[R-sig-ME] Nonlinear mixed models with nlme::nlme() and lme4::nlmer()
David Sirl
d@v|d@@|r|@uk @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Nov 21 22:12:09 CET 2024
Hi R-sig-mixed-models-ers,
I'm fairly new to working with mixed models (and only have a couple of
years of working with R behind me) and have reason to want to fit some
nonlinear mixed models, so I'm working through the analysis of the
Soybean data that's in Sec 6.3 of Pinheiro & Bates' book "Mixed-Effects
Models in S and S-plus" (2000, Springer series on Statistics & Computing).
To help learn about these models I've been reproducing this analysis
using both nlme::nlme() (as P&B use, though in S rather than R) and
lme4::nlmer() (which I understand to have broadly similar functionality
but with better numerics in some places) and the results from the two
different packages agreed fairly well for the first analyses I did. But
now I have tried to fit a particular model (to the same data) using
these two methods and I get results that (i) suggest I really am fitting
the same model to the same data, (ii) in some respects agree closely,
but (iii) in other respects differ wildly.
A couple of colleagues have checked my code and don't see any issues, so
I wonder if anyone here might be able to suggest what's going wrong with
either one of these functions (which I presume is not very likely) or my
use of these functions (presumably much more likely!) please?
I've set out what I've done below; and I'd be very grateful for any
suggestions that anyone can offer re what has gone wrong and where.
Best wishes,
*A first sanity check*
First I'll just write out the key parts of the calls I make to these
functions, in case I've been really daft and not noticed that my calls
should not be expected to fit the same model:
nlme::nlme(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal),
data = ...,
fixed = Asym+xmid+scal~1,
random = Asym~1,
groups = ~Plot,
start = ...)
lme4::nlmer(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal) ~ (Asym + xmid +
scal) + (Asym|Plot),
data = ...,
start = ...)
*Some more detail*
Assuming/hoping that the code above suggests that I am fitting the same
model with both methods, here's a bit more detail of the context, what
I'm trying to do and what's happening that suggests to me something is
going wrong.
The dataset is Soybean (has "weight" recorded at 8-10 values of "Time"
for each of 48 values of the grouping factor "Plot") and the model I'm
trying to fit is of logistic growth using SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid,
scal) with a random effect for Asym only (and fixed effects for all
three parameters).
The starting parameter values I use are the (marginal) medians of the
parameter estimates for group-wise OLS fits of a logistic function to
the data for each Plot (fitted using nlme::olsList()) - I've omitted
this and entered the values explicitly here:
startParams = c(Asym=19.813031, xmid=56.243394, scal=8.718537)
fm3Soy.nlme =
nlme::nlme(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal),
data = nlme::Soybean
fixed = Asym+xmid+scal~1,
random = Asym~1,
groups = ~Plot,
start = startParams)
fm3Soy.nlmer =
lme4::nlmer(weight ~ SSlogis(Time, Asym, xmid, scal) ~ (Asym + xmid +
scal) + (Asym|Plot),
data = nlme::Soybean
start = startParams)
From the summary() of each fit I get what appear to be exactly the same
parameters being estimated / reported on, and they're very much in
agreement regarding likelihood/AIC/BIC values, variances of random
effects, point estimates of fixed effects. But they are qualitatively
very different in terms of standard errors and correlations for fixed
effects. The standard errors differ by a factor of ~100 and the
correlations are in the range 0.3 - 0.7 vs -0.3 - 0.0 and, based on what
I know of the data (and the output in P&B's book!) I'm fairly confident
that the results from lme4::nlmer() which are incorrect.
A further suggestion of things going wrong arises if I try to find CIs
for model parameters [using intervals(fm3Soy.nlme) and
confint(fm3Soy.nlmer)]. The latter gives an error message "Error in
eval(expr, envir, enclos): step factor reduced below 0.001 without
reducing pwrss" which I don't understand and for which my Google-ing
doesn't yield any help - I only see help for when this error arises in
fitting the model.
Another possibly relevant point is that this is not a model that's
actually fitted in P&B (the first thing they do is deal with the
non-constant error variance). But even if some of the model assumptions
are violated I am still fitting the same model to the same data, so I
feel quite un-nerved by the big discrepancy in the results from the two
The fits both seem reasonably good in the sense that the augmented
predictions [e.g. with nlme::augPred(fm3Soy.nlme, level=0:1) |> plot()]
for both methods agree with each other and, visually, agree fairly well
to the data. (It's only standard errors and correlations of fixed
effects that differ.)
(I have also fitted the model in a Bayesian way using brms::brm() and
get results that are in keeping with those from nlme::nlme() above.)
Thanks very much if you've read this far. I hope I've included all
relevant information to help track down what might be happening, but if
someone is interested in helping and would like some more information
then please do let me know.
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