[Rd] stats package, optim and other optimization methods: more parameters?

Mike Preuss mike.preuss at cs.uni-dortmund.de
Wed Nov 14 22:47:25 CET 2007

Dear R developers,

concerning the stats package,
is there a way to access more of the 'internal'
parameters of the optim() methods (e.g. BFGS),
without me rewriting optim code and using it as
an internal, patched stats package? It may not
sound useful to you, but for me it is important
to be able to change the parameters as I want
to apply parameter tuning methods. Currently,
I'm doing so only on the very limited parameter
set available via the control parameter, but
e.g. for the CG and BFGS methods, this is practically
empty. But there are internally set parameters
(e.g. for the line searches), just they are not
accessible from the outside.

Best wishes and many thanks,

Mike Preuss

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