[BioC] edgeR: confusing BCV plot

Natasha Sahgal nsahgal at well.ox.ac.uk
Wed Sep 12 11:05:47 CEST 2012

Dear List,

Sorry for any cross-posting. 

I have an RNA-Seq expt for which I'd like to use edgeR, as it is multifactorial in design. 
The expt: 2 cell-lines (ko,wt), 2 conditions(stimulated, unstimulated), n=2 in each group.
My aim: to detect DE genes based on the effect of stimulus on ko cells.

However, I do not understand the output from the BCV plot after estimating dispersion.
Thus would appreciate any help/advice/suggestions.

Also, would appreciate comments on the filtering step! As, it appears to me that I still have some genes with 0 read counts (as seen under the normalisation section).

dim(gene.counts.2) # 33607     8
## Sample Descriptions
group = factor(gsub("\\_[[:digit:]]","",colnames(gene.counts.2)))

## Creating dge list
y = DGEList(counts=gene.counts.2, group=group)

## Filtering
keep = rowSums(cpm(y)>1) >= 4
#17678 15929
keep2 = rowSums(cpm(y)>2) >= 4
#19300 14307
keep3 = rowSums(cpm(y)>3) >= 4
#20229 13378

y.filt = y[keep, ] 
dim(y.filt$counts)  # 15929     8

y.filt2 = y[keep2, ] 
dim(y.filt2$counts) # 14307     8

y.filt3 = y[keep3, ] 
dim(y.filt3$counts) # 13378     8

## Recalculate lib.size
y.filt$samples$lib.size = colSums(y.filt$counts) y.filt2$samples$lib.size = colSums(y.filt2$counts) y.filt3$samples$lib.size = colSums(y.filt3$counts)

## Normalisation
y.filt = calcNormFactors(y.filt)

range(y.filt$counts[,1]) #  0 159659
range(y.filt$counts[,2]) #  0 155390
range(y.filt$counts[,3]) #  0 122249
range(y.filt$counts[,4]) #  0 137046
range(y.filt$counts[,5]) #  0 206528
range(y.filt$counts[,6]) #  0 222176
range(y.filt$counts[,7]) #  0 192333
range(y.filt$counts[,8]) #  0 229413

y.filt2 = calcNormFactors(y.filt2)

range(y.filt2$counts[,1]) #  0 159659
range(y.filt2$counts[,2]) #  0 155390
range(y.filt2$counts[,3]) #  0 122249
range(y.filt2$counts[,4]) #  0 137046
range(y.filt2$counts[,5]) #  0 206528
range(y.filt2$counts[,6]) #  0 222176
range(y.filt2$counts[,7]) #  0 192333
range(y.filt2$counts[,8]) #  0 229413

y.filt3 = calcNormFactors(y.filt3)

range(y.filt3$counts[,1]) #  0 159659
range(y.filt3$counts[,2]) #  0 155390
range(y.filt3$counts[,3]) #  0 122249
range(y.filt3$counts[,4]) #  0 137046
range(y.filt3$counts[,5]) #  0 206528
range(y.filt3$counts[,6]) #  0 222176
range(y.filt3$counts[,7]) #  0 192333
range(y.filt3$counts[,8]) #  0 229413

## MDS plots
plotMDS(y.filt, main="cpm(y)>1")
plotMDS(y.filt2, main="cpm(y)>2")
plotMDS(y.filt3, main="cpm(y)>3")

## Design Matrix
design = model.matrix(~0+group)
colnames(design) = gsub("group","",colnames(design)) design #  KO KO_stim WT WT_stim
#1  1       0  0       0
#2  1       0  0       0
#3  0       1  0       0
#4  0       1  0       0
#5  0       0  1       0
#6  0       0  1       0
#7  0       0  0       1
#8  0       0  0       1

## Estimating Dispersion
y.filt = estimateGLMCommonDisp(y.filt, design, verbose=T) #Disp = 0.0276 , BCV = 0.1661
y.filt2 = estimateGLMCommonDisp(y.filt2, design, verbose=T) #Disp = 0.02711 , BCV = 0.1646
y.filt3 = estimateGLMCommonDisp(y.filt3, design, verbose=T) #Disp = 0.02665 , BCV = 0.1632

y.filt = estimateGLMTrendedDisp(y.filt,design)
y.filt2 = estimateGLMTrendedDisp(y.filt2,design)
y.filt3 = estimateGLMTrendedDisp(y.filt3,design)

y.filt = estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(y.filt,design)
y.filt2 = estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(y.filt2,design)
y.filt3 = estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(y.filt3,design)

plotBCV(y.filt, main="cpm(y)>1")
plotBCV(y.filt2, main="cpm(y)>2")
plotBCV(y.filt3, main="cpm(y)>3")

### NOT RUN this section 
## Fit Model
fit = glmFit(y.filt, design)
cont = makeContrasts((KO_stim - KO) - (WT_stim - WT), levels=design) 
lrt = glmLRT(y.filt, fit, contrast=as.vector(cont))

R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_GB.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_GB.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_GB.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=C                 LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] splines   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
[8] base     

other attached packages:
[1] scatterplot3d_0.3-33 DESeq_1.8.3          locfit_1.5-7        
[4] Biobase_2.16.0       BiocGenerics_0.2.0   WriteXLS_2.1.0      
[7] edgeR_2.6.10         limma_3.12.0        

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] annotate_1.34.0      AnnotationDbi_1.18.0 DBI_0.2-5           
 [4] genefilter_1.38.0    geneplotter_1.34.0   grid_2.15.0         
 [7] IRanges_1.14.2       lattice_0.20-6       RColorBrewer_1.0-5  
[10] RSQLite_0.11.1       stats4_2.15.0        survival_2.36-14    
[13] tools_2.15.0         xtable_1.7-0        

Many Thanks,

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