and other optimization methods: more parameters?
Mike Preuss
- [Rd] stats package, optim and other optimization methods: more parameters?
Mike Preuss
- [Rd] daylight saving / time zone issues with as.POSIXlt/as.POSIXct (PR#10392)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Strange behavior of pretty
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] namespace crash on S3method("as.ff",function)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Should numeric()/character() etc initialize with NA instead of 0 or ""?
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] A suggestion for an amendment to tapply
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] FYI: issue with arpa/inet.h on SunOS 5.9 (old gcc?)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] [R] help needed: taking a function out of a package and it can not find some funtions
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] R 2.6.0 make check fails on SGI origin 350 and
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] problem in linking to with R 2.5.0
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] FYI: issue with arpa/inet.h on SunOS 5.9 (old gcc?)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] 64-bit R-build on Mac OS X 10.4 - make check failures
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Building Rdll.lib with Visual C++
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] savePlot bug in R 2.6.0? (PR#10420)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] How to overload the assignment operator?
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] slots of type "double"
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] slots of type "double"
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] How to overload the assignment operator?
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] R 2.6.0 make check fails on SGI origin 350 and
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] R 2.6.0 make check fails on SGI origin 350 and
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] slots of type "double"
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] When to use LazyLoad, LazyData and ZipData?
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] package installation order
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] package installation order
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] stats package, optim and other optimization methods: more parameters?
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] isOpen on closed connections
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] library path in Rd link
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] slots of type "double"
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] NEWS file (was faqs)
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] R CMD check in Windows
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Cairo device in dev.copy2eps
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] (PR#10437) segfault on functions with 'source' attribute
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Color coding
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] Building R-devel under Windows
Prof Brian Ripley
- [Rd] A suggestion for an amendment to tapply
Andrew Robinson
- [Rd] A suggestion for an amendment to tapply
Andrew Robinson
- [Rd] A suggestion for an amendment to tapply
Andrew Robinson
- [Rd] Returning vectors of two different data types back to R environment (from C).
Barry Rowlingson
- [Rd] Should numeric()/character() etc initialize with NA instead of 0 or ""?
Fabian Scheipl
- [Rd] RPM Key in Readme file
Marc Schwartz
- [Rd] RPM Key in Readme file
Marc Schwartz
- [Rd] RPM Key in Readme file
Marc Schwartz
- [Rd] make check-all fails on F8
Marc Schwartz
- [Rd] make check-all fails on F8
Marc Schwartz
- [Rd] Problem with points/lines (PR#10472)
Gavin Simpson
- [Rd] Problem with points/lines (PR#10472)
Gavin Simpson
- [Rd] How to overload the assignment operator?
Oleg Sklyar
- [Rd] Nested SEXP functions
Oleg Sklyar
- [Rd] Returning vectors of two different data types back to R environment (from C).
Oleg Sklyar
- [Rd] Cell or PS3 Port
Luke Tierney
- [Rd] Hmisc for Mac OSX.
Rolf Turner
- [Rd] Hmisc for Mac OSX.
Rolf Turner
- [Rd] Hmisc for Mac OSX.
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] Mac OS X Leopard and C compiling
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] 64-bit R-build on Mac OS X 10.4 - make check failures
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] C/C++ 'assert' should not be used in R packages
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] slots of type "double"
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] How to overload the assignment operator?
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] faqs
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] NEWS file (was faqs)
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] MacOSX 10.4.11 update breaks tests/lapack.R (R 2.6.0)? (PR#10454)
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] R install problem on MacOS 10.5.1 (PR#10476)
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] R install problem on MacOS 10.5.1 (PR#10476)
Simon Urbanek
- [Rd] vignettes and papers
Achim Zeileis
- [Rd] daylight saving / time zone issues with as.POSIXlt/as.POSIXct (PR#10392)
tplate at
- [Rd] small performance enhancement suggestion (PR#10409)
simon.debernard at
- [Rd] Bug in package stats function ar() (PR#10459)
smckinney at
- [Rd] ctest
- [Rd] daylight saving / time zone issues with as.POSIXlt/as.POSIXct (PR#10393)
p.dalgaard at
- [Rd] hash access to data.frame uses prefix? (PR#10474)
pkensche at
- [Rd] R install problem on MacOS 10.5.1 (PR#10476)
saleem at
- [Rd] A suggestion for an amendment to tapply
Bill.Venables at
- [Rd] isOpen on closed connections
Mark.Bravington at
- [Rd] package gsl assumes incorrect gcc version during install (PR#10456)
edd at
- [Rd] biocep project - R for the Web and the Virtual R Workbench
kchine at
- [Rd] dataframe does not expand as.Dates objects (PR#10481)
adrian_d at
- [Rd] Postscript saving failed. (PR#10473)
zliu at
- [Rd] slots of type "double"
hpages at
- [Rd] colnames slow (PR#10470)
tomas.larsson at
- [Rd] Misleading error message for (PR#10406)
christoph.bonitz at
- [Rd] package gsl assumes incorrect gcc version during install (PR#10451)
leviwaldron at
- [Rd] MacOSX 10.4.11 update breaks tests/lapack.R (R 2.6.0)? (PR#10454)
rjvbertin at
- [Rd] Bug in pacf -- Proposed patch (PR#10455)
sgiannerini at
- [Rd] Nested SEXP functions
statmobile at
- [Rd] Nested SEXP functions
statmobile at
- [Rd] Returning vectors of two different data types back to R environment (from C).
statmobile at
- [Rd] bug in getGraphicsEvent (PR#10453)
twoutopias at
- [Rd] e1071:svm - default epsilon = 0.1 (NOT 0.5) (PR#5671)
samy hafid
- [Rd] segfault on functions with 'source' attribute set to a boolean or a number (PR#10437)
karl at
- [Rd] (PR#10437) segfault on functions with 'source' attribute
karl at
- [Rd] Cairo device in dev.copy2eps
wjunger at
- [Rd] help("R_LIBS") brings up the wrong help file (PR#10475)
timh at
- [Rd] faqs
roger koenker
- [Rd] Problem with configure's detection of glob on 2.6.0 (PR#10468)
m.pacey at
- [Rd] Puzzling message: "no man files in this package"
J.J.Goeman at
- [Rd] Col.names parameter in write.csv (PR#10411)
kingsley.oteng-amoako at
- [Rd] Trivial formatting typo in summary(lm()) (PR#10480)
racinej at
- [Rd] Problem with points/lines (PR#10472)
carlos at
- [Rd] colnames slow (PR#10470)
maechler at
- [Rd] NEWS file (was faqs)
friedrich.leisch at
- [Rd] Documentation bug in kruskal.test (PR#10404)
bornkamp at
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
ripley at
- [Rd] Col.names parameter in write.csv (PR#10411)
ripley at
- [Rd] (PR#10437) segfault on functions with 'source' attribute
ripley at
- [Rd] Problem with configure's detection of glob on 2.6.0 (PR#10468)
ripley at
- [Rd] Postscript saving failed. (PR#10473)
ripley at
- [Rd] hash access to data.frame uses prefix? (PR#10474)
ripley at
- [Rd] hash access to data.frame uses prefix? (PR#10474)
ripley at
- [Rd] help("R_LIBS") brings up the wrong help file (PR#10475)
ripley at
- [Rd] years() in chron package not working in R 2.6.0 (PR#10415)
jputz at
- [Rd] Building Rdll.lib with Visual C++
William.Fulton at
- [Rd] Building Rdll.lib with Visual C++
William.Fulton at
- [Rd] R crashes when I open R files in R (PR#10402)
jerome.lemaitre.1 at
- [Rd] Levy (PR#10469)
vincent.remacle at
- [Rd] savePlot bug in R 2.6.0? (PR#10420)
lupi at
- [Rd] Saving Graphics File as .ps or .pdf (PR#10403)
hadley wickham
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 21:55:06 CET 2007
Archived on: Sat Dec 1 12:50:03 CET 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).