September 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Sep 1 00:46:39 CEST 2012
Ending: Sun Sep 30 22:50:19 CEST 2012
Messages: 503
- [BioC] a question about how can i display list of differentially expressed genes
Islam Amin
- [BioC] question about wilcoxon sign rank in multtest package
Islam Amin
- [BioC] Estimating Size Factors in DESeq Package
Simon Anders
- [BioC] DESeq - working with more than 2 conditions
Simon Anders
- [BioC] DESeq error
Simon Anders
- [BioC] Open-rank faculty position, Dept of Biostatistics, Virginia Commonwealth University
Kellie J Archer/FS/VCU
- [BioC] Bioconductor's qvalue package not working on Macs!
Josh B
- [BioC] Bioconductor's qvalue package not working on Macs!
Josh B
- [BioC] Bioconductor's qvalue package not working on Macs!
Josh B
- [BioC] Create transcriptDb using gff3 files? - library GenomicFeatures and rtracklayer
Bargsten, Joachim
- [BioC] Create transcriptDb using gff3 files? - library GenomicFeatures and rtracklayer
Bargsten, Joachim
- [BioC] Simple minfi question
Gustavo Fernández Bayón
- [BioC] Simple minfi question
Gustavo Fernández Bayón
- [BioC] cause 'memory not mapped' when use oligo
Henrik Bengtsson
- [BioC] DEXSeq: Difference in splicing
Dario Beraldi
- [BioC] CAMERA for non-directional gene sets
Simon de Bernard
- [BioC] CAMERA for non-directional gene sets
Simon de Bernard
- [BioC] DESeq error
Philipp Brand
- [BioC] DESeq error
Philipp Brand
- [BioC] DiffBind - error in dba.count
Gordon Brown
- [BioC] DiffBind - error in dba.count
Gordon Brown
- [BioC] Problem with SPILL matrix / keyword when using write.FCS and flowCore?
Robert Bruggner
- [BioC] job advertisement University of Oxford
Francesca Buffa
- [BioC] ChiPseq input files?
Jonathan Cairns
- [BioC] ChiPseq input files?
Jonathan Cairns
- [BioC] ChiPseq input files?
Jonathan Cairns
- [BioC] ChiPseq input files?
Jonathan Cairns
- [BioC] DESeq - working with more than 2 conditions
Vincenzo Capece
- [BioC] Annotate Affy SNP6 probes in bioc
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] How to filter a list of genes by their ontology
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] rtracklayer, ucscTableQuery -> wgEncodeSydhTfbs, stalling, WHY?
Vincent Carey
- [BioC] AnnotationDbi : makeOrgPackageFromNCBI fails for 'Oryctolagus cuniculus' (Rabbit - tax id : 9986)
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Cannot construct AnnotationDb for GOStats
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Courtesy message for prospective package contributers.
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Annotation for Agilent Chip G4858A-039494
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] submission of new package
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] Create transcriptDb using gff3 files? - library GenomicFeatures and rtracklayer
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] GO annotation
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] GO annotation
Marc Carlson
- [BioC] package ‘hugene10stv1’ is not available: problem in fitProbeLevelModel
Benilton Carvalho
- [BioC] package ‘hugene10stv1’ is not available: problem in fitProbeLevelModel
Benilton Carvalho
- [BioC] CDF file for Mouse Gene 1.1 ST Array
Benilton Carvalho
- [BioC] Bioconductor's qvalue package not working on Macs!
Benilton Carvalho
- [BioC] cause 'memory not mapped' when use oligo
Benilton Carvalho
- [BioC] differences among, mogene10sttranscriptcluster.db and mogene10stprobeset.db
Benilton Carvalho
- [BioC] Analyzing expression Affymetrix array
Benilton Carvalho
- [BioC] GenomicFeatures Installation Problem
Fong Chun Chan
- [BioC] GenomicFeatures Installation Problem
Fong Chun Chan
- [BioC] Fwd: Questions about DecideTest and Several groups
Elodie Chapeaublanc
- [BioC] Questions about DecideTest and Several groups
Elodie Chapeaublanc
- [BioC] transcriptLocs2refLocs Bug when strand is negative
Cook, Malcolm
- [BioC] BUG in Genomic(Features|Ranges): names(unlist(transcriptsBy(txdb, 'gene'))) is UNRELIABLE!!!
Cook, Malcolm
- [BioC] BUG in Genomic(Features|Ranges): names(unlist(transcriptsBy(txdb, 'gene'))) is UNRELIABLE!!!
Cook, Malcolm
- [BioC] transcriptLocs2refLocs Bug when strand is negative
Cook, Malcolm
- [BioC] multicore and GRangesList [Resurrected]
Cook, Malcolm
- [BioC] multicore and GRangesList [Resurrected]
Cook, Malcolm
- [BioC] multicore and GRangesList [Resurrected]
Cook, Malcolm
- [BioC] Encrypting IDAT files using IDATreader
Mark Cowley
- [BioC] Estimating Size Factors in DESeq Package
Andres Eduardo Rodriguez Cubillos
- [BioC] DESeq - Estimating Dispersion with Technical Replicates
Andres Eduardo Rodriguez Cubillos
- [BioC] GeneAnswer package Query
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Advice on experimental setup
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Advice on experimental setup
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Design of please
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
Sean Davis
- [BioC] Feature request in readVcf
Sean Davis
- [BioC] arrayQualityMetrics error on windows
Marcus Davy
- [BioC] arrayQualityMetrics error on windows
Marcus Davy
- [BioC] arrayQualityMetrics error on windows
Marcus Davy
- [BioC] Limma normalization error and loess.R segmentation type fault (windows)
Marcus Davy
- [BioC] Limma normalization error and loess.R segmentation type fault (windows)
Marcus Davy
- [BioC] Limma normalization error and loess.R segmentation type fault (windows)
Marcus Davy
- [BioC] Limma normalization error and loess.R segmentation type fault (windows)
Marcus Davy
- [BioC] Limma normalization error and loess.R segmentation type fault (windows)
Marcus Davy
- [BioC] Mentored Projects at Bioconductor
Marcus Davy
- [BioC] Integer overflow when summing an 'integer' Rle
Nicolas Delhomme
- [BioC] counting RNA-seq reads in R/BioC
Nicolas Delhomme
- [BioC] easyRNASeq package: error when summarizing per gene
Nicolas Delhomme
- [BioC] question on easyRNASeq developer version
Nicolas Delhomme
- [BioC] Error of GTF Annotation in easyRNASeq
Nicolas Delhomme
- [BioC] Error of GTF Annotation in easyRNASeq
Nicolas Delhomme
- [BioC] question on easyRNASeq developer version
Nicolas Delhomme
- [BioC] Error of GTF Annotation in easyRNASeq
Nicolas Delhomme
- [BioC] IRanges: Error in mk_singleBracketReplacementValue(x, value)
Nicolas Delhomme
- [BioC] question on easyRNASeq developer version
Nicolas Delhomme
- [BioC] question on easyRNASeq developer version
Nicolas Delhomme
- [BioC] DEXSeq many exons marked as not testable
Stefan Dentro
- [BioC] DEXSeq many exons marked as not testable
Stefan Dentro
- [BioC] DEXSeq many exons marked as not testable
Stefan Dentro
- [BioC] DEXSeq many exons marked as not testable
Stefan Dentro
- [BioC] DEXSeq many exons marked as not testable
Stefan Dentro
- [BioC] DEXSeq many exons marked as not testable
Stefan Dentro
- [BioC] Set plot title in makeVennDiagram (ChIPpeakAnno)
António Miguel de Jesus Domingues
- [BioC] Set plot title in makeVennDiagram (ChIPpeakAnno)
António Miguel de Jesus Domingues
- [BioC] DiffBind - sample sheet for multiple replicates and peak callers
António Miguel de Jesus Domingues
- [BioC] DiffBind - error in dba.count
António Miguel de Jesus Domingues
- [BioC] DiffBind - error in dba.count
António Miguel de Jesus Domingues
- [BioC] Set plot title and background in makeVennDiagram (ChIPpeakAnno)
António Miguel de Jesus Domingues
- [BioC] problems installing lumi
Pan Du
- [BioC] Beadarray Filtering by Probequality
Mark Dunning
- [BioC] Printing Alt alleles using VariantAnnotation
Mark Dunning
- [BioC] creating GSEA files using biomart
Steffen Durinck
- [BioC] HTqPCR: number of samples, number of features
Heidi Dvinge
- [BioC] HTqPCR
Heidi Dvinge
- [BioC] [Fwd: Re: HTqPCR error]
Heidi Dvinge
- [BioC] HTqPCR Release 2.10
Heidi Dvinge
- [BioC] HTqPCR error
Heidi Dvinge
- [BioC] [R] lowess regression
S Ellison
- [BioC] get gene targets from a specific microRNA
James F.Reid
- [BioC] (microarray) - affylmGUI error when reading Affymetrix U133A and U133B .CEL file
Zaki Fadlullah
- [BioC] GeneAnswer package Query
Gang Feng
- [BioC] GeneAnswer package Query
Gang Feng
- [BioC] differences among, mogene10sttranscriptcluster.db and mogene10stprobeset.db
Javier Pérez Florido
- [BioC] error in DESeq : analysis without replicates
Andreia Fonseca
- [BioC] error in DESeq : analysis without replicates
Andreia Fonseca
- [BioC] Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes using Microarray Technology
Richard Friedman
- [BioC] GWASTools mendelList Constructor
Stephanie M. Gogarten
- [BioC] rtracklayer, ucscTableQuery -> wgEncodeSydhTfbs, stalling, WHY?
Fenton Christopher Graham
- [BioC] rtracklayer, ucscTableQuery -> wgEncodeSydhTfbs, stalling, WHY?
Fenton Christopher Graham
- [BioC] CDF file for Mouse Gene 1.1 ST Array
Groot, Philip de
- [BioC] Advice on experimental setup
Alex Gutteridge
- [BioC] Advice on experimental setup
Alex Gutteridge
- [BioC] Gviz: plotTracks with GeneRegionTrack
Hahne, Florian
- [BioC] Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes using Microarray Technology
Thomas H. Hampton
- [BioC] creating GSEA files using biomart
Juliet Hannah
- [BioC] creating GSEA files using biomart
Juliet Hannah
- [BioC] Understanding "minfi" package & its errors: for the analysis of 450K Methylation chip
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Limma normalization error and loess.R segmentation type fault (windows)
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] Simple minfi question
Kasper Daniel Hansen
- [BioC] (no subject)
- [BioC] Question about gene set enrichment analysis, mistake by taking patients group as control .
- [BioC] Building custom genome in MeDIPS
Yan He
- [BioC] Citing Bioconductor
Aliaksei Holik
- [BioC] Citing Bioconductor
Aliaksei Holik
- [BioC] Converting gene names into Illumina IDs
Aliaksei Holik
- [BioC] Converting gene names into Illumina IDs
Aliaksei Holik
- [BioC] Error, while using produceGEOSampleInfoTemplate
Aliaksei Holik
- [BioC] limma: is it best to always include paired structure (sibship) in design?
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] limma: is it best to always include paired structure (sibship) in design?
Hooiveld, Guido
- [BioC] error in DESeq : analysis without replicates
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] error in DESeq : analysis without replicates
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Batch effect
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] DESeq - working with more than 2 conditions
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] DESeq error
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] DESeq - Estimating Dispersion with Technical Replicates
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Bioconductor's qvalue package not working on Macs!
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] DESeq cuont table normalization
Wolfgang Huber
- [BioC] Batch effect
W. Evan Johnson
- [BioC] goseq/nullp with non-native identifiers
Ravi Karra
- [BioC] KEGGSOAP: list.pathways(org) or alternative way
Jenny Kartsaki
- [BioC] KEGGSOAP: list.pathways(org) or alternative way
Jenny Kartsaki
- [BioC] New positions at Novartis
Kauffmann, Audrey
- [BioC] beadarray: combining swaths for gene expression
Thomas Kelder
- [BioC] BioPAX parsing
Frank Kramer
- [BioC] help with biomaRt bioconductor - Filter upstream_flank NOT FOUND problem
Stefan Kroeger
- [BioC] Pathway analysis of microarray data using bioconductor
ashwani Kumar
- [BioC] DiffBind - overlap between different peak callers
Paolo Kunderfranco
- [BioC] DiffBind - sample sheet for multiple replicates and peak
Paolo Kunderfranco
- [BioC] heatmap.2
Paolo Kunderfranco
- [BioC] Bioconductor Digest, Vol 115, Issue 22
Weng Khong LIM
- [BioC] rtracklayer, ucscTableQuery -> wgEncodeSydhTfbs, stalling, WHY?
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] Feature request in readVcf
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] Feature request in readVcf
Michael Lawrence
- [BioC] A metric to determine best filtration in the limma package
Mark Lawson
- [BioC] Batch effect
Jeff Leek
- [BioC] exomeCopy - memory error
Lescai, Francesco
- [BioC] exomeCopy - memory error
Lescai, Francesco
- [BioC] how to build a R package with the inclusion of inst/extdata
Yue Li
- [BioC] how to build a R package with the inclusion of inst/extdata
Yue Li
- [BioC] how to build a R package with the inclusion of inst/extdata
Yue Li
- [BioC] how to build a R package with the inclusion of inst/extdata
Yue Li
- [BioC] submission of new package
Yue Li
- [BioC] submission of new package
Yue Li
- [BioC] GeneAnswer package Query
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] edgeR query
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] regarding affylmGUI
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] A metric to determine best filtration in the limma package
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] how to build a R package with the inclusion of inst/extdata
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] how to build a R package with the inclusion of inst/extdata
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Estimating Size Factors in DESeq Package
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] an error when i installed the DESeq
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] DESeq - Estimating Dispersion with Technical Replicates
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Building custom genome in MeDIPS
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] DEXSeq many exons marked as not testable
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Differential expression analysis of CAGE data
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Bioconductor Digest, Vol 115, Issue 22
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] Analyzing expression Affymetrix array
Steve Lianoglou
- [BioC] GO annotation
KJ Lim
- [BioC] GO annotation
KJ Lim
- [BioC] subdivideGRanges() to a given number of ranges
Michael Love
- [BioC] subdivideGRanges() to a given number of ranges
Mike Love
- [BioC] Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes using Microarray Technology
Eleonora Lusito
- [BioC] Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes using Microarray Technology
Eleonora Lusito
- [BioC] Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes using Microarray Technology
Eleonora Lusito
- [BioC] biomaRt for COSMIC: frequency of mutation
Eleonora Lusito
- [BioC] Error in setQCEnvironment(cdfn)
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Error in setQCEnvironment(cdfn)
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Error in setQCEnvironment(cdfn)
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Error in setQCEnvironment(cdfn)
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Batch effect
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] edgeR query
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] problems installing lumi
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Seeking easy way of install all or most of BioConductor
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes using Microarray Technology
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] GEOquery-Problem related to importing data set
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] GEOquery-Problem related to importing data set
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] How to retrieve exon ID and gene ID from exon coordinates?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] (microarray) - affylmGUI error when reading Affymetrix U133A and U133B .CEL file
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Questions about DecideTest and Several groups
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] GenomicRanges : How to retrieve exon ID and gene ID from exon coordinates?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] edgeR: confusing BCV plot
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] topGO: full-length descriptions in graph output
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] How to filter a list of genes by their ontology
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] How to filter a list of genes by their ontology
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Set plot title and background in makeVennDiagram (ChIPpeakAnno)
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] limma: is it best to always include paired structure (sibship) in design?
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Building custom genome in MeDIPS
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] paCalls oligo package
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] paCalls oligo package
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Citing Bioconductor
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] simpleaffy() not recognizing cdf file
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Affymetrix data double normalisation
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] paCalls oligo package
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Affymetrix data double normalisation
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] differences among, mogene10sttranscriptcluster.db and mogene10stprobeset.db
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] AnnotationDBI
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] how to adjust p-value in edgeR
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Printing Alt alleles using VariantAnnotation
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Analyzing expression Affymetrix array
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Analyzing expression Affymetrix array
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] Analyzing expression Affymetrix array
James W. MacDonald
- [BioC] A metric to determine best filtration in the limma package
Aaron Mackey
- [BioC] A metric to determine best filtration in the limma package
Aaron Mackey
- [BioC] A metric to determine best filtration in the limma package
Aaron Mackey
- [BioC] A metric to determine best filtration in the limma package
Aaron Mackey
- [BioC] edgeR query
Alyaa Mahmoud
- [BioC] problems reading in a flowSet
- [BioC] Problem with SPILL matrix / keyword when using write.FCS and flowCore?
- [BioC] Data set for comparing statistical tests
Jorge Miró
- [BioC] BUG in Genomic(Features|Ranges): names(unlist(transcriptsBy(txdb, 'gene'))) is UNRELIABLE!!!
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] transcriptLocs2refLocs Bug when strand is negative
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] pdmClass plot error
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] regarding mapping package
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] a question about how can i display list of differentially expressed genes
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] BUG in Genomic(Features|Ranges): names(unlist(transcriptsBy(txdb, 'gene'))) is UNRELIABLE!!!
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] arrayQualityMetrics error on windows
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Limma normalization error and loess.R segmentation type fault (windows)
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] problems installing lumi
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] subdivideGRanges() to a given number of ranges
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] GenomicFeatures Installation Problem
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] how to build a R package with the inclusion of inst/extdata
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] getSRAdbFile cannot open URL
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Course Announcement: Advanced R / Bioconductor Programming, Oct. 15-16, Seattle, WA
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] finding end of file in FASTA file
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] read sequences from fasta file starting with > sign and untill next > sign
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] How to filter a list of genes by their ontology
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] exomeCopy - memory error
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] how does ShortRead function identify score system
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] multicore and GRangesList [Resurrected]
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Feature request in readVcf
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] impute package
Martin Morgan
- [BioC] Differential expression analysis of CAGE data
Makis Motakis
- [BioC] readQpcrBatch function in qpcrNorm
Mueller, Alan
- [BioC] problems installing lumi
Hermann Norpois
- [BioC] Integer overflow when summing an 'integer' Rle
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] subdivideGRanges() to a given number of ranges
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] undefined columns selected error when using bagging{ipred}
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] counting RNA-seq reads in R/BioC
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] VariantAnnotation: readVcf on nonmodel organism
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] Printing Alt alleles using VariantAnnotation
Valerie Obenchain
- [BioC] goseq/nullp with non-native identifiers
Alicia Oshlack
- [BioC] AnnotationDbi : makeOrgPackageFromNCBI fails for 'Oryctolagus cuniculus' (Rabbit - tax id : 9986)
Osselaer, Steven [JRDBE Extern]
- [BioC] cause 'memory not mapped' when use oligo
Ou, Jianhong
- [BioC] cause 'memory not mapped' when use oligo
Ou, Jianhong
- [BioC] edgeR query
Shravanthi P
- [BioC] edgeR query
Shravanthi P
- [BioC] Fetch scaffold sequences from BSgenome package
Hervé Pagès
- [BioC] Seeking easy way of install all or most of BioConductor
Yannick Pouliot PhD
- [BioC] Batch effect
Steve Piccolo
- [BioC] Is normalization in edgeR required for small RNA sequencing data?
Daniela Lopes Paim Pinto
- [BioC] NGS public data analysis
Jill Pleasance
- [BioC] GOSEQ help
Emma Quinn
- [BioC] PostDoctoral position - Deadline is approaching
RNDr. Martin Pospíšek, Ph.D.
- [BioC] question on easyRNASeq developer version
- [BioC] DEXSeq many exons marked as not testable
Alejandro Reyes
- [BioC] DEXSeq many exons marked as not testable
Alejandro Reyes
- [BioC] DEXSeq many exons marked as not testable
Alejandro Reyes
- [BioC] DEXSeq: Difference in splicing
Alejandro Reyes
- [BioC] counting RNA-seq reads in R/BioC
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] Is normalization in edgeR required for small RNA sequencing data?
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] Euro Bioc Devel 2012 Zurich CH -- Dec 13-14 2012 -- registration open
Mark Robinson
- [BioC] Annotate Affy SNP6 probes in bioc
Christian Ruckert
- [BioC] edgeR multifactorial design: confusing BCV plot
Natasha Sahgal
- [BioC] edgeR multifactorial design: confusing BCV plot
Natasha Sahgal
- [BioC] edgeR: confusing BCV plot
Natasha Sahgal
- [BioC] edgeR: confusing BCV plot
Natasha Sahgal
- [BioC] DESeq - working with more than 2 conditions
Natasha Sahgal
- [BioC] Advice with RemoveBatchEffect and Rank Product package
Osee Sanogo
- [BioC] Advice with RemoveBatchEffect and Rank Product package
Osee Sanogo
- [BioC] Advice with RemoveBatchEffect and Rank Product package
Sanogo, Yibayiri O
- [BioC] Advice with RemoveBatchEffect and Rank Product package
Sanogo, Yibayiri O
- [BioC] Advice with RemoveBatchEffect and Rank Product package
Sanogo, Yibayiri O
- [BioC] limma separate channel analysis of your data
Sanogo, Yibayiri O
- [BioC] limma separate channel analysis of your data
Sanogo, Yibayiri O
- [BioC] limma separate channel analysis of your data
Sanogo, Yibayiri O
- [BioC] Batch effect
Santana Sarma
- [BioC] cause 'memory not mapped' when use oligo
Robert Scharpf
- [BioC] mzR version mismatch
Uwe Schmitt
- [BioC] easyRNASeq package: error when summarizing per gene
Schott, Johanna
- [BioC] topGO: full-length descriptions in graph output
Frank Schwach
- [BioC] topGO: full-length descriptions in graph output
Frank Schwach
- [BioC] DESeq cuont table normalization
Fatemehsadat Seyednasrollah
- [BioC] new: Mentored Projects at Bioconductor
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] Mentored Projects at Bioconductor
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] which R package can be used to do all the GO analysis
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] which R package can be used to do all the GO analysis
Paul Shannon
- [BioC] impute package
Farnoosh Haji Sheikhi
- [BioC] edgeR GLM error
Javier Simón-Sánchez
- [BioC] edgeR GLM error
Javier Simón-Sánchez
- [BioC] edgeR GLM error
Javier Simón-Sánchez
- [BioC] Install devel version of edgeR
Javier Simón-Sánchez
- [BioC] edgeR GLM error
Javier Simón-Sánchez
- [BioC] edgeR GLM error
Javier Simón-Sánchez
- [BioC] GeneAnswer package Query
Reema Singh
- [BioC] GeneAnswer package Query
Reema Singh
- [BioC] GeneAnswer package Query
Reema Singh
- [BioC] GeneAnswer package Query
Reema Singh
- [BioC] Batch effect
Reema Singh
- [BioC] Limma normalization error and loess.R segmentation type fault (windows)
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Limma normalization error and loess.R segmentation type fault (windows)
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Limma normalization error and loess.R segmentation type fault (windows)
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] strange results with edgeR::goodTuring
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Advice with RemoveBatchEffect and Rank Product package
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Advice with RemoveBatchEffect and Rank Product package
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Advice with RemoveBatchEffect and Rank Product package
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] A metric to determine best filtration in the limma package
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma separate channel analysis of your data
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] A metric to determine best filtration in the limma package
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] A metric to determine best filtration in the limma package
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] edgeR GLM error
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma separate channel analysis of your data
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] edgeR: confusing BCV plot
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Install devel version of edgeR
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Install devel version of edgeR
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma: is it best to always include paired structure (sibship) in design?
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] edgeR GLM error
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] edgeR GLM error
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] limma: is it best to always include paired structure (sibship) in design?
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] Mentored Projects at Bioconductor
Gordon K Smyth
- [BioC] GO annotation
Srinivasan, Sathish K
- [BioC] DiffBind - sample sheet for multiple replicates and peak
Rory Stark
- [BioC] DiffBind - sample sheet for multiple replicates and peak
Rory Stark
- [BioC] DiffBind - overlap between different peak callers
Rory Stark
- [BioC] getSRAdbFile cannot open URL
Nicholas Stong
- [BioC] what difference to use edgeR in two different mode?
Dario Strbenac
- [BioC] GEOquery-Problem related to importing data set
Roopa Subbaiaih
- [BioC] GEOquery-Problem related to importing data set
Roopa Subbaiaih
- [BioC] GEOquery-Problem related to importing data set
Roopa Subbaiaih
- [BioC] GEOquery-Problem related to importing data set
Roopa Subbaiaih
- [BioC] shorth function and Affymetrix Hugene
Juan Fernández Tajes
- [BioC] paCalls oligo package
Juan Fernández Tajes
- [BioC] paCalls oligo package
Juan Fernández Tajes
- [BioC] paCalls oligo package
Juan Fernández Tajes
- [BioC] Analyzing expression Affymetrix array
Juan Fernández Tajes
- [BioC] Analyzing expression Affymetrix array
Juan Fernández Tajes
- [BioC] Analyzing expression Affymetrix array
Juan Fernández Tajes
- [BioC] Analyzing expression Affymetrix array
Juan Fernández Tajes
- [BioC] lowess regression
Bogdan Tanasa
- [BioC] [R] lowess regression
Bogdan Tanasa
- [BioC] mzR version mismatch
Dan Tenenbaum
- [BioC] Bioconductor's qvalue package not working on Macs!
Dan Tenenbaum
- [BioC] bioconductor on EMR / mapreduce
Dan Tenenbaum
- [BioC] bioconductor on EMR / mapreduce
Dan Tenenbaum
- [BioC] bioconductor on EMR / mapreduce
Dan Tenenbaum
- [BioC] SNP call estimation from Fluidigm Microarrays
Hans Thompson
- [BioC] Data set for comparing statistical tests
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [BioC] Annotation for Agilent Chip G4858A-039494
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [BioC] BUG in Genomic(Features|Ranges): names(unlist(transcriptsBy(txdb, 'gene'))) is UNRELIABLE!!!
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [BioC] Batch effect
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [BioC] Estimating Size Factors in DESeq Package
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [BioC] Estimating Size Factors in DESeq Package
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [BioC] GenomicRanges : How to retrieve exon ID and gene ID from exon coordinates?
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [BioC] GenomicRanges : How to retrieve exon ID and gene ID from exon coordinates?
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [BioC] multicore and GRangesList [Resurrected]
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [BioC] Feature request in readVcf
Tim Triche, Jr.
- [BioC] How to design matrix that account to effect of transgenic event in edgeR ?
Sermsawat Tunlaya-Anukit
- [BioC] GOFunction error
Jing Wang
- [BioC] Advice on experimental setup
David Westergaard
- [BioC] Advice on experimental setup
David Westergaard
- [BioC] Advice on experimental setup
David Westergaard
- [BioC] Advice on experimental setup
David Westergaard
- [BioC] ChIPpeakAnno, callEnrichedRegions results have "holes"
Susan Wilson
- [BioC] Cannot construct AnnotationDb for GOStats
Hollis Wright
- [BioC] Cannot construct AnnotationDb for GOStats
Hollis Wright
- [BioC] CAMERA for non-directional gene sets
Wu, Di
- [BioC] CAMERA for non-directional gene sets
Wu, Di
- [BioC] VariantAnnotation: readVcf on nonmodel organism
Yannick Wurm
- [BioC] VariantAnnotation: readVcf on nonmodel organism
Yannick Wurm
- [BioC] y解雇辞退及违纪问题员工处理的方法
- [BioC] GWASTools mendelList Constructor
Samuel Younkin
- [BioC] GWASTools mendelList Constructor
Samuel Younkin
- [BioC] GOSemSim mgeneSim GO.BP calculation time
Guangchuang Yu
- [BioC] question on easyRNASeq developer version
Yanju Zhang
- [BioC] question on easyRNASeq developer version
Yanju Zhang
- [BioC] ChIPpeakAnno - keep fold enrichment information
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] question regarding ChIPPeakAnno use
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] Set plot title in makeVennDiagram (ChIPpeakAnno)
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] Set plot title in makeVennDiagram (ChIPpeakAnno)
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] Set plot title and background in makeVennDiagram (ChIPpeakAnno)
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] Set plot title and background in makeVennDiagram (ChIPpeakAnno)
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] findOverlappingPeaks in ChipPeakAnno
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] Fetch scaffold sequences from BSgenome package
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] Fetch scaffold sequences from BSgenome package
Zhu, Lihua (Julie)
- [BioC] cosmo for particular sequences
Ana Richardson [guest]
- [BioC] rtracklayer, ucscTableQuery -> wgEncodeSydhTfbs, stalling, WHY?
Chris Fenton [guest]
- [BioC] undefined columns selected error when using bagging{ipred}
Constanze [guest]
- [BioC] Annotation for Agilent Chip G4858A-039494
Constanze Schmitt [guest]
- [BioC] DEXSeq: Difference in splicing
Dario [guest]
- [BioC] topGO: full-length descriptions in graph output
Frank Schwach [guest]
- [BioC] problems reading in a flowSet
Gabriel Yvon-Durocher [guest]
- [BioC] finding end of file in FASTA file
Jack [guest]
- [BioC] read sequences from fasta file starting with > sign and untill next > sign
Jack [guest]
- [BioC] attract SynExprs error
Jessica [guest]
- [BioC] Analysis of public GEO datasets - NGS
Jill [guest]
- [BioC] easyRNASeq package: error when summarizing per gene
Johanna Schott [guest]
- [BioC] Affymetrix data double normalisation
Jun Han [guest]
- [BioC] How to filter a list of genes by their ontology
Laurent Pays [guest]
- [BioC] Using \'SSOAP\' to do EMBL-EBI Web Services of emboss needle
LiGang [guest]
- [BioC] AnnotationDBI
Nick Burgoyne [guest]
- [BioC] simpleaffy() not recognizing cdf file
SAIC [guest]
- [BioC] Vacancies for Bioinformatician/Software Developer
Tanita Casci [guest]
- [BioC] Postdoc position available
Ted Morrow [guest]
- [BioC] GOFunction error
Wang [guest]
- [BioC] import miRNA data
maryam [guest]
- [BioC] p value
preet [guest]
- [BioC] rna-seq
saman amini [guest]
- [BioC] find CNAs using RAE method
adesh ashok
- [BioC] HTqPCR: number of samples, number of features
alessandro brozzi
- [BioC] HTqPCR: number of samples, number of features
alessandro brozzi
- [BioC] How to retrieve exon ID and gene ID from exon coordinates?
ying chen
- [BioC] GenomicRanges : How to retrieve exon ID and gene ID from exon coordinates?
ying chen
- [BioC] How to retrieve exon ID and gene ID from exon coordinates?
ying chen
- [BioC] GenomicRanges : How to retrieve exon ID and gene ID from exon coordinates?
ying chen
- [BioC] Create transcriptDb using gff3 files? - library GenomicFeatures and rtracklayer
ying chen
- [BioC] CDF file for Mouse Gene 1.1 ST Array
- [BioC] DMET Plus Affymetrix
ramona.schmid at
- [BioC] edgeR query
wenhuo hu
- [BioC] edgeR: confusing BCV plot
wenhuo hu
- [BioC] (no subject)
deepika lakhwani
- [BioC] regarding affylmGUI
deepika lakhwani
- [BioC] chip-seq data
John linux-user
- [BioC] ChiPseq input files?
John linux-user
- [BioC] ChiPseq input files?
John linux-user
- [BioC] How to filter a list of genes by their ontology
John linux-user
- [BioC] ChiPseq input files?
John linux-user
- [BioC] ChiPseq input files?
John linux-user
- [BioC] exomeCopy - memory error
- [BioC] exomeCopy - memory error
- [BioC] Understanding "minfi" package & its errors: for the analysis of 450K Methylation chip
pooja mandaviya
- [BioC] Understanding "minfi" package & its errors: for the analysis of 450K Methylation chip
pooja mandaviya
- [BioC] Error in setQCEnvironment(cdfn)
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Error in setQCEnvironment(cdfn)
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Error in setQCEnvironment(cdfn)
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Error in setQCEnvironment(cdfn)
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Error in setQCEnvironment(cdfn)
suparna mitra
- [BioC] package ‘hugene10stv1’ is not available: problem in fitProbeLevelModel
suparna mitra
- [BioC] package ‘hugene10stv1’ is not available: problem in fitProbeLevelModel
suparna mitra
- [BioC] package ‘hugene10stv1’ is not available: problem in fitProbeLevelModel
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Design of please
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Design of please
suparna mitra
- [BioC] (no subject)
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
suparna mitra
- [BioC] Analysis affymetrix of please
suparna mitra
- [BioC] an error to load edgeR
wang peter
- [BioC] what difference to use edgeR in two different mode?
wang peter
- [BioC] what difference to use edgeR in two different mode?
wang peter
- [BioC] an error when i installed the DESeq
wang peter
- [BioC] a problem with DESeq
wang peter
- [BioC] how does ShortRead function identify score system
wang peter
- [BioC] which R package can be used to do all the GO analysis
wang peter
- [BioC] how to find DE genes using both of 51bp data and 100bp data
wang peter
- [BioC] how to adjust p-value in edgeR
wang peter
- [BioC] get gene targets from a specific microRNA
yotsawat pomyen
- [BioC] subdivideGRanges() to a given number of ranges
d r
- [BioC] subdivideGRanges() to a given number of ranges
d r
- [BioC] subdivideGRanges() to a given number of ranges
d r
- [BioC] bioconductor on EMR / mapreduce
seth redmond
- [BioC] bioconductor on EMR / mapreduce
seth redmond
- [BioC] bioconductor on EMR / mapreduce
seth redmond
- [BioC] the set of SNPs difference between Genome build 37.1 and 37.3
shirley zhang
- [BioC] Affymetrix data double normalisation
shirley zhang
- [BioC] Affymetrix data double normalisation
shirley zhang
Last message date:
Sun Sep 30 22:50:19 CEST 2012
Archived on: Mon Oct 1 16:34:19 CEST 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).