2004 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 8 10:21:50 CET 2004
Ending: Thu Dec 23 13:37:25 CET 2004
Messages: 65
- [R-pkgs] rgl v0.64-10 released
Daniel Adler
- [R-pkgs] Release candidate 1 of lme4_0.6-1
Douglas Bates
- [R-pkgs] lme4_0.6-1 uploaded
Douglas Bates
- [R-pkgs] updated package boolean 1.5
Bear F. Braumoeller
- [R-pkgs] New version of eha
Göran Broström
- [R-pkgs] Subselect package - Version 0.7.1
Jorge Cadima
- [R-pkgs] New package: adehabitat
Clément Calenge
- [R-pkgs] New package -- mvpart
Glenn Death
- [R-pkgs] Package "deal" version 1.2-17
Claus Dethlefsen
- [R-pkgs] Quantian with over 500 CRAN / BioC packages
Dirk Eddelbuettel
- [R-pkgs] R interface for MINPACK least squares optimization library
Timur Elzhov
- [R-pkgs] New package: polycor
John Fox
- [R-pkgs] new package gsl, a wrapper for the Gnu Scientific Library
Robin Hankin
- [R-pkgs] gam --- a new contributed package
Trevor Hastie
- [R-pkgs] Cluster validation statistics in fpc
Christian Hennig
- [R-pkgs] MNP
Kosuke Imai
- [R-pkgs] New versions of Hmisc and Design on CRAN
Frank E Harrell Jr
- [R-pkgs] New Hmisc Package Available
Frank E Harrell Jr
- [R-pkgs] New package: RUnit
Klaus Juenemann
- [R-pkgs] New package: ncvar
Schmidli Juerg
- [R-pkgs] R2HTML update
Eric Lecoutre
- [R-pkgs] R2HTML version 1.4-3
Eric Lecoutre
- [R-pkgs] Publishing R package descriptions in JSS
Jan de Leeuw
- [R-pkgs] new version of randomForest (4.0-7)
Liaw, Andy
- [R-pkgs] randomForest 4.3-0 released
Liaw, Andy
- [R-pkgs] Building of Windows binary packages for R-1.9.x has been stopped
Uwe Ligges
- [R-pkgs] eco 1.0-1 released
Ying Lu
- [R-pkgs] dichromat package
Thomas Lumley
- [R-pkgs] New package: RNetCDF
Pavel Michna
- [R-pkgs] R (D)COM server, new release
Erich Neuwirth
- [R-pkgs] Package "ref" implements references and referenceable data.frames for the S-language
"Jens Oehlschlägel"
- [R-pkgs] gstat 0.9-12: cokriging cross validation and class name incompatibilities
Edzer J. Pebesma
- [R-pkgs] NMMAPSdata package
Roger D. Peng
- [R-pkgs] new version of abind()
Tony Plate
- [R-pkgs] verfication package announcement
Matt Pocernich
- [R-pkgs] RODBC 1.1-1
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R-pkgs] Package foreign_0.8-0 is on CRAN
Prof Brian Ripley
- [R-pkgs] Announcing snowFT 0.1
A.J. Rossini
- [R-pkgs] New package: DCluster
Virgilio Gómez Rubio
- [R-pkgs] New package: distr
Peter Ruckdeschel
- [R-pkgs] new version of package "distr" available
Peter Ruckdeschel
- [R-pkgs] New Package: multinomRob
Jasjeet Singh Sekhon
- [R-pkgs] New Package for Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching
Jasjeet Singh Sekhon
- [R-pkgs] Announcing Rpad, a web-based workbook-style interface for R
Short, Tom
- [R-pkgs] energy 1.0.1
Gabor Szekely
- [R-pkgs] FW: Announce: RPy version 0.3.3
Warnes, Gregory R
- [R-pkgs] new version of gregmisc package
Warnes, Gregory R
- [R-pkgs] New package: mcgibbsit, an MCMC run length diagnostic
Warnes, Gregory R
- [R-pkgs] gregmisc 1.11.2 including read.xls()
Warnes, Gregory R
- [R-pkgs] gregmisc 2.0.0 release
Warnes, Gregory R
- [R-pkgs] genetics 1.1.0 released
Warnes, Gregory R
- [R-pkgs] AlgDesign
Bob Wheeler
- [R-pkgs] New package: eba
Florian Wickelmaier
- [R-pkgs] mgcv 1.0
Simon Wood
- [R-pkgs] Moron v0.6.0b released
Igor Wronsky
- [R-pkgs] "new" package fortunes 1.0-3
Achim Zeileis
- [R-pkgs] "new" package sandwich 0.1-3
Achim Zeileis
- [R-pkgs] "new" package zoo 0.2-0
Achim Zeileis
- [R-pkgs] updated package strucchange 1.2-4
Achim Zeileis
- [R-pkgs] updated package ineq 0.2-4
Achim Zeileis
- [R-pkgs] zoo 0.9-1
Achim Zeileis
- [R-pkgs] ade4 package update
ade4 at biomserv.univ-lyon1.fr
- [R-pkgs] flexmix version 1.0-0 released
Friedrich.Leisch at ci.tuwien.ac.at
- [R-pkgs] New versions: mvbutils and debug packages
Mark.Bravington at csiro.au
- [R-pkgs] updated package waveslim 1.4
Brandon.J.Whitcher at gsk.com
Last message date:
Thu Dec 23 13:37:25 CET 2004
Archived on: Thu Jun 11 09:34:25 CEST 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).