[R-sig-ME] bootstrap confidence interval and p-value for treatment vs control comparisons

Lieke Moereels L|eke@Moeree|@ @end|ng |rom UGent@be
Wed Nov 13 13:58:13 CET 2024

Dear all
I hope you�re doing well. I posted a similar question earlier but didn�t get a reply and because I�m under a bit of pressure to advance on this matter, I hope it�s fine I ask this modified, shorter question on the same topic.
If I have a simple GLMM specified as: diversity ~ land use type + (1|location) where land use type has 4 levels (let�s say 1 control and 3 treatments) and location at least 8.
How could I obtain parametric bootstrap confidence intervals and associated p-values for the difference in mean diversity between each of the treatments and the control, that are corrected for these multiple comparisons by a Dunnett correction?
(So I'm basically looking for a parametric bootstrapping alternative to emmeans' "confint(contrast(emmeans(fitted_model, ~ landuse), "trt.vs.ctrl", ref = 1))")

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Have a very nice day!

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