[R-pkgs] NMMAPSdata package

Roger D. Peng rpeng at jhsph.edu
Wed Jul 21 05:42:29 CEST 2004

We would like to announce release of version 0.3-3 of the 
NMMAPSdata package.  NMMAPSdata is an R package which contains 
time series data on air pollution, weather, and mortality for 108 
United States cities for the years 1987--2000.  These data were 
originally assembled for the National Morbidity, Mortality, and 
Air Pollution Study sponsored by the Health Effects Institute and 
have since been updated.  While the data have been publicly 
available for some time now, NMMAPSdata, in addition to being a 
convenience for R users, assembles all of the city data into one 
package and contains some utility functions for managing the 

NMMAPSdata can be downloaded from


The package comes with a vignette which contains an overview of 
the data and a few example analyses.

Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Roger Peng
Leah Welty

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