Fourth quarter 2024 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Oct 8 04:19:09 CEST 2024
Ending: Mon Dec 30 15:50:01 CET 2024
Messages: 56
- [R-sig-ME] how to get satterthwaite/Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for heterogeneous-variance one-way ANOVA from an object of nlme::gls
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Starting point for modeling a within-subject design
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Convergence issues with nlme:lme
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] Fixing non-symetrix sigma matrix
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB output for t-family
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] bootstrap confidence interval and p-value for treatment vs control comparisons
Ben Bolker
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB output for t-family
Mollie Brooks
- [R-sig-ME] Coding comparisons and interactions with the R package emmeans
Chen, Gang (NIH/NIMH) [E]
- [R-sig-ME] Starting point for modeling a within-subject design
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] Starting point for modeling a within-subject design
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] Fixing non-symetrix sigma matrix
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] Fixing non-symetrix sigma matrix
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB syntax to brm() syntax
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] Simulating beta-distributed outcome in glmmTMB
Simon Harmel
- [R-sig-ME] ONLINE COURSE – Introduction To Mixed Models Using R And Rstudio (IMMR09)
Oliver Hooker
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 (V.1.1-35.5) Convergence Warnings & Model Reliability
Paul Johnson
- [R-sig-ME] how to get satterthwaite/Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for heterogeneous-variance one-way ANOVA from an object of nlme::gls
Maarten Jung
- [R-sig-ME] how to get satterthwaite/Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for heterogeneous-variance one-way ANOVA from an object of nlme::gls
Lenth, Russell V
- [R-sig-ME] how to get satterthwaite/Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for heterogeneous-variance one-way ANOVA from an object of nlme::gls
Lenth, Russell V
- [R-sig-ME] Convergence issues with nlme:lme
Robert Long
- [R-sig-ME] reference category in varIdent function (once again)
Sebastian Meyer
- [R-sig-ME] reference category in varIdent function (once again)
Sebastian Meyer
- [R-sig-ME] GLMM post-hoc analysis with bootstrapping
Lieke Moereels
- [R-sig-ME] bootstrap confidence interval and p-value for treatment vs control comparisons
Lieke Moereels
- [R-sig-ME] bootstrap confidence interval and p-value for treatment vs control comparisons
Lieke Moereels
- [R-sig-ME] reference category in varIdent function (once again)
James Pustejovsky
- [R-sig-ME] reference category in varIdent function (once again)
James Pustejovsky
- [R-sig-ME] reference category in varIdent function (once again)
James Pustejovsky
- [R-sig-ME] how to get satterthwaite/Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for heterogeneous-variance one-way ANOVA from an object of nlme::gls
Qiu, Weiliang /US
- [R-sig-ME] how to get satterthwaite/Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for heterogeneous-variance one-way ANOVA from an object of nlme::gls
Qiu, Weiliang /US
- [R-sig-ME] how to get satterthwaite/Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for heterogeneous-variance one-way ANOVA from an object of nlme::gls
Qiu, Weiliang /US
- [R-sig-ME] how to get satterthwaite/Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for heterogeneous-variance one-way ANOVA from an object of nlme::gls
Qiu, Weiliang /US
- [R-sig-ME] how to get satterthwaite/Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for heterogeneous-variance one-way ANOVA from an object of nlme::gls
Qiu, Weiliang /US
- [R-sig-ME] how to get satterthwaite/Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for heterogeneous-variance one-way ANOVA from an object of nlme::gls
Qiu, Weiliang /US
- [R-sig-ME] contrasts and factors with 2 or more levels
Gonçalo M. Rosa
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB output for t-family
Henrik Singmann
- [R-sig-ME] glmmTMB output for t-family
Henrik Singmann
- [R-sig-ME] Nonlinear mixed models with nlme::nlme() and lme4::nlmer()
David Sirl
- [R-sig-ME] very low conditiona; l/marginal r-squared for a mixed model
Santosh Srinivas
- [R-sig-ME] how to get satterthwaite/Kenward-Roger degrees of freedom for heterogeneous-variance one-way ANOVA from an object of nlme::gls
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-ME] Fixing non-symetrix sigma matrix
Rolf Turner
- [R-sig-ME] lme4 (V.1.1-35.5) Convergence Warnings & Model Reliability
Vazquez Sanchez, Manuel
- [R-sig-ME] Introduction to GLLVM and multivariate GLMM
Alain Zuur
- [R-sig-ME] Seeking Advice on Structural Equation Modeling with GLMMs
Last message date:
Mon Dec 30 15:50:01 CET 2024
Archived on: Mon Dec 30 16:00:20 CET 2024
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