Seminar for Statistics


Ferienpräsenz /Question Hour

1) Wednesday, 12.01.2011, 14:00 - 15:00, HG G 26.1.

2) Wednesday, 19.01.2011, 14:00 - 15:00, HG G 26.1.

Prüfungseinsicht / Exam Consultation

You can review your exam of the lectures from the Seminar für Statistik on Thursday, 03.03.2011, from 12:00 to 12:30, HG G 26.3. If this time is inconvenient for you, please contact Jürg (

Exercises start on 11/10/2010 with a special introduction to the "R" software.


The exercises take place in HG D 1.2 every two weeks starting at 11/10/2010. The exercise at 11/10/2010 takes place in the computer rooms HG E 19 and HG E 26.1.

Exercises and Solutions

Exercise Deadline to hand in your solution Solution
R-Tutorial: PDF    
Exercise 1: PDF
Monday, 18/10/2010 Solution 1: PDF R code
Exercise 2: PDF Monday, 01/11/2010 Solution 2: PDF R code
Exercise 3: PDF Monday, 15/11/2010 Solution 3: PDF R code
Exercise 4: PDF Monday, 29/11/2010 Solution 4: PDF R code
Exercise 5: PDF Monday, 13/12/2010
Solution 5: PDF R code
Exercise 6: PDF   Solution 6: PDF R code

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