Seminar for Statistics


Start: Friday, 26.02.2016

The first exercise class will take place in the computer labs HG E19 and HG E26.3. You will get a short introduction to R and environments to work with R. All other seminar classes will take place on Fridays 10-12 in HG E 1.2. There will be no exercise class on Friday 25th of March and Friday 1st of April.

Statistics Software R

Exercises will be based on the free open-source statistics and graphics software R, It can be downloaded from the ETH CRAN mirror for Mac, Linux or Windows. A good way of working with R is to edit R-script files in an editor and to transfer the written code to a running R process. There are many editors that support this. We recommend the use of RStudio, which is available for all common platforms ( This editor will also be used during the exam.

RStudio as well as all R packages necessary to solve the exercises are installed in the computer labs in the E floor of the ETH main building. Students which prefer working with their own laptop or PC will need to download packages themselves. R packages can be downloaded from CRAN (where you got R), ETH mirror at Follow the link "Packages" on the left side. There, you can also find documentation on how to install the packages.

R tutorial

Here is the link to a very short introduction to R.
We will work through this tutorial during the first exercise class.

R Markdown allows you to mix text with R-code and R-outputs in a nice document. It is not compulsory but we strongly encourage you to use it for your homework. Here is a very short introduction you should go through during the first exercise class.

Beginners: if you are completely new to R and like to learn on your own, you should go through this online tutorial.


Please take a look at this organizational sheet, containing important information about the exercises and how they should be handed in.

The new exercise sheet will always be uploaded on the Thursdays preceding the corresponding preliminary discussion session.

Deadline to hand in your solution Teaching assistant
R Markdown tutorial
 26/02/2016   Andreas Elsener,

Marco Eigenmann,

Sylvain Robert

Exercise 1  04/03/2016  11/03/2016 Andreas Elsener
Exercise 2  11/03/2016  18/03/2016 Marco Eigenmann
Exercise 3  18/03/2016  08/04/2016 Andreas Elsener
Exercise 4
08/04/2016 15/04/2016 Sylvain Robert
Exercise 5

R-Skeleton Ex 5.2

 15/04/2016  22/04/2016 Marco Eigenmann
Exercise 6 22/04/2016 29/04/2016 Marco Eigenmann
Exercise 7

R-Skeleton Ex 7.2


29/04/2016  06/05/2016 Sylvain Robert
Exercise 8

R-Skeleton Ex 8.2

 06/05/2016  13/05/2016 Marco Eigenmann
Exercise 9  13/05/2016  20/05/2016 Andreas Elsener
Exercise 10
R-Skeleton Ex 10
 20/05/2016  27/05/2016 Sylvain Robert

Exercise 11

 27/05/2016  03/06/2016 Andreas Elsener
General discussion
03/06/2016   Sylvain Robert


The solutions will be sent weekly to the students enrolled for this course.

If you want us to correct your exercise, please print out your results and hand them in to one of the assistants during the seminar class. R code can be uploaded to the Nemesis interface. Here is a short description of the Nemesis interface. More details are listed on the organizational sheet.

Questions and Comments

You can always ask questions to the lecturer and tutors during the class and the exercise session. If you want to send us an email, please send it to this address:


Lecture attestation (Testat):
For ECTS credits, you do not have to hand in your solution to the exercises during the semester.
However, active participation in the exercises is strongly recommended to all. To get the credits for this class, you have to take the written exam during the examination session. The exam will contain also applied questions that can only be solved using R.


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The content in this site is accessible to any browser or Internet device, however, some graphics will display correctly only in the newer versions of Netscape. To get the most out of our site we suggest you upgrade to a newer browser.
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