Seminar for Statistics


Start: Friday, 22.2.2008

The first seminar class will be in the computer rooms HG D 11 and HG E 19 for an Introduction to R and emacs and the preliminary discussion of the first exercise (see the links below). Apart from this, the seminar classes are always on Friday, 10-12, HG D7.1

There will be no seminar classes on 21. 3. 2008 (Good Friday) and on 1. 5. 2008 (after Ascension Day).

Exercises will be based on the free open-source statistics and graphics software R, downloadable from the ETH CRAN mirror for Mac, Linux or Windows.

Here is the link to a very short introduction to R for Unix/Linux. We will work with it in the first seminar class.

Students rather working with Windows can use this tutorial.

Emphasis will be put on applied problems. Active participation in the exercises is strongly recommended and required to get credits.

All R packages necessary to solve the exercises are installed in the computer labs in the E floor of the ETH main building. Students which prefer working with their own laptop or PC will need to download packages themselves. R packages can be downloaded from CRAN (where you got R), ETH mirror at Follow the link "Packages" on the left side. There, you can also find documentation on how to install the packages.


Please take a look at this file , containing important information about the exercises and how they should be handed in.

Exercise 1 Friday, March 7, 2008
Enrico Berkes (
Exercise 2
Friday, March 14, 2008
Enrico Berkes (
Exercise 3
Friday, April 4, 2008
Enrico Berkes (
Exercise 4
Friday, April 11, 2008 Bernadetta Tarigan
Exercise 5
Friday, April 18, 2008 Bernadetta Tarigan
Exercise 6 Friday, April 25, 2008 Bernadetta Tarigan
Exercise 7
Friday, May 2, 2008
Markus Kalisch
Exercise 8
Friday, May 9, 2008
Markus Kalisch
Exercise 9
Friday, May 16, 2008
Nicolas Städler
Exercise 10 Friday, May 23, 2008 Nicolas Städler
Exercise 11
Friday, May 30, 2008 Nicolas Städler


The solutions will be distributed weekly in the seminar classes (Friday, 10-12, HG D7.1).


Any corrected exercise sheets that have not been picked up during the seminar class will be kept until 6 June 2008 in LEO C 12.1 in the tray "Computational Statistics / Corrected Exercises". After the indicated date they will be thrown away.

Lecture attestation (Testat):
You need to complete at least 60% of all the tasks, not necessarily correctly but with a satisfying effort. There probably will be 11 Series with 19 tasks, maximum point for each task is 1. (In this case, you need at least 12 points to get the lecture attestation.)


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