[Rd] bug in getGraphicsEvent (PR#10453)

twoutopias at gmail.com twoutopias at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 22:25:03 CET 2007

Full_Name: Seth Roberts
Version: 2.6.0
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (

Using getGraphicsEvent produces stack imbalance warnings. This started after I
installed 2.6.0; it did not happen with 2.5.1. 

Running the example given in the user manual (retrieved via ?getGraphicsEvent)
produces the following errors:

Key <2>
Key <1>
Buttons  0  at  0.991317 0.9942029 
Warning: stack imbalance in 'getGraphicsEvent', 7 then 17
Warning: stack imbalance in '.Internal', 6 then 16
[1] "Done"

I wrote the following program:

function () 


running the program, switching to the graphics window and typing "4" produced:

Waiting for input
Warning: stack imbalance in 'getGraphicsEvent', 13 then 14
Warning: stack imbalance in '.Internal', 12 then 13
Warning: stack imbalance in '{', 6 then 7
[1] "4"

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